Elixir collectors
To use Test Engine with your Elixir projects use
with ExUnit.
You can also upload test results by importing JSON or JUnit XML.
ExUnit is a Elixir unit test library.
Before you start, make sure ExUnit runs with access to CI environment variables.
Create a test suite and copy the API token that it gives you.
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
:def deps do [ {:buildkite_test_collector, "~> 0.1.0", only: [:test]} ] end
Set up your API token:
In your
(or other environment configuration as appropriate) add the Buildkite Test Engine API token. We suggest that you retrieve the token from the environment, and configure your CI environment accordingly (for example using secrets).import Config config :buildkite_test_collector, api_key: System.get_env("BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN")
to your ExUnit configuration intest/test_helper.exs
:ExUnit.configure formatters: [BuildkiteTestCollector.Formatter, ExUnit.CLIFormatter] ExUnit.start
Run your tests like normal:
Note that we attempt to detect the presence of several common CI environments. However if this fails you can set the
environment variable to any value and it will work.$ mix test ... Finished in 0.01 seconds (0.003s on load, 0.004s on tests) 3 tests, 0 failures Randomized with seed 12345
Verify that it works. If all is well, you should see the test run analytics on the Buildkite Test Engine dashboard.