Scheduled builds
Build schedules automatically create builds at specified intervals. For example, you can use scheduled builds to run nightly builds, hourly integration tests, or daily ops tasks.
You can create and manage schedules in the Schedules section of your pipeline's Settings.

You can also create and manage schedules using the Buildkite GraphQL API.
Cron job permission consideration
When setting up a cron job in your parent pipeline, it's important to ensure that the same team has been assigned to the corresponding child pipeline. Failure to match the team between the parent and child pipelines may result in an error with the following message:
Could not find a matching team that includes both pipelines, each having a minimum "Build" access level.
This error is indicative of a mismatch in team assignments and highlights the importance of maintaining consistent team configurations across interconnected pipelines to avoid permission-related issues.
Schedule intervals
The interval defines when the schedule will create builds. Schedules run in UTC time by default, and can be defined using either predefined intervals or standard crontab time syntax.
Buildkite only guarantees that scheduled builds run within 10 minutes of the scheduled time, and therefore does not support intervals less than 10 minutes.
Predefined intervals
Buildkite supports 6 predefined intervals:
Interval | Description | Crontab Equivalent |
@hourly |
At the start of every hour | 0 * * * * |
@daily or @midnight
Every day at midnight UTC | 0 0 * * * |
@weekly |
Every week at midnight Sunday UTC | 0 0 * * 0 |
@monthly |
Every month, at midnight UTC on the first day | 0 0 1 * * |
@yearly |
Every year, at midnight UTC on the first day | 0 0 1 1 * |
Crontab time syntax
Intervals can be defined using a variant of the crontab time syntax:
┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
│ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
│ │ ┌───────────── day of month (1 - 31)
│ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
│ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday)
│ │ │ │ │ ┌─── time zone name or offset (optional)
│ │ │ │ │ │
* * * * * Australia/Melbourne
A time zone can optionally be specified as the last segment, either as an IANA Time Zone name like Australia/Melbourne
or Europe/Berlin
, or as an offset from UTC like +09:00
or -05:00
. If no time zone is given, the schedule will run in UTC.
Supported extensions
Buildkite supports several extensions to the standard POSIX cron syntax.
The / operator
The slash operator allows you to specify step values within ranges. For example, */10 * * * *
would run every ten minutes.
L or last token
Using L
or last
in the "day of month" field represents the last day. For example, 0 0 L * *
represents midnight on the last day of the month, and 0 0 -2-L * *
represents the last two days of the month.
Using the modulo extension allows you to create schedules for less common sets of weekdays.
Modulo can only be used with the "day of week" field. For example, 0 0 * * 0
represents midnight on every Sunday. Adding a modulo of 3 creates a schedule that runs at midnight on every third Sunday: 0 0 * * 0%3
You can also use the offset + operator alongside a modulo value. For instance, adding an offset of 1 to our previous example 0 0 * * 0%3+1
will create a schedule to run a build every third Sunday that is an odd calendar number. Modulo is calculated based on the time since 2019-01-01.
For more information on how modulo works, see the official documentation of Fugit, which is used for extending the POSIX cron syntax in Buildkite.
*/10 * * * * |
Every 10 minutes |
*/30 * * * * |
Every 30 minutes |
30 * * * * |
Every 30th minute of every hour |
0 */4 * * * |
Every 4 hours |
0 */12 * * * |
Every 12 hours |
0 0 */2 * * +01:00 |
Every other day at midnight UTC+1 |
0 8 * * * |
Every day at 8am UTC |
0 8 * * * America/Vancouver |
Every day at 8am in Vancouver |
0 16 * * SUN |
Every Sunday at 4pm UTC |
0 0 * * 1-5 |
Every weekday at midnight UTC |
0 0 L * * |
Midnight UTC on the last day of the month |
0 0 1 */2 * |
Every other month, at midnight UTC on the first day |
0 16 L * * |
The last day of the month at 4pm UTC |
0 0 * * 2%2+1 |
The start of every odd Tuesday |