Slack Workspace

The Slack Workspace notification service in Buildkite lets you receive notifications about your builds in your Slack workspace.

Adding a Slack Workspace notification service will authorize access for your entire Slack app for a given Slack workspace. You only need to set up this integration once per Slack workspace, after which, you can then configure notifications within your YAML pipelines to be sent to any Slack channels or users.

Setting up a Workspace requires Buildkite organization admin access.

Adding a workspace notification service

Screenshot of the 'Add' button for adding a Slack workspace service to Buildkite

Click the Add to Slack button:

Screenshot of 'Add Slack workspace service' screen on Buildkite. It shows an 'Add to Slack workspace' button

This will take you to Slack. Log in, and grant Buildkite the ability to post across your workspace. Once you have granted access, you can then use the notify attribute in the YAML syntax of your pipelines to configure specific notifications.

  - slack:
        - "buildkite-community#general"
        - "buildkite-community#announcements"

Configuring notifications

Mentions in build notifications

Mentions occur when there's a corresponding Slack account using one of the emails connected to the Buildkite account that triggered a build.

Provide the Slack user ID, which you can access via User > More options > Copy member ID.

  - slack: "U123ABC456"

Notify in private channels

You can notify individuals in private channels by inviting the Buildkite Builds Slack App into the channel with /add Buildkite Builds.

Build-level notifications:

  # Notify private channel
  - slack: "buildkite-community#private-channel"

Conditional notifications

Use the notify YAML attribute in your pipeline.yml file to configure conditional notifications.

See the Slack channel message section of the Notifications guide for the configuration information.

Conditional notifications with pipeline states

You can control conditional notifications using pipeline.started_passing and pipeline.started_failing in the if attribute of the notify key of your pipeline.yml. With the previous Slack integration this was done in the UI.

See Conditional Slack notifications for more examples.

Slack privacy policy

For more details, please checkout the Slack Marketplace privacy policy.