The Buildkite CLI

The Buildkite CLI is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting directly with Buildkite itself. This tool provides command line/terminal access to work with a subset of Buildkite's features, as you normally would through Buildkite's web interface.

Using the Buildkite CLI, you can view builds, create and cancel builds, unblock jobs, stop agents, along with several other actions.


The Buildkite CLI can be installed on all major platforms. Learn more about how to install the tool on your platform in Buildkite CLI installation.


$ bk
Work with Buildkite from the command line.

  bk [command]

$ bk build view

Available Commands:
  agent       Manage agents
  api         Interact with the Buildkite API
  build       Manage pipeline builds
  cluster     Manage organization clusters
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  configure   Configure Buildkite API token
  help        Help about any command
  init        Initialize a pipeline.yaml file
  job         Manage jobs within a build
  package     Manage packages
  pipeline    Manage pipelines
  use         Select an organization

  -h, --help   help for bk

Use "bk [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The Buildkite CLI requires an API access token to interact with Buildkite and your Buildkite organizations. Learn more about how to configure these API access tokens in Buildkite CLI configuration.