Running Buildkite Agent on AWS

The Buildkite Agent can be run on AWS using our Elastic CI Stack for AWS CloudFormation template, or by installing the agent on your self-managed instances.

Using the Elastic CI Stack for AWS CloudFormation template

The Elastic CI Stack for AWS is a CloudFormation template for an autoscaling Buildkite Agent cluster. The agent instances include Docker, S3 and CloudWatch integration.

You can use an Elastic CI Stack for AWS deployment to test Linux or Windows projects, parallelize large test suites, run Docker containers or docker-compose integration tests, or perform any AWS ops related tasks.

You can launch an instance of the Elastic CI Stack for AWS from your organization's Agents page or the GitHub repository.

Using the Buildkite Agent Stack for Kubernetes on AWS

The Buildkite Agent's jobs can be run within a Kubernetes cluster on AWS.

Before you start, you will require your own Kubernetes cluster running on AWS. Learn more about this from Kubernetes on AWS.

Once your Kubernetes cluster is running on AWS, follow the Buildkite Agent Stack for Kubernetes instructions to set up the Buildkite Agent stack to run in Kubernetes.

Installing the agent on your own AWS instances

To run the agent on your own AWS instances, use the installer that matches your instance operating system:

Using the experimental Elastic CI Stack for AWS for EC2 Mac CloudFormation template

Elastic CI Stack for AWS for EC2 Mac is an experimental CloudFormation template for an autoscaling macOS Buildkite agent cluster.

You can use an Elastic CI Stack for AWS for EC2 Mac deployment to build and test macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS projects.

Read the Auto Scaling EC2 Mac instances documentation for instructions on preparing and deploying this template.

Installing the Agent on your own AWS EC2 Mac instances

Setting up a macOS AMI that starts a Buildkite Agent on launch is a multi step process. You can start with one of the macOS AMIs from AWS, or with an AMI you've already installed Xcode or other software on.

To use Xcode and the iOS Simulator, you must configure auto-login of a GUI session, and launch the Buildkite Agent in an aqua session as a Launchd Agent:

  1. Reserve an EC2 Mac Dedicated Host.
  2. Boot a macOS instance using your desired AMI on the Dedicated Host.
  3. Configure instance VPC subnets, security groups, and key pairs so that you can access the instance.
  4. Using an SSH or AWS SSM session:
    • Set a password for the ec2-user using sudo passwd ec2-user
    • Enable screen sharing using sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -access -on -restart -agent -privs -all
    • Grow the AFPS container to use all the available space in your EBS root disk if needed, see the AWS user guide
  5. Using a VNC session (run SSH port forwarding ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 ec2-user@<ip-address> if direct access is not available):
    1. Sign in as the ec2-user.
    2. Enable Automatic login for the ec2-user in System Preferences > Users & Accounts > Login Options.
    3. Disable Require password in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General.
    4. Set system sleep in System Preferences > Energy Saver > Turn display off after to Never.
    5. Disable the screen saver in System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver > Show screen saver after.
  6. Follow the macOS installation guide instructions to install the Buildkite agent using Homebrew and configure starting on login.
  7. Verify that the Buildkite agent has connected to with your desired agent tags.
  8. Create an AMI from your instance.

Your saved AMI can now be used to boot as many macOS instances as you require.

To make this process repeatable, save your instance configuration in a launch template. To automate instance replacement, use an Auto Scaling group to boot instances and a host resource group to reserve Dedicated Hosts.

While the use of an Auto Scaling group and host resource group to automatically maintain capacity in the face of hardware failures is recommended, load based dynamic auto-scaling of macOS instances is not recommended. The instances are currently slow to boot and slow to terminate. Use of load based auto-scaling is likely to result in an over-provision of agents which carries a high minimum charge per Dedicated Host.

There is an excellent blog post on running iOS agents in the cloud that goes into more detail on preparing macOS AMIs using Packer.

Known issues

Preventing builds from accessing Amazon EC2 metadata

If you provision infrastructure like databases, Redis, Amazon SQS, etc using AWS permission sandboxes, you might want to restrict access to those roles in your builds.

If you run your builds on an AWS EC2 permission sandbox and then allow Buildkite agents to generate and inject some sandboxed AWS credentials into the build secrets, such builds will have access to the EC2 metadata API. They will also be able to access the same permissions as your EC2.

To avoid this, you need to prevent the builds from accessing your EC2 metadata or provide sandboxed AWS credentials for each build and restrict their permissions. There are two main ways to do it:

  • Compartmentalizing your Buildkite agents
  • Downgrading an instance profile role

If you run all the build steps in Docker containers, take a look at compartmentalizing your agents. If you are using Kubernetes for your Buildkite CI, use the same approach and also check out this article for more information and inspiration.

Restricting permissions using compartmentalization of agents

This approach suggests the use of Elastic CI Stack for AWS. However, these instructions can also be followed using hooks or scripts.

You can divide your Buildkite agents by responsibilities. For example — agents building for development environments or release, agents deploying for staging or production, etc. This will help reflect multiple AWS environments at your Buildkite organization.

To divide the responsibilities and permissions of Buildkite agents and provide the relevant teams with sandboxed IAM permissions for their own microservices, for each pipeline you will need to use a third-party AWS AssumeRole Buildkite Plugin. This plugin also takes care of the injection of AWS credentials.

To ensure that the agent in charge of a job, build, pipeline, etc., is allowed to run and will assume the role it has permission to, you can perform a pre-checkout hook on the agent.

Restricting permissions by downgrading an instance profile role

This approach is suggested by Amazon and is helpful if you are not using Elastic CI Stack for AWS.

To restrict permissions of an instance, you can permanently downgrade an instance's profile from a high-permission bootstrap role to a low-permission steady-state role. The high-permission role has a policy that allows replacing the instance profile with a low-permission role, but there is no such policy for a low-permission role.

Further tightening the security around EC2 permissions

For added security, you can expire agents after a job. For example, you can:

  1. Create a new agent for a pending job
  2. Transition the agent to a sandbox role
  3. Terminate the agent instance when the agent completes the job

Starting a new EC2 instance for every job results in a small trade-off of speed in favor of security. However, the Buildkite CI stack for AWS uses a Lambda to start new EC2 instances on demand, and it usually takes around one minute for a typical Linux instance.

A larger trade-off here is the need to keep discarding the cache on the machine — for example, pre-fetched and pre-built Docker images — and start anew every time.

If you're less concerned about the CI spend, new EC2 instance starting time, and other resources, you can specify a minimum stack size large enough to keep a pool of agents ready to go. This way, you can quickly replace any terminated agent instance with a clean instance. Buildkite uses this approach to secure open-source agent instances as they could be running untrusted code.

For more information on AWS security practices regarding restricting access to the API in EKS, see Amazon EKS security best practices.