Hosted agents

A collection of common tasks with Hosted agents using the GraphQL API.

Create a Buildkite hosted queue

mutation {
    input: {
      organizationId: "organization-id"
      clusterId: "cluster-id"
      key: "hosted_linux_small"
      description: "Small AMD64 Linux agents hosted by Buildkite."
      hostedAgents: {
        instanceShape: LINUX_AMD64_2X4
  ) {
    clusterQueue {
      hostedAgents {
        instanceShape {
      createdBy {
        avatar {

Creates a small Buildkite hosted queue using AMD64-based Linux Buildkite hosted agents. The instanceShape value is referenced from the InstanceShape enum, and represents the combination of machine type, architecture, CPU and Memory available to each job running on a hosted queue. The LINUX_AMD64_2X4 value is a Linux AMD64 2 vCPU and 4 GB memory instance.

Learn more about the instance shapes available for Linux and macOS Buildkite hosted agents.

Change the instance shape of a Buildkite hosted queue's agents

mutation {
    input: {
      organizationId: "organization-id"
      id: "cluster-queue-id"
      hostedAgents: {
        instanceShape: LINUX_AMD64_4X16
  ) {
    clusterQueue {
      hostedAgents {
        instanceShape {

To increase the size of the AMD64-based Linux agent instances for a Buildkite hosted queue, update the instanceShape value to a one of a greater size, such as LINUX_AMD64_4X8, which is a 4 vCPU and 8 GB memory. This allows you to scale the resources available to each job running on this Buildkite hosted queue.

Learn more about the instance shapes available for Linux and macOS Buildkite hosted agents.

It is only possible to change the size of the current instance shape assigned to this queue. It is not possible to change the current instance shape's machine type (from macOS to Linux, or vice versa), or for a Linux machine, its architecture (from AMD64 to ARM64, or vice versa).

Instance shape values for Linux

Specify the appropriate Instance shape for the instanceShape value in your GraphQL API mutation.

Instance shape Size Architecture vCPU Memory
Instance shape Instance shape LINUX_AMD64_2X4 Size Size Small Architecture Architecture AMD64 vCPU vCPU 2 Memory Memory 4 GB
Instance shape Instance shape LINUX_AMD64_4X16 Size Size Medium Architecture Architecture AMD64 vCPU vCPU 4 Memory Memory 16 GB
Instance shape Instance shape LINUX_AMD64_8X32 Size Size Large Architecture Architecture AMD64 vCPU vCPU 8 Memory Memory 32 GB
Instance shape Instance shape LINUX_AMD64_16X64 Size Size Extra Large Architecture Architecture AMD64 vCPU vCPU 16 Memory Memory 64 GB
Instance shape Instance shape LINUX_ARM64_2X4 Size Size Small Architecture Architecture ARM64 vCPU vCPU 2 Memory Memory 4 GB
Instance shape Instance shape LINUX_ARM64_4X16 Size Size Medium Architecture Architecture ARM64 vCPU vCPU 4 Memory Memory 16 GB
Instance shape Instance shape LINUX_ARM64_8X32 Size Size Large Architecture Architecture ARM64 vCPU vCPU 8 Memory Memory 32 GB
Instance shape Instance shape LINUX_ARM64_16X64 Size Size Extra Large Architecture Architecture ARM64 vCPU vCPU 16 Memory Memory 64 GB

Instance shape values for macOS

Specify the appropriate Instance shape for the instanceShape value in your GraphQL API mutation.

Instance shape Size vCPU Memory
Instance shape Instance shape MACOS_M2_4X7 Size Size Small vCPU vCPU 4 Memory Memory 7 GB
Instance shape Instance shape MACOS_M2_6X14 Size Size Medium vCPU vCPU 6 Memory Memory 14 GB
Instance shape Instance shape MACOS_M2_12X28 Size Size Large vCPU vCPU 12 Memory Memory 28 GB
Instance shape Instance shape MACOS_M4_12X56 Size Size Extra Large vCPU vCPU 12 Memory Memory 56 GB