Android collectors

To use Test Engine with your Android projects use the :github: test-collector-android package.

You can also upload test results by importing JSON or JUnit XML.


Before you start, make sure your tests run with access to CI environment variables.

  1. Create a test suite and copy the test suite API token.

  2. Securely set the BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN secret on your CI to the API token from the previous step.

    This will need to be on your CI server, if running the BuildKite collector via CI, or otherwise on your local machine.

  3. Unit Test Collector. In your top-level build.gradle.kts file, add the following to your classpath:

    buildScript {
        dependencies {

    Then, in your app-level build.gradle.kts, add the following plugin:

    plugins {

    That's it!

  4. Instrumented Test Collector. In your app-level build.gradle.kts file,

    Add the following dependency:

    android {
        defaultConfig {

    Sync Gradle, and rebuild the project to ensure the BuildConfig is generated.

    Create the following class in your androidTest directory, i.e. src/androidTest/java/com/myapp/MyTestCollector.kt

    class MyTestCollector : InstrumentedTestCollector(
        apiToken = BuildConfig.BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN

    Again, in your app-level build.gradle.kts file, instruct Gradle to use your test collector:

    testInstrumentationRunnerArguments += mapOf(
        "listener" to "com.mycompany.myapp.MyTestCollector" // Make sure to use the correct package name here

    Note: This test collector uploads test data via the device under test. Make sure your Android device/emulator has network access.

  5. Commit and push your changes:

    git checkout -b add-buildkite-test-engine
    git commit -am "Add Buildkite Test Engine"
    git push origin add-buildkite-test-engine

Once you're done, in your Test Engine dashboard, you'll see analytics of test executions on all branches that include this code.

If you don't see branch names, build numbers, or commit hashes in Test Engine, then read CI Environments to learn more about exporting your environment to the collector.


To enable debugging output, create and set BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_DEBUG_ENABLED environment variable to true on your test environment (CI server or local machine).

For instrumented tests debugging, access the variable using buildConfigField and pass it through your MyTestCollector class. Refer the sample project for implementation.