Runs API

List all runs

Returns a paginated list of runs in a test suite.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -X GET "{org.slug}/suites/{suite.slug}/runs"
    "id": "64374307-12ab-4b13-a3f3-6a408f644ea2",
    "branch": "main",
    "commit_sha": "1c3214fcceb2c14579a2c3c50cd78f1442fd8936",
    "state": "finished",
    "result": "passed",
    "url": "",
    "web_url": "",
    "created_at": "2023-06-25T05:32:53.228Z"

Optional query string parameters:

build_id Filters the results by the given build UUID.

Example: ?build_id=018c133d-5419-7fe3-9e9e-3c51464490a2

Required scope: read_suites

Success response: 200 OK

Get a run

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -X GET "{org.slug}/suites/{suite.slug}/runs/{}"
  "id": "64374307-12ab-4b13-a3f3-6a408f644ea2",
  "branch": "main",
  "commit_sha": "1c3214fcceb2c14579a2c3c50cd78f1442fd8936",
  "state": "finished",
  "result": "passed",
  "url": "",
  "web_url": "",
  "created_at": "2023-06-25T05:32:53.228Z"

Required scope: read_suites

Success response: 200 OK

Runs are created with a state of running and proceed to finished when all uploads have been processed. The run may return to running if additional results are uploaded.

Run result starts as pending and will proceed to passed or failed when at least one test result has been processed. The presence of a passed or failed result does not indicate that the run has finished processing. result may change from passed to failed if additional results are uploaded. The result is failed when there is at least one failing test in the run, and it is not possible for result to change from failed. If a run receives no results within a reasonable time period its result will proceed to stale.

Get failed execution data

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -X GET "{org.slug}/suites/{suite.slug}/runs/{}/failed_executions"
    "execution_id": "60f0e64c-ae4b-870e-b41f-5431205caf06",
    "run_id": "075bbcd9-662c-86f5-9d40-adfa6549eff1",
    "test_id": "f6cb6c43-df94-8b60-81ed-14f9db7bbfd8",
    "run_name": "075bbcd9-662c-86f5-9d40-adfa6549eff1",
    "commit_sha": "1c3214fcceb2c14579a2c3c50cd78f1442fd8936",
    "created_at": "2025-02-03T05:32:53.228Z",
    "branch": "main",
    "failure_reason": "it didn't work",
    "duration": 3.79073,
    "location": "./spec/models/user.rb:23",
    "test_name": "Deploy should be available",
    "run_url": "https:://",
    "test_url": "https:://",
    "test_execution_url": "https:://",

Required scope: read_suites

Success response: 200 OK

While the example response above only shows the data from one failed execution result, this endpoint's response is limited to 100 results.