
Buildkite Package Registries provides registry support for Python-based (PyPI) packages.

Once your Python source registry has been created, you can publish/upload packages (generated from your application's build) to this registry via the curl command presented on your Python registry's details page.

To view and copy this curl command:

  1. Select Package Registries in the global navigation to access the Registries page.
  2. Select your Python source registry on this page.
  3. Select Publish a Python Package and in the resulting dialog, use the copy icon at the top-right of the code box to copy this curl command and run it to publish a package to your Python registry.

This command provides:

  • The specific URL to publish a package to your specific Python source registry in Buildkite.
  • The API access token required to publish packages to your Python source registry.
  • The Python package file to be published.

Publish a package

You can use two approaches to publish a Python package to your Python source registry—curl or the Buildkite CLI.

Using curl

The following curl command (which you'll need to modify as required before submitting) describes the process above to publish a Python package to your Python source registry:

curl -X POST{org.slug}/registries/{registry.slug}/packages \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $REGISTRY_WRITE_TOKEN" \
  -F "file=@path/to/python/package.tar.gz"


  • {org.slug} can be obtained from the end of your Buildkite URL, after accessing Package Registries or Pipelines in the global navigation of your organization in Buildkite.
  • {registry.slug} is the slug of your Python source registry, which is the kebab-case version of this registry's name, and can be obtained after accessing Package Registries in the global navigation > your Python source registry from the Registries page.

  • $REGISTRY_WRITE_TOKEN is your API access token used to publish/upload packages to your Python source registry. Ensure this access token has the Read Packages and Write Packages REST API scopes, which allows this token to publish packages to any source registry your user account has access to within your Buildkite organization. Alternatively, you can use an OIDC token that meets your Python source registry's OIDC policy. Learn more about these tokens in OIDC in Buildkite Package Registries.

  • path/to/python/package.tar.gz is the full path to the Python .tar.gz package, including the file's name. If the file is located in the same directory that this command is running from, then no path is required.

For example, to upload the file my-python-package-0.9.7b1.tar.gz from the current directory to the My Python packages source registry in the My organization Buildkite organization, run the curl command:

curl -X POST \
  -F "file=@my-python-package-0.9.7b1.tar.gz"

Using the Buildkite CLI

The following Buildkite CLI command can also be used to publish a Python package to your Python source registry from your local environment, once it has been installed and configured with an appropriate token:

bk package push registry-slug path/to/python/package.tar.gz


  • registry-slug is the slug of your Python source registry, which is the kebab-case version of this registry's name, and can be obtained after accessing Package Registries in the global navigation > your file source registry from the Registries page.
  • path/to/python/package.tar.gz is the full path to the Python .tar.gz package, including the file's name. If the file is located in the same directory that this command is running from, then no path is required.

Token usage with the Buildkite CLI

When configuring the Buildkite CLI with an API access token, ensure it has the Read Packages and Write Packages REST API scopes, which allows this token to publish files to any source registry your user account has access to within your Buildkite organization.

You can also override this configured token by passing in a different token value using the BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN environment variable when running the bk command:

BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN=$another_token_value bk package push organization-slug/registry-slug ./path/to/my/file.ext

If you have installed the Buildkite CLI to your self-hosted agents, you can also do the following:

  • Use the bk command from within your Buildkite pipelines.

  • Using the BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN environment variable, pass in a Buildkite OIDC token value generated from your agents that meets your source registry's OIDC policy. Learn more about these tokens in OIDC in Buildkite Package Registries.

Access a package's details

A Python package's details can be accessed from this registry through the Releases (tab) section of your Python source registry page. To do this:

  1. Select Package Registries in the global navigation to access the Registries page.
  2. Select your Python source registry on this page.
  3. On your Python source registry page, select the package to display its details.

If your Python source registry is an upstream of a composite registry, you can also access a Python package's details from this composite registry (listed on the Registries page) by selecting the relevant Python composite registry > from the Upstreams tab, select the relevant Python source registry, then its relevant package.

The package's details page provides the following information in the following sections:

  • Installation (tab): the installation instructions.
  • Contents (tab, where available): a list of directories and files contained within the package.
  • Details (tab): a list of checksum values for this package—MD5, SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512.
  • About this version: a brief (metadata) description about the package.
  • Details: details about:

    • the name of the package (typically the file name excluding any version details and extension).
    • the package version.
    • the source registry the package is located in.
    • the package's visibility (based on its registry's visibility)—whether the package is Private and requires authentication to access, or is publicly accessible.
    • the distribution name / version.
    • additional optional metadata contained within the package, such as a homepage, licenses, etc.

  • Pushed: the date when the last package was uploaded to the source registry.

  • Total files: the total number of files (and directories) within the package.

  • Dependencies: the number of dependency packages required by this package.

  • Package size: the storage size (in bytes) of this package.

  • Downloads: the number of times this package has been downloaded.

Downloading a package

A Python package can be downloaded from the package's details page. To do this:

  1. Access the package's details.
  2. Select Download.

Installing a package from a source registry

A Python package can be installed using code snippet details provided on the package's details page. To do this:

  1. Access the package's details.
  2. Ensure the Installation > Instructions section is displayed.
  3. Copy the relevant code snippet from the Registry Configuration section and paste it into either the package installer for Python (pip) configuration (pip.conf) file or end of the virtualenv requirements.txt file.
  4. Run the installation command from the Package Installation section.

Registry Configuration

The pip.conf code snippet is based on this format:

# Add this to the [global] section in your ~/.pip/pip.conf:

or the alternative requirements.txt (for virtualenv) code snippet is based on this format:

# Otherwise if installing on a virtualenv, add this to the bottom of your requirements.txt:


  • {} is your API access token or registry token used to download packages from your Python source registry. Ensure this access token has the Read Packages REST API scope, which allows this token to download packages from any registry your user account has access to within your Buildkite organization. This URL component, along with its surrounding buildkite: and @ components are not required for registries that are publicly accessible.
  • {org.slug} can be obtained from the end of your Buildkite URL, after accessing Package Registries or Pipelines in the global navigation of your organization in Buildkite.
  • {registry.slug} is the slug of your registry, which is the kebab-case version of your registry name, and can be obtained after accessing Package Registries in the global navigation > your registry from the Registries page.

Package Installation

Use pip to install the package:

pip install package-name==version-number


  • package-name is the name of your package.

  • version-number is the version number of this package.

Installing a package from a composite registry

If your Python source registry is an upstream of a composite registry, you can install one of its packages using the code snippet details provided on the composite registry's Setup & Usage page. To do this:

  1. Select Package Registries in the global navigation to access the Registries page.
  2. Select your Python composite registry on this page.
  3. Select the Setup & Usage tab to display the Usage Instructions page.
  4. Select either the pip or uv tab, based on your Python package management tool.
  5. Run the relevant installation command from either of the first two code snippets. Learn more about this in Package installation from a composite registry, below.

    Alternatively, to run abbreviated installation commands by configuring the composite registry's URL in the relevant package tool config files or environment variables, copy the appropriate code snippet/s from the third (or later) code snippets on the Buildkite interface. Learn more about this in Composite registry configuration, below.

Package installation from a composite registry

For pip, use one of these pip commands (with either the --index-url or --extra-index-url options) to install the package:

pip install --index-url=https://buildkite:{}{org.slug}/{registry.slug}/pypi/simple ...


pip install --extra-index-url=https://buildkite:{}{org.slug}/{registry.slug}/pypi/simple ...


  • {} is your API access token or registry token used to download packages from your Python composite registry. Ensure this access token has the Read Packages REST API scope, which allows this token to download packages from any registry your user account has access to within your Buildkite organization.
  • {org.slug} can be obtained from the end of your Buildkite URL, after accessing Package Registries or Pipelines in the global navigation of your organization in Buildkite.
  • {registry.slug} is the slug of your registry, which is the kebab-case version of your registry name, and can be obtained after accessing Package Registries in the global navigation > your registry from the Registries page.

For uv, use one of these uv commands (with either the --index-url or --extra-index-url options) to ensure your Python project's environment has been updated, along with all of its dependencies:

uv sync --index-url=https://buildkite:{}{org.slug}/{registry.slug}/pypi/simple


uv sync --extra-index-url=https://buildkite:{}{org.slug}/{registry.slug}/pypi/simple

Composite registry configuration

For pip, modify the following code snippet and add it to the pip.conf file:

index-url = https://buildkite:{}{org.slug}/{registry.slug}/pypi/simple

or for the alternative virtualenv for pip, modify the following code snippet and add it to the requirements.txt file:



  • {} is your API access token or registry token used to download packages from your Python composite registry. Ensure this access token has the Read Packages REST API scope, which allows this token to download packages from any registry your user account has access to within your Buildkite organization.
  • {org.slug} can be obtained from the end of your Buildkite URL, after accessing Package Registries or Pipelines in the global navigation of your organization in Buildkite.
  • {registry.slug} is the slug of your registry, which is the kebab-case version of your registry name, and can be obtained after accessing Package Registries in the global navigation > your registry from the Registries page.

You can now install Python packages from your composite registry using the abbreviated command pip install package-name==version.number.

For uv, modify the following code snippet and add it to the pyproject.toml file:

index-url = "https://buildkite:{}{org.slug}/{registry.slug}/pypi/simple"

You can now ensure your Python project's environment has been updated, along with all its dependencies, using the abbreviated command uv sync.