Builds API
Build number vs build ID
All builds have a build ID (e.g. 01908131-7d9f-495e-a17b-80ed31276810
), which is unique within the whole of Buildkite, and a build number (e.g. 27
), which is unique to the pipeline. The build number is monotonically increasing but may include gaps.
API requests that affect a single build accept the more human readable build number (and the organization and pipeline it belongs to), not the build ID:
List all builds
Returns a paginated list of all builds across all the user's organizations and pipelines. If using token-based authentication the list of builds will be for the authorized organizations only. Builds are listed in the order they were created (newest first).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X GET ""
Optional query string parameters:
Filters the results by the given branch or branches.
Example: Example: |
commit |
Filters the results by the commit (only works for full SHA, not for shortened ones).
Example: |
created_from |
Filters the results by builds created on or after the given time (in ISO 8601 format)
Example: |
created_to |
Filters the results by builds created before the given time (in ISO 8601 format)
Example: |
creator |
Filters the results by the user who created the build
Example: |
finished_from |
Filters the results by builds finished on or after the given time (in ISO 8601 format)
Example: |
include_retried_jobs |
Include all retried job executions in each build's jobs list. Without this parameter, you'll see only the most recently run job for each step.
Example: |
meta_data |
Filters the results by the given meta-data.
Example: |
state |
Filters the results by the given build state. The finished state is a shortcut to automatically search for builds with passed , failed , blocked , canceled states.
Valid states: Example: Example: |
Required scope: read_builds
Success response: 200 OK
List builds for an organization
Returns a paginated list of an organization's builds across all of an organization's pipelines. Builds are listed in the order they were created (newest first).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X GET "{org.slug}/builds"
Optional query string parameters:
Filters the results by the given branch or branches.
Example: Example: |
commit |
Filters the results by the commit (only works for full SHA, not for shortened ones).
Example: |
created_from |
Filters the results by builds created on or after the given time (in ISO 8601 format)
Example: |
created_to |
Filters the results by builds created before the given time (in ISO 8601 format)
Example: |
creator |
Filters the results by the user who created the build
Example: |
finished_from |
Filters the results by builds finished on or after the given time (in ISO 8601 format)
Example: |
include_retried_jobs |
Include all retried job executions in each build's jobs list. Without this parameter, you'll see only the most recently run job for each step.
Example: |
meta_data |
Filters the results by the given meta-data.
Example: |
state |
Filters the results by the given build state. The finished state is a shortcut to automatically search for builds with passed , failed , blocked , canceled states.
Valid states: Example: Example: |
Required scope: read_builds
Success response: 200 OK
List builds for a pipeline
Returns a paginated list of a pipeline's builds. Builds are listed in the order they were created (newest first).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X GET "{org.slug}/pipelines/{pipeline.slug}/builds"
"id": "f62a1b4d-10f9-4790-bc1c-e2c3a0c80983",
"graphql_id": "QnVpbGQtLS1mYmQ2Zjk3OS0yOTRhLTQ3ZjItOTU0Ni1lNTk0M2VlMTAwNzE=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"number": 1,
"state": "passed",
"cancel_reason": "reason for a canceled build",
"blocked": false,
"message": "Bumping to version 0.2-beta.6",
"commit": "abcd0b72a1e580e90712cdd9eb26d3fb41cd09c8",
"branch": "main",
"env": { },
"source": "webhook",
"creator": {
"id": "3d3c3bf0-7d58-4afe-8fe7-b3017d5504de",
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-22T12:36:45.309Z"
"jobs": [
"id": "b63254c0-3271-4a98-8270-7cfbd6c2f14e",
"graphql_id": "Sm9iLS0tMTQ4YWQ0MzgtM2E2My00YWIxLWIzMjItNzIxM2Y3YzJhMWFi",
"type": "script",
"name": "📦",
"step_key": "package",
"step": {
"id": "018c0f56-c87c-47e9-95ee-aa47397b4496",
"signature": {
"value": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InlvdSBzbHkgZG9nISB5b3UgY2F1Z2h0IG1lIG1vbm9sb2d1aW5nISJ9..m9LBvNgbzmO5JuZ4Bwoheyn7uqLf3TN1EdFwv_l_nMT2qh0_2EVs30SAEc-Ajjkq18MQk3cgU36AodLPl3_hBg",
"algorithm": "EdDSA",
"signed_fields": [
"agent_query_rules": ["*"],
"state": "passed",
"web_url": "",
"log_url": "",
"raw_log_url": "",
"command": "scripts/",
"soft_failed": false,
"exit_status": 0,
"artifact_paths": "",
"agent": {
"id": "0b461f65-e7be-4c80-888a-ef11d81fd971",
"url": "",
"name": "my-agent-123"
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"runnable_at": "2015-05-09T21:06:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:07:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:08:59.874Z",
"retried": false,
"retried_in_job_id": null,
"retries_count": null,
"retry_type": null,
"parallel_group_index": null,
"parallel_group_total": null,
"matrix": null,
"cluster_id": null,
"cluster_url": null,
"cluster_queue_id": null,
"cluster_queue_url": null
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"meta_data": { },
"pull_request": { },
"rebuilt_from": null,
"pipeline": {
"id": "849411f9-9e6d-4739-a0d8-e247088e9b52",
"graphql_id": "UGlwZWxpbmUtLS1lOTM4ZGQxYy03MDgwLTQ4ZmQtOGQyMC0yNmQ4M2E0ZjNkNDg=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"name": "great-pipeline",
"slug": "great-pipeline",
"repository": "",
"branch_configuration": null,
"default_branch": "main",
"provider": {
"id": "github",
"webhook_url": "",
"settings": {
"trigger_mode": "code",
"build_pull_requests": true,
"pull_request_branch_filter_enabled": false,
"skip_pull_request_builds_for_existing_commits": true,
"build_pull_request_forks": false,
"prefix_pull_request_fork_branch_names": true,
"build_tags": false,
"publish_commit_status": true,
"publish_commit_status_per_step": false,
"publish_blocked_as_pending": false,
"repository": "my-great-org/my-pipeline"
"skip_queued_branch_builds": false,
"skip_queued_branch_builds_filter": null,
"cancel_running_branch_builds": false,
"cancel_running_branch_builds_filter": null,
"builds_url": "",
"badge_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_builds_count": 0,
"running_builds_count": 0,
"scheduled_jobs_count": 0,
"running_jobs_count": 0,
"waiting_jobs_count": 0
The response only includes a webhook URL in pipeline.provider.webhook_url
if the user has edit permissions for the pipeline. Otherwise, the field returns with an empty string.
Optional query string parameters:
Filters the results by the given branch or branches.
Example: Example: |
commit |
Filters the results by the commit (only works for full SHA, not for shortened ones).
Example: |
created_from |
Filters the results by builds created on or after the given time (in ISO 8601 format)
Example: |
created_to |
Filters the results by builds created before the given time (in ISO 8601 format)
Example: |
creator |
Filters the results by the user who created the build
Example: |
finished_from |
Filters the results by builds finished on or after the given time (in ISO 8601 format)
Example: |
include_retried_jobs |
Include all retried job executions in each build's jobs list. Without this parameter, you'll see only the most recently run job for each step.
Example: |
meta_data |
Filters the results by the given meta-data.
Example: |
state |
Filters the results by the given build state. The finished state is a shortcut to automatically search for builds with passed , failed , blocked , canceled states.
Valid states: Example: Example: |
Required scope: read_builds
Success response: 200 OK
Get a build
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X GET "{org.slug}/pipelines/{pipeline.slug}/builds/{number}"
"id": "f62a1b4d-10f9-4790-bc1c-e2c3a0c80983",
"graphql_id": "QnVpbGQtLS1mYmQ2Zjk3OS0yOTRhLTQ3ZjItOTU0Ni1lNTk0M2VlMTAwNzE=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"number": 2,
"state": "passed",
"cancel_reason": "reason for a canceled build",
"blocked": false,
"message": "Bumping to version 0.2-beta.6",
"commit": "abcd0b72a1e580e90712cdd9eb26d3fb41cd09c8",
"branch": "main",
"env": { },
"source": "webhook",
"creator": {
"id": "3d3c3bf0-7d58-4afe-8fe7-b3017d5504de",
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-22T12:36:45.309Z"
"jobs": [
"id": "b63254c0-3271-4a98-8270-7cfbd6c2f14e",
"graphql_id": "VXNlci0tLThmNzFlOWI1LTczMDEtNDI4ZS1hMjQ1LWUwOWI0YzI0OWRiZg==",
"type": "script",
"name": "📦",
"step_key": "package",
"step": {
"id": "018c0f56-c87c-47e9-95ee-aa47397b4496",
"signature": {
"value": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InlvdSBzbHkgZG9nISB5b3UgY2F1Z2h0IG1lIG1vbm9sb2d1aW5nISJ9..m9LBvNgbzmO5JuZ4Bwoheyn7uqLf3TN1EdFwv_l_nMT2qh0_2EVs30SAEc-Ajjkq18MQk3cgU36AodLPl3_hBg",
"algorithm": "EdDSA",
"signed_fields": [
"agent_query_rules": ["*"],
"state": "scheduled",
"web_url": "",
"log_url": "",
"raw_log_url": "",
"command": "scripts/",
"soft_failed": false,
"exit_status": 0,
"artifact_paths": "",
"agent": {
"id": "0b461f65-e7be-4c80-888a-ef11d81fd971",
"graphql_id": "QWdlbnQtLS1mOTBhNzliNC01YjJlLTQzNzEtYjYxZS03OTA4ZDAyNmUyN2E=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"name": "my-agent",
"connection_state": "connected",
"hostname": "localhost",
"ip_address": "",
"user_agent": "buildkite-agent/1.0.0 (linux; amd64)",
"creator": {
"id": "3d3c3bf0-7d58-4afe-8fe7-b3017d5504de",
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z"
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z"
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"runnable_at": "2015-05-09T21:06:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:07:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:08:59.874Z",
"retried": false,
"retried_in_job_id": null,
"retries_count": 1,
"retry_source": {
"job_id": "0194b92a-4d74-46bb-a1bf-61c73c5642af",
"retry_type": "manual"
"retry_type": null,
"parallel_group_index": null,
"parallel_group_total": null,
"matrix": null,
"cluster_id": null,
"cluster_url": null,
"cluster_queue_id": null,
"cluster_queue_url": null
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"meta_data": { },
"pull_request": { },
"rebuilt_from": {
"id": "812135b3-eee7-408c-9f63-760538b96bd5",
"number": 1,
"url": ""
"pipeline": {
"id": "849411f9-9e6d-4739-a0d8-e247088e9b52",
"graphql_id": "UGlwZWxpbmUtLS1lOTM4ZGQxYy03MDgwLTQ4ZmQtOGQyMC0yNmQ4M2E0ZjNkNDg=",
"url": "",
"name": "Great Pipeline",
"slug": "great-pipeline",
"repository": "",
"provider": {
"id": "github",
"webhook_url": ""
"skip_queued_branch_builds": false,
"skip_queued_branch_builds_filter": null,
"cancel_running_branch_builds": false,
"cancel_running_branch_builds_filter": null,
"builds_url": "",
"badge_url": "",
"created_at": "2013-09-03 13:24:38 UTC",
"scheduled_builds_count": 0,
"running_builds_count": 0,
"scheduled_jobs_count": 0,
"running_jobs_count": 0,
"waiting_jobs_count": 0
The response only includes a webhook URL in pipeline.provider.webhook_url
if the user has edit permissions for the pipeline. Otherwise, the field returns with an empty string.
Unlike build states for notifications, when a build is blocked, the state
of a build does not return the value blocked
. Instead, the build state
retains its last value (for example, passed
) and the blocked
field value will be true
Optional query string parameters:
include_retried_jobs |
Include all retried job executions in each build's jobs list. Without this parameter, you'll see only the most recently run job for each step.
Example: |
Required scope: read_builds
Success response: 200 OK
Create a build
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X POST "{org.slug}/pipelines/{pipeline.slug}/builds" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"commit": "abcd0b72a1e580e90712cdd9eb26d3fb41cd09c8",
"branch": "main",
"message": "Testing all the things :rocket:",
"author": {
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": ""
"env": {
"MY_ENV_VAR": "some_value"
"meta_data": {
"some build data": "value",
"other build data": true
"id": "f62a1b4d-10f9-4790-bc1c-e2c3a0c80983",
"graphql_id": "QnVpbGQtLS1mYmQ2Zjk3OS0yOTRhLTQ3ZjItOTU0Ni1lNTk0M2VlMTAwNzE=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"number": 1,
"state": "scheduled",
"cancel_reason": "reason for a canceled build",
"blocked": false,
"message": "Testing all the things :rocket:",
"commit": "abcd0b72a1e580e90712cdd9eb26d3fb41cd09c8",
"branch": "main",
"env": { },
"source": "webhook",
"creator": {
"id": "3d3c3bf0-7d58-4afe-8fe7-b3017d5504de",
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-22T12:36:45.309Z"
"jobs": [
"id": "b63254c0-3271-4a98-8270-7cfbd6c2f14e",
"type": "script",
"name": "📦",
"step_key": "package",
"step": {
"id": "018c0f56-c87c-47e9-95ee-aa47397b4496",
"signature": {
"value": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InlvdSBzbHkgZG9nISB5b3UgY2F1Z2h0IG1lIG1vbm9sb2d1aW5nISJ9..m9LBvNgbzmO5JuZ4Bwoheyn7uqLf3TN1EdFwv_l_nMT2qh0_2EVs30SAEc-Ajjkq18MQk3cgU36AodLPl3_hBg",
"algorithm": "EdDSA",
"signed_fields": [
"agent_query_rules": ["*"],
"state": "scheduled",
"web_url": "",
"log_url": "",
"raw_log_url": "",
"command": "scripts/",
"soft_failed": false,
"exit_status": 0,
"artifact_paths": "",
"agent": {
"id": "0b461f65-e7be-4c80-888a-ef11d81fd971",
"graphql_id": "QWdlbnQtLS1mOTBhNzliNC01YjJlLTQzNzEtYjYxZS03OTA4ZDAyNmUyN2E=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"name": "my-agent",
"connection_state": "connected",
"hostname": "localhost",
"ip_address": "",
"user_agent": "buildkite-agent/1.0.0 (linux; amd64)",
"creator": {
"id": "3d3c3bf0-7d58-4afe-8fe7-b3017d5504de",
"graphql_id": "VXNlci0tLThmNzFlOWI1LTczMDEtNDI4ZS1hMjQ1LWUwOWI0YzI0OWRiZg==",
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z"
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z"
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"runnable_at": "2015-05-09T21:06:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:07:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:08:59.874Z",
"retried": false,
"retried_in_job_id": null,
"retries_count": null,
"retry_source": null,
"retry_type": null,
"parallel_group_index": null,
"parallel_group_total": null,
"matrix": null,
"cluster_id": null,
"cluster_url": null,
"cluster_queue_id": null,
"cluster_queue_url": null
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"meta_data": { },
"pull_request": { },
"pipeline": {
"id": "849411f9-9e6d-4739-a0d8-e247088e9b52",
"graphql_id": "UGlwZWxpbmUtLS1lOTM4ZGQxYy03MDgwLTQ4ZmQtOGQyMC0yNmQ4M2E0ZjNkNDg=",
"url": "",
"name": "Great Pipeline",
"slug": "great-pipeline",
"repository": "",
"provider": {
"id": "github",
"webhook_url": ""
"skip_queued_branch_builds": false,
"skip_queued_branch_builds_filter": null,
"cancel_running_branch_builds": false,
"cancel_running_branch_builds_filter": null,
"builds_url": "",
"badge_url": "",
"created_at": "2013-09-03 13:24:38 UTC",
"scheduled_builds_count": 0,
"running_builds_count": 0,
"scheduled_jobs_count": 0,
"running_jobs_count": 0,
"waiting_jobs_count": 0
The response only includes a webhook URL in pipeline.provider.webhook_url
if the user has edit permissions for the pipeline. Otherwise, the field returns with an empty string.
Required request body properties:
commit |
Ref, SHA or tag to be built. Example: "HEAD" Note:Before running builds on tags, make sure your agent is fetching git tags . |
branch |
Branch the commit belongs to. This allows you to take advantage of your pipeline and step-level branch filtering rules. Example: "main"
Optional request body properties:
author |
A JSON object with a "name" and "email" key to show who created this build.Default value: the user making the API request. |
clean_checkout |
Force the agent to remove any existing build directory and perform a fresh checkout. Default value: false . |
env |
Environment variables to be made available to the build. Default value: {} . |
ignore_pipeline_branch_filters |
Run the build regardless of the pipeline's branch filtering rules. Step branch filtering rules will still apply. Default value: false . |
message |
Message for the build. Example: "Testing all the things :rocket:"
meta_data |
A JSON object of meta-data to make available to the build. Default value: {} . |
pull_request_base_branch |
For a pull request build, the base branch of the pull request. Example: "main"
pull_request_id |
For a pull request build, the pull request number. Example: 42
pull_request_labels |
For a pull request build, a JSON array of labels assigned to the pull request. Example: ["bug", "ui"]
pull_request_repository |
For a pull request build, the git repository of the pull request. Example: "git://"
Required scope: write_builds
Success response: 201 Created
Error responses:
422 Unprocessable Entity |
{ "message": "Validation Failed", "errors": [ ... ] } |
422 Unprocessable Entity |
{ "message": "Reason that the build could not be created" } |
Cancel a build
Cancels the build if its state is either scheduled
, running
, or failing
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X PUT "{org.slug}/pipelines/{pipeline.slug}/builds/{number}/cancel"
"id": "f62a1b4d-10f9-4790-bc1c-e2c3a0c80983",
"graphql_id": "QnVpbGQtLS1mYmQ2Zjk3OS0yOTRhLTQ3ZjItOTU0Ni1lNTk0M2VlMTAwNzE=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"number": 1,
"state": "canceled",
"cancel_reason": "reason for a canceled build",
"blocked": false,
"message": "Bumping to version 0.2-beta.6",
"commit": "abcd0b72a1e580e90712cdd9eb26d3fb41cd09c8",
"branch": "main",
"env": { },
"source": "webhook",
"creator": {
"id": "3d3c3bf0-7d58-4afe-8fe7-b3017d5504de",
"graphql_id": "QnVpbGQtLS1mYmQ2Zjk3OS0yOTRhLTQ3ZjItOTU0Ni1lNTk0M2VlMTAwNzE=",
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-22T12:36:45.309Z"
"jobs": [
"id": "b63254c0-3271-4a98-8270-7cfbd6c2f14e",
"graphql_id": "Sm9iLS0tMTQ4YWQ0MzgtM2E2My00YWIxLWIzMjItNzIxM2Y3YzJhMWFi",
"type": "script",
"name": "📦",
"step_key": "package",
"step": {
"id": "018c0f56-c87c-47e9-95ee-aa47397b4496",
"signature": {
"value": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InlvdSBzbHkgZG9nISB5b3UgY2F1Z2h0IG1lIG1vbm9sb2d1aW5nISJ9..m9LBvNgbzmO5JuZ4Bwoheyn7uqLf3TN1EdFwv_l_nMT2qh0_2EVs30SAEc-Ajjkq18MQk3cgU36AodLPl3_hBg",
"algorithm": "EdDSA",
"signed_fields": [
"agent_query_rules": ["*"],
"state": "scheduled",
"web_url": "",
"log_url": "",
"raw_log_url": "",
"command": "scripts/",
"soft_failed": false,
"exit_status": 0,
"artifact_paths": "",
"agent": {
"id": "0b461f65-e7be-4c80-888a-ef11d81fd971",
"graphql_id": "QWdlbnQtLS1mOTBhNzliNC01YjJlLTQzNzEtYjYxZS03OTA4ZDAyNmUyN2E=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"name": "my-agent",
"connection_state": "connected",
"hostname": "localhost",
"ip_address": "",
"user_agent": "buildkite-agent/1.0.0 (linux; amd64)",
"creator": {
"id": "3d3c3bf0-7d58-4afe-8fe7-b3017d5504de",
"graphql_id": "VXNlci0tLThmNzFlOWI1LTczMDEtNDI4ZS1hMjQ1LWUwOWI0YzI0OWRiZg==",
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z"
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z"
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"runnable_at": "2015-05-09T21:06:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:07:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:08:59.874Z",
"retried": false,
"retried_in_job_id": null,
"retries_count": null,
"retry_source": null,
"retry_type": null,
"parallel_group_index": null,
"parallel_group_total": null,
"matrix": null,
"cluster_id": null,
"cluster_url": null,
"cluster_queue_id": null,
"cluster_queue_url": null
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"meta_data": { },
"pull_request": { },
"pipeline": {
"id": "849411f9-9e6d-4739-a0d8-e247088e9b52",
"graphql_id": "UGlwZWxpbmUtLS1lOTM4ZGQxYy03MDgwLTQ4ZmQtOGQyMC0yNmQ4M2E0ZjNkNDg=",
"url": "",
"name": "Great Pipeline",
"slug": "great-pipeline",
"repository": "",
"provider": {
"id": "github",
"webhook_url": ""
"skip_queued_branch_builds": false,
"skip_queued_branch_builds_filter": null,
"cancel_running_branch_builds": false,
"cancel_running_branch_builds_filter": null,
"builds_url": "",
"badge_url": "",
"created_at": "2013-09-03 13:24:38 UTC",
"scheduled_builds_count": 0,
"running_builds_count": 0,
"scheduled_jobs_count": 0,
"running_jobs_count": 0,
"waiting_jobs_count": 0
The response only includes a webhook URL in pipeline.provider.webhook_url
if the user has edit permissions for the pipeline. Otherwise, the field returns with an empty string.
Required scope: write_builds
Success response: 200 OK
Error responses:
422 Unprocessable Entity |
{ "message": "Reason why the build could not be canceled" } |
Rebuild a build
Returns the newly created build.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X PUT "{org.slug}/pipelines/{pipeline.slug}/builds/{number}/rebuild"
"id": "f62a1b4d-10f9-4790-bc1c-e2c3a0c80983",
"graphql_id": "QnVpbGQtLS1mYmQ2Zjk3OS0yOTRhLTQ3ZjItOTU0Ni1lNTk0M2VlMTAwNzE=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"number": 2,
"state": "scheduled",
"cancel_reason": "reason for a canceled build",
"blocked": false,
"message": "Bumping to version 0.2-beta.6",
"commit": "abcd0b72a1e580e90712cdd9eb26d3fb41cd09c8",
"branch": "main",
"env": { },
"source": "api",
"creator": {
"id": "3d3c3bf0-7d58-4afe-8fe7-b3017d5504de",
"graphql_id": "VXNlci0tLThmNzFlOWI1LTczMDEtNDI4ZS1hMjQ1LWUwOWI0YzI0OWRiZg==",
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-22T12:36:45.309Z"
"jobs": [
"id": "b63254c0-3271-4a98-8270-7cfbd6c2f14e",
"graphql_id": "Sm9iLS0tMTQ4YWQ0MzgtM2E2My00YWIxLWIzMjItNzIxM2Y3YzJhMWFi",
"type": "script",
"name": "📦",
"step_key": "package",
"step": {
"id": "018c0f56-c87c-47e9-95ee-aa47397b4496",
"signature": {
"value": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InlvdSBzbHkgZG9nISB5b3UgY2F1Z2h0IG1lIG1vbm9sb2d1aW5nISJ9..m9LBvNgbzmO5JuZ4Bwoheyn7uqLf3TN1EdFwv_l_nMT2qh0_2EVs30SAEc-Ajjkq18MQk3cgU36AodLPl3_hBg",
"algorithm": "EdDSA",
"signed_fields": [
"agent_query_rules": ["*"],
"state": "scheduled",
"web_url": "",
"log_url": "",
"raw_log_url": "",
"command": "scripts/",
"soft_failed": false,
"exit_status": 0,
"artifact_paths": "",
"agent": {
"id": "0b461f65-e7be-4c80-888a-ef11d81fd971",
"graphql_id": "QWdlbnQtLS1mOTBhNzliNC01YjJlLTQzNzEtYjYxZS03OTA4ZDAyNmUyN2E=",
"url": "",
"web_url": "",
"name": "my-agent",
"connection_state": "connected",
"hostname": "localhost",
"ip_address": "",
"user_agent": "buildkite-agent/1.0.0 (linux; amd64)",
"creator": {
"id": "3d3c3bf0-7d58-4afe-8fe7-b3017d5504de",
"graphql_id": "VXNlci0tLThmNzFlOWI1LTczMDEtNDI4ZS1hMjQ1LWUwOWI0YzI0OWRiZg==",
"name": "Keith Pitt",
"email": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z"
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z"
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"runnable_at": "2015-05-09T21:06:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:07:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:08:59.874Z",
"retried": false,
"retried_in_job_id": null,
"retries_count": null,
"retry_source": null,
"retry_type": null,
"parallel_group_index": null,
"parallel_group_total": null,
"matrix": null,
"cluster_id": null,
"cluster_url": null,
"cluster_queue_id": null,
"cluster_queue_url": null
"created_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"scheduled_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"started_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"finished_at": "2015-05-09T21:05:59.874Z",
"meta_data": { },
"pull_request": { },
"pipeline": {
"id": "849411f9-9e6d-4739-a0d8-e247088e9b52",
"graphql_id": "UGlwZWxpbmUtLS1lOTM4ZGQxYy03MDgwLTQ4ZmQtOGQyMC0yNmQ4M2E0ZjNkNDg=",
"url": "",
"name": "Great Pipeline",
"slug": "great-pipeline",
"repository": "",
"provider": {
"id": "github",
"webhook_url": ""
"skip_queued_branch_builds": false,
"skip_queued_branch_builds_filter": null,
"cancel_running_branch_builds": false,
"cancel_running_branch_builds_filter": null,
"builds_url": "",
"badge_url": "",
"created_at": "2013-09-03 13:24:38 UTC",
"scheduled_builds_count": 0,
"running_builds_count": 0,
"scheduled_jobs_count": 0,
"running_jobs_count": 0,
"waiting_jobs_count": 0
The response only includes a webhook URL in pipeline.provider.webhook_url
if the user has edit permissions for the pipeline. Otherwise, the field returns with an empty string.
Required scope: write_builds
Success response: 200 OK
Timestamp attributes
There are several different timestamps relating to timing for builds and jobs. There are four main time values which are available on both build and job API calls.
The timestamps are available using both the GraphQL and REST APIs. They differ slightly between the build and job objects.
Each build is provided with the following timestamps:
scheduled_at |
The time the build was created. All builds from a pipeline upload have a scheduled_at copied from the job that did the uploading |
created_at |
The time the build was created. For uploaded pipelines it is when the pipeline upload was run. |
started_at |
The time the build's first job was started by an agent |
finished_at |
The time the build is marked as finished (passed, failed, paused, canceled) |
Each job is provided with the same timestamps, but their values differ from those on each build:
scheduled_at |
The time when the scheduler process processes the job. If a job was created after the build, the job's scheduled_at value will inherit the build's created_at value, because of this it can be earlier than the job's created_at timestamp. |
created_at |
The time when the job was added to the build |
runnable_at |
The time when a job was ready to be accepted by an agent |
started_at |
The time the job was started by an agent |
finished_at |
The time the job is marked as finished (passed, failed, paused, canceled) |