New Help menu

We've added a new Help menu to Buildkite that combines documentation search, suggested docs for the current page, and a link to support 👋

Check it out now in the top nav of any Buildkite page 🎉



New plugins directory and documentation

To make it easier to find and create Buildkite plugins, we've launched the Buildkite Plugins Directory and updated the plugins documentation 🔨



Check out the new plugins documentation, or browse the plugins directory at


Search in Buildkite Documentation

We’ve rolled out search to the Buildkite documentation site, so it’s easier than ever to find an answer to your questions 🕵🏻‍♀️📚


You can find the search bar at the top of every page of documentation, so it’s always ready to go! 🎉


Amazon EventBridge Partner Integration

Stream your data from Buildkite to Amazon EventBridge with our new first-class integration 👩🏻‍🔬

You can route 12 different agent, build, and job events to EventBridge to track custom build metrics, monitor developer wait time, run AWS infrastructure operations based on build events, and create faster autoscaling rules.


You can find Buildkite in the EventBridge partner event sources. Check out our EventBridge integration documentation for detailed setup instructions 📚


New pipeline attribute: notify 🌟

Send notifications to email addresses, Basecamp Campfires, or Slack Channels with the new notify pipeline YAML attribute 💎

Add as many notifications as you need for different teams or individuals alongside your pipeline steps in the notify YAML block:

  - command:
  - wait
  - command:

  - email: ""
  - slack: "fish-space#general"

For more information about adding notify to your pipeline.yml file, check out the new Notifications guide 💡


Introducing pipeline step dependencies

We've added support for defining step dependencies in your pipeline configuration, allowing you to minimize the wait times in your builds ⏭

To define a dependency between two steps, you can use the new properties key and depends_on:

  - command: ""
    key: "build"
  - command: ""
    key: "tests"
  - command: ""
    depends_on: "tests"
  - command: ""
      - "build"
      - "tests"

We've also made sure that you can easily transition an existing pipeline to use step dependencies: starting with a sequential pipeline that uses wait steps, you can gradually add depends_on as you need.

For more information about how dependencies work, and how to add them to your pipeline, see the new Managing Step Dependencies guide ✨


Archiving build logs to private S3 buckets

There is a new feature available on our Enterprise plan: you can now choose to archive build logs to your own private S3 bucket, instead of storing them at rest with Buildkite 📦🔐

Screenshot of a build log and the S3 log in Buildkite

To enable private build log archiving for your organization, or to inquire about upgrading your team to Enterprise, email ✉️


Access build annotations via the REST API

We’ve added the annotations endpoint to our REST API for retrieving a build’s annotations 🗃

The data is presented as rendered HTML (the same HTML we use within the app) within a JSON body, alongside everything else you might want to know about the annotation.


You can read more about this addition in the Annotations API documentation 📖


Deploying with Buildkite

There’s a whole new section in the docs: ✨Deployments

Here you'll find common patterns for deployments with code samples and walkthroughs, as well as how to add manual approval steps, and working with external deployment systems.


Also new in the deployments section is our guide to Deploying with Kubernetes: a complete walk-through of setting up your Buildkite pipeline to deploy to your Kubernetes cluster :kubernetes:

Check it all out in the new Deployments section 📚


New Artifactory support and documentation

We've added new documentation on Buildkite Agent's new Artifactory support for uploading build artifacts to JFrog's Artifactory 🎉

There is now first-class support for uploading your artifacts directly to your Artifactory instance.

artifactory settings.png

artifactory upload.png

To learn more about Artifactory and our technology partnership, head to the JFrog Partner website. To learn more about Buildkite's built-in Artifactory support, see our new Artifactory guide 👀


Conditional expressions for pipeline steps

We've added a new if property that uses a boolean expression to decide whether a step will be run or skipped 💫

You could previously use the branches property to limit the running of a step based on which branch you were building, but this new option allows more complex conditions 😎

  - label: '💨 Smoke Test'
    if: "build.branch == 'master' || build.message =~ /\\[smoke\\]/i"

The if property is available on all step types; check out the Using Conditionals documentation for details!


Audit old and unused API tokens with API Access Audit

We've added a new API Access Audit section in your Organization Settings, so you can identify old and unused tokens, and revoke their access to your organization’s data 🕵️

Searching for tokens using the new API Access Audit page

As well as sorting by usage or age, and searching by scope, you can search for the a full token value — allowing you to inspect and revoke a token you've access to.

You can read all about it in the new Managing API Access documentation, and if you’re an organization admin you can find the new API Access Audit section in your Organization Settings.


Buildkite socks now available in the Shop 🧦

The swag you've all been waiting for is finally available in the shop: Buildkite socks 🧦

Our socks are pure cotton and are available in Small, Medium, and Large. Get your hands (or paws🐾) on a pair here:


Configure and manage your single sign-on providers

We've added a new Single Sign-On section to your Buildkite organization settings, allowing you to setup, test, activate and manage your SSO configuration:

Add SSO Provider Buildkite organization settings screenshot

See the SSO documentation for all the details, and how to get started.


Scheduled Builds now allow specifying a time zone

We’ve added support for setting the timezone of your Scheduled Builds, so you’re no longer limited to just UTC ⏰

Screenshot of a Cron Interval field filled in with “0 11 * * * America/Vancouver” filled in

As an added bonus, if you specify a timezone it will automatically handle changes such as daylight savings 🎉

You can read more about the new timezone support in the updated Scheduled Builds documentation.


Link directly to build annotations

We've added the ability to link to build annotations, so you can more easily share them with your team, and link to them in your build output 🔗

Screenshot of the link on a build annotation

You can find an annotation's link using the coloured bar on the left, or you can add #annotation-<context> to the build page's URL. For example, if the annotation has the context coverage, you'd add #annotation-coverage to the build page's URL.

See the buildkite-agent annotate documentation for information on adding and updating build annotations.


Support for rotating pipeline webhook URLs

We've added a pipelineRotateWebhookURL GraphQL mutation for rotating the webhook URL that connects a pipeline with your source control. And a github-webhook-rotate CLI tool for automating the process with GitHub 🌪

Screenshot of the CLI tool

You can find the CLI tool on GitHub at buildkite/github-webhook-rotate, and the GraphQL mutation documentation by searching for pipelineRotateWebhookURL in the GraphQL Explorer.


Inspect and revoke API Access Tokens via the REST API

We've added a new set of REST APIs for managing an API Access Token, including the ability to immediately revoke the current token 🗑

Screenshot of API Access Token revoke documentation

See the API Access Token REST API documentation for more details.


IP limiting for self hosted source code

To help increase the security between Buildkite and your Github Enterprise, Gitlab Community/Enterprise, or Bitbucket Server, you can now limit which IP address ranges are allowed to send build events to Buildkite 🚧


You can configure the new IP restrictions using the "Allowed IP Addresses" fields in your Buildkite Organization Settings.


Compromised password protection

To protect accounts from being accessed using compromised passwords, we've integrated into all of our authentication systems, allowing us to verify that known compromised passwords can't be used to access Buildkite data 🚷

Settings 2019-06-19 12-42-09.png

The integration with uses a technique called k-anonymity hashes, which hashes the password and sends only the first few characters, ensuring there's little risk of disclosing information about your password.


Start turning complexity into an advantage

Create an account to get started with a 30-day free trial. No credit card required.

Buildkite Pipelines


  1. Pipelines
  2. Pipeline templates
  3. Public pipelines
  4. Test Engine
  5. Package Registries
  6. Mobile Delivery Cloud
  7. Pricing

Hosting options

  1. Self-hosted agents
  2. Mac hosted agents
  3. Linux hosted agents


  1. Docs
  2. Blog
  3. Changelog
  4. Webinars
  5. Plugins
  6. Case studies
  7. Events


  1. About
  2. Careers
  3. Press
  4. Brand assets
  5. Contact


  1. Replace Jenkins
  2. Workflows for AI/ML


  1. System status
  2. Forum