Manage test suites

This page provides details on how to manage test suites within your Buildkite organization.

Test Engine manages your development project's tests through a test suite.

Create a test suite

New test suites can be created through the Test Suites page of the Buildkite interface.

To create a new test suite:

  1. Select Test Suites in the global navigation to access the Test Suites page.
  2. Select New test suite.
  3. On the Identify, track and fix problematic tests page, enter an optional Application name. This is only a consideration if you have a large development project that consists of more than one test suite.
  4. Enter a mandatory Test suite name, which, together with the Application name (if specified), will appear on the test suite on the Test Suites page.
  5. Enter the Default branch name, which is the default branch that Test Engine shows trends for, and can be changed any time.
  6. Specify an optional Suite emoji, using emoji syntax, along with an optional Suite color (as a hex code) for the emoji's background.
  7. Select Set up suite.
  8. If your Buildkite organization has the teams feature enabled, select the relevant Teams to be granted access to this test suite, followed by Continue.

    The new test suite's Complete test suite setup page is displayed, requesting you to configure test collection within your development project.