
Extend your pipelines with Buildkite Plugins

Most Starred

adikariMonorepo Diff

Trigger pipelines on changes in watched folders.

  • monorepo

★ 203 · Updated
· v2.5.9

buildkite-pluginsDocker Compose

Run any CI step in isolated Docker containers using Docker Compose.

  • docker
  • docker-compose

★ 169 · Updated
· v5.2.0


Runs your build steps in Docker containers or other docker commands.

  • docker

★ 108 · Updated
· v5.11.0


Dynamically generate Buildkite pipelines based on project changes.

  • cicd
  • monorepo

★ 91 · Updated
· v0.10.3

bugcrowdTest Summary

Collates test results as a buildkite annotation.

  • junit
  • ruby
  • tap

★ 66 · Updated
· v1.11.0


Tarball, Rsync & S3 Cache Kit for Buildkite. Supports Linux, macOS and Windows.

  • cache
  • checksum
  • linux
  • macos
  • restore
  • rsync
  • s3
  • tarball
  • windows

★ 66 · Updated
· v2.4.16

seek-ossDocker ECR Cache

Cache Docker images in Amazon ECR.

  • ecr
  • gcr

★ 58 · Updated
· v2.2.0


Runs your build step as a kubernetes job.

  • ci
  • hacktoberfest
  • jsonnet
  • k8s
  • kubernetes

★ 48 · Updated
· v1.3.1

seek-ossAWS Secrets Manager

Read secrets from AWS Secrets Manager.

    ★ 47 · Updated
    · v2.3.2

    buildkite-pluginsJunit Annotate

    Annotates your build using JUnit XML reports.

    • annotation
    • junit
    • tests

    ★ 34 · Updated
    · v2.4.1


    Upload and download artifacts.

    • artifact

    ★ 33 · Updated
    · v1.9.3


    Persist cache in between build steps.

    • caching

    ★ 29 · Updated
    · v1.0.1


    Login to ECR in your build steps.

    • authentication
    • aws
    • aws-ecr
    • ecr

    ★ 27 · Updated
    · v2.9.0

    buildkite-pluginsVault Secrets

    Expose build secrets stored in Vault to your jobs.

    • vault

    ★ 25 · Updated
    · v2.1.0

    seek-ossGitHub Merged Pull Request

    Checks out the GitHub PR merge ref rather than the branch HEAD.

      ★ 24 · Updated
      · v1.1.2

      thedyrtGit Commit

      A Buildkite plugin to commit and push the results of a command to a git repository.

        ★ 22 · Updated
        · v0.3.0

        buildkite-pluginsECS Deploy

        Deploy to ECS.

        • aws
        • aws-ecs
        • ecs
        • ecs-service

        ★ 22 · Updated
        · v3.0.0

        automatticCI Toolkit

        A library of commonly used commands for your CI builds.

          ★ 21 · Updated
          · 3.4.2


          Run commands as buildkite hooks on a per-step basis.

          • engineering-velocity

          ★ 20 · Updated
          · v0.4.1

          zegocoverGit Diff Conditional

          Conditionally run steps based on git diff files.

          • buildkite-pipelines
          • diff-buildkite-plugin
          • git-diff
          • monorepo
          • pipeline
          • polyrepo
          • python3

          ★ 17 · Updated
          · v1.1.2

          buildkite-pluginsDocker Login

          Login to Docker registries in your build steps.

          • docker
          • docker-login
          • docker-registry

          ★ 17 · Updated
          · v3.0.0

          buildkite-pluginsOIDC Assume AWS Role

          Assume an AWS IAM role using a Buildkite OIDC token.

          • aws
          • iam
          • oidc

          ★ 16 · Updated
          · v1.0.0

          buildkite-pluginsDetect Clowns

          Detects clown emojis in your codebase.

          • example-code

          ★ 15 · Updated
          · v2.0.0


          Dynamically generates monorepo pipelines from multiple subprojects.

          • monorepo
          • pipeline-generator

          ★ 14 · Updated
          · v5.0.12


          Run shellcheck over your shell scripts.

          • shellcheck

          ★ 14 · Updated
          · v1.3.0

          envatoGithub Pull Request

          A Buildkite plugin that opens Github pull requests.

          • github

          ★ 13 · Updated


          Runs your build steps in Anka virtual machines.

          • anka

          ★ 13 · Updated

          hasuraSmooth Checkout

          All the things you need during a Buildkite checkout.

          • checkout
          • ci
          • git

          ★ 13 · Updated
          · v4.5.0

          seek-ossDocker ECR Publish

          Build, tag, and push Docker images to Amazon ECR.

            ★ 12 · Updated
            · v2.5.1


            Checks out a perforce repository instead of git.

            • engineering-velocity

            ★ 11 · Updated
            · v4.6.0

            hasuraSmooth Secrets

            Plugin to manage your secrets.

            • aws-secrets-manager
            • secrets

            ★ 11 · Updated
            · v1.3.2

            thedyrtSkip Checkout

            Skips the default Buildkite and optionally changes to a specified directory.

              ★ 10 · Updated

              buildkite-pluginsTest Collector

              Uploads your JSON or JUnit files to Buildkite Test Analytics.

              • analytics
              • data
              • json
              • junit
              • test

              ★ 10 · Updated
              · v1.10.1


              Runs your build steps in Tart Virtual Machines.

                ★ 9 · Updated
                · v0.2.0

                avalyGCP Secret Manager

                Read secrets from Google Cloud Secret Manager.

                • google-cloud
                • google-cloud-platform
                • google-secret-manager

                ★ 9 · Updated
                · v1.1.1

                buildkite-pluginsMonorepo Diff

                Trigger pipelines on changes in watched folders.

                • monorepo

                ★ 9 · Updated
                · v1.0.1

                qarik-groupCloud Foundry Deploy

                Deploys your application to Cloud Foundry.

                • cloud-foundry
                • deployment
                • starkandwayne

                ★ 8 · Updated
                · v0.9.2


                Restore and Save directories using a cache key.

                  ★ 8 · Updated

                  seek-ossCreate ECR

                  Create and manage an Amazon ECR repository.

                    ★ 8 · Updated
                    · v1.5.0

                    wayfair-incubatorBigQuery Buildkite Plugin

                    This Buildkite plugin can be used to deploy tables/views schemas to BigQuery.

                    • bigquery
                    • gbq
                    • google
                    • google-bigquery
                    • google-cloud-platform
                    • hacktoberfest

                    ★ 8 · Updated
                    · v1.2.0

                    cultureampAWS Assume Role

                    Assumes an IAM Role before running the build command.

                      ★ 8 · Updated
                      · v0.2.0

                      buildkite-pluginsGolang Build

                      Building golang binaries against different versions of golang.

                      • golang

                      ★ 8 · Updated
                      · v1.4.0

                      envatoAWS S3 Sync

                      A Buildkite plugin syncs files to the AWS Simple Storage Service (S3).

                      • aws-s3

                      ★ 7 · Updated
                      · v0.5.0

                      automatticGit S3 Cache

                      Reads your git repo from an S3 cache.

                        ★ 7 · Updated
                        · 1.1.4


                        Trivy Security Scanning.

                        • delivery-eng
                        • delivery-engineering

                        ★ 7 · Updated
                        · v1.18.5

                        buildkite-pluginsPlugin Linter

                        A plugin to lint your Buildkite plugins.

                          ★ 7 · Updated
                          · v3.3.0


                          Runs Open Policy Agent against Terraform plans.

                          • docker
                          • opa
                          • openpolicyagent
                          • terraform

                          ★ 6 · Updated
                          · v1.0.8

                          betterDatadog Stats

                          Collects detailed stats on build times and outcomes and sends to datadog.

                          • datadog-metrics
                          • stats

                          ★ 6 · Updated

                          improbable-engDocker Service

                          Run docker containers that can be used by your build steps as services.

                          • engineering-velocity

                          ★ 6 · Updated
                          · v0.3.0


                          Run sonar-scanner.

                          • hacktoberfest
                          • sonar-scanner
                          • sonarqube

                          ★ 6 · Updated
                          · v0.1.1


                          Runs Terraform in your pipeline.

                          • docker
                          • terraform

                          ★ 6 · Updated
                          · v1.2.28

                          rdytechCode Climate Test Reporter

                          A Buildkite plugin to report coverage with the Code Climate test reporter.

                            ★ 6 · Updated
                            · v2.4

                            buildkite-pluginsLibrary Example

                            An example plugin for adding your own library of commands to expose to build jobs.

                              ★ 6 · Updated
                              · v1.0.1

                              buildkite-pluginsAviator Test Uploader

                              Uploads your JUnit files to Aviator.

                              • aviator
                              • junit
                              • tests

                              ★ 6 · Updated
                              · v1.0.0


                              Provides a way for working with Windows Docker containers from a Linux Host. Designed to work with the Elastic CI stack.

                                ★ 5 · Updated
                                · v0.0.5

                                seek-ossDatadog Event

                                Send a deployment complete event to datadog.

                                  ★ 5 · Updated
                                  · v0.0.5

                                  uber-workflowSkip clone

                                  Skips git clone before running command.

                                    ★ 5 · Updated

                                    chronotcMetadata Env

                                    Read metadata values and place into environment.

                                    • metadata

                                    ★ 5 · Updated
                                    · v1.0.0

                                    adabayVault Key/Value

                                    Export secrets from Hashicorp Vault (Key/Value Secret Engine) as environment variables.

                                      ★ 5 · Updated
                                      · v0.9.5


                                      Apply code signatures and sign MacOS binaries.

                                      • codesigning
                                      • engineering-velocity
                                      • macos
                                      • notarize

                                      ★ 5 · Updated
                                      · v0.1.3

                                      envatoBundle Update

                                      A Buildkite plugin that runs bundle update.

                                      • bundler

                                      ★ 5 · Updated
                                      · v0.11.0

                                      envatoStop The Line

                                      A Buildkite plugin that stops the build if metadata is set to a given value.

                                        ★ 5 · Updated

                                        arromerGithub Fetch

                                        Fetches a branch from a github repository.

                                          ★ 5 · Updated
                                          · v0.21


                                          Runs the codecov bash reporter over your code.

                                          • bash
                                          • codecov
                                          • codecov-uploader
                                          • coverage
                                          • docker

                                          ★ 5 · Updated
                                          · v3.1.0

                                          peakonAWS S3 cache plugin

                                          Save / restore cache to / from AWS S3 bucket.

                                          • aws
                                          • aws-s3
                                          • cache
                                          • s3
                                          • s3-cache

                                          ★ 5 · Updated
                                          · v2.3.0

                                          check-run-reporterCheck Run Reporter

                                          Stop digging through logs and view test results without leaving GitHub.

                                          • checkstyle
                                          • ci
                                          • code-quality
                                          • eslint
                                          • github
                                          • junit
                                          • swiftlint

                                          ★ 5 · Updated


                                          Run a command in a specific golang docker container.

                                            ★ 5 · Updated

                                            buildkite-pluginsGit Clean

                                            Overrides the git clean flags for a job.

                                            • git

                                            ★ 5 · Updated
                                            · v1.0.0

                                            buildkite-pluginsGOPATH Checkout

                                            Checkout your code into the correct GOPATH, for running Go commands directly on an agent machine.

                                            • golang

                                            ★ 5 · Updated
                                            · v2.0.0


                                            Upload and download artifacts.

                                            • cache
                                            • s3

                                            ★ 4 · Updated
                                            · v1.2.0

                                            envatoCreate Datadog Event

                                            Creates Datadog events.

                                            • datadog
                                            • datadog-events

                                            ★ 4 · Updated
                                            · v0.2.0


                                            Retrieve the labels attached to a PR build and expose them via env vars or meta-data.

                                              ★ 4 · Updated

                                              envatoHeroku Container Deploy

                                              Deploys prebuilt container images to Heroku.

                                                ★ 4 · Updated
                                                · v1.3.0

                                                campspotHarness Deploy Buildkite Plugin

                                                Kicks off a Harness pipeline from buildkite.

                                                  ★ 4 · Updated
                                                  · v1.0.0

                                                  wayfair-incubatorCloud Functions Buildkite Plugin

                                                  This buildkite plugin can be used to deploy code to Cloud Functions.

                                                  • cloud-functions
                                                  • google
                                                  • google-cloud-functions
                                                  • google-cloud-platform
                                                  • hacktoberfest

                                                  ★ 4 · Updated
                                                  · v0.1.2


                                                  Set-up Julia for use in your pipeline.

                                                  • julia

                                                  ★ 4 · Updated
                                                  · v1.9.0

                                                  datumforgeGit clone

                                                  Performs a clone of an extra repo in the build step.

                                                  • git-clone

                                                  ★ 4 · Updated
                                                  · v1.0.0

                                                  datumforgeContainer Build

                                                  Builds a container image.

                                                  • container-builder
                                                  • docker-build

                                                  ★ 4 · Updated
                                                  · v1.1.0

                                                  mgoodingsAssume Identity

                                                  Changes an existing builds assigned user.

                                                    ★ 3 · Updated

                                                    joschaSauce Connect

                                                    Runs sauce-connect for a given step.

                                                    • sauce-connect
                                                    • sauce-tunnel
                                                    • saucelabs

                                                    ★ 3 · Updated
                                                    · v3.2.3

                                                    tendnzGit Tag

                                                    A Buildkite plugin to tag the current git repository with a specific value.

                                                      ★ 3 · Updated
                                                      · v1.0.7

                                                      peakonGit shallow clone

                                                      Sets git-clone and git-fetch flags to perform a shallow clone.

                                                      • git

                                                      ★ 3 · Updated


                                                      Execute commands on remote servers.

                                                        ★ 3 · Updated
                                                        · v0.9.6

                                                        ennovagit S3 cache

                                                        Cache git repo in S3 for faster checkouts.

                                                          ★ 3 · Updated

                                                          twondsGithub Repository Dispatch

                                                          A Buildkite plugin that triggers a Github workflow.

                                                          • github-actions
                                                          • github-repository-dispatch

                                                          ★ 3 · Updated

                                                          mikeknoxAWS SSM Secrets

                                                          Expose secrets to your build steps that are stored in AWS SSM parameter store.

                                                            ★ 3 · Updated
                                                            · v0.9.3

                                                            octopusdeployOctopus Deploy Push Build Information

                                                            Buildkite Plugin to push build information to Octopus Deploy.

                                                            • cli
                                                            • deployment
                                                            • octopus-deploy
                                                            • public

                                                            ★ 3 · Updated
                                                            · v0.1.1

                                                            skyleaworlderGitHub Comment

                                                            💬Post a comment to an Issue or PR on GitHub.

                                                              ★ 3 · Updated

                                                              iressJunit Slack Notification

                                                              Notify Slack with a summary of the Junit build.

                                                              • junit
                                                              • slack-bot
                                                              • tests

                                                              ★ 3 · Updated
                                                              · v1.0.6

                                                              datumforgeDocker Metadata

                                                              Adds docker metadata to the environment.

                                                              • docker
                                                              • docker-build

                                                              ★ 3 · Updated
                                                              · v1.0.0

                                                              datumforgeGit Commit

                                                              A buildkite plugin to commit and push changes to a git repository.

                                                              • git-commit

                                                              ★ 3 · Updated
                                                              · v1.0.1


                                                              A buildkite plugin to update helm tarballs.

                                                              • helm

                                                              ★ 3 · Updated
                                                              · v1.0.0


                                                              Ariga Atlas Database Tool for use with

                                                              • atlas
                                                              • database-migrations

                                                              ★ 3 · Updated
                                                              · v0.0.3

                                                              cultureampECR Scan Results

                                                              Retrieves vulnerability scan results from ECR, creating a report as an annotation on the build. Will fail the step if vulnerabilities exist (though this is configurable). .

                                                                ★ 3 · Updated
                                                                · v1.6.1

                                                                buildkite-pluginsSparse checkout

                                                                Plugin to run sparse checkout only on selected folders.

                                                                • sparse-checkout

                                                                ★ 3 · Updated
                                                                · v1.0.0


                                                                Grant pipelines access to Google Cloud resources using Workload Identity Federation.

                                                                • gcloud
                                                                • oidc

                                                                ★ 3 · Updated
                                                                · v1.1.0


                                                                Run scripts as hooks.

                                                                  ★ 2 · Updated

                                                                  envatoAWS CloudFormation Output

                                                                  Gather AWS Cloudformation output and export them as env vars.

                                                                  • aws-cloudformation

                                                                  ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                  · v2.1.0


                                                                  Load secrets using Summon from AWS S3, SSM Parameter Store, and elsewhere.

                                                                  • summon

                                                                  ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                  · v0.1.0

                                                                  thedyrtChange Directory

                                                                  Changes the working directory before running command.

                                                                    ★ 2 · Updated


                                                                    Build images using kaniko over a socket.

                                                                    • kaniko

                                                                    ★ 2 · Updated


                                                                    Inject SSM Parameters as environment variables into your build step.

                                                                      ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                      · v1.0.0


                                                                      Runs build steps after success or failures of other jobs.

                                                                      • cdco

                                                                      ★ 2 · Updated

                                                                      phcysoAnnotate From file

                                                                      Annotates the build with the contents of a file.

                                                                        ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                        · v1.0.0

                                                                        pragmaplatformSparse Checkout

                                                                        Sparse Checkout of a Github repository.

                                                                          ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                          · v1.1.14

                                                                          hi-artemProvenance Generator

                                                                          SLSA provenance generator for your build artifacts.

                                                                          • provenance
                                                                          • slsa
                                                                          • software-supply-chain

                                                                          ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                          · v1.1.16

                                                                          envatoDocker Size Annotation

                                                                          Annotates the build with a docker image size.

                                                                            ★ 2 · Updated

                                                                            juliaciExternal Buildkite

                                                                            Download Buildkite configuration files from an external repository.

                                                                              ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                              · v1.3

                                                                              octopusdeployOctopus Deploy Create Release

                                                                              Buildkite Plugin to create a release in Octopus Deploy.

                                                                              • cli
                                                                              • deployment
                                                                              • octopus-deploy
                                                                              • public

                                                                              ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                              · v0.1.1

                                                                              octopusdeployOctopus Deploy Run Runbook

                                                                              Buildkite Plugin to run a runbook in Octopus Deploy.

                                                                              • cli
                                                                              • deployment
                                                                              • octopus-deploy
                                                                              • public

                                                                              ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                              · v0.1.1


                                                                              Step up Dhall on Buildkite.

                                                                              • dhall

                                                                              ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                              · 1.0


                                                                              Runs your build with buildtools.

                                                                              • deployment
                                                                              • docker
                                                                              • kubernetes

                                                                              ★ 2 · Updated


                                                                              Deploys code via Capistrano.

                                                                                ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                                · v1.0.0


                                                                                Sets secrets from Doppler as environment variables.

                                                                                • doppler

                                                                                ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                                · v1.1.0


                                                                                Secure your cloud from build to run and respond effectively with risk and threat insights.

                                                                                • lacework
                                                                                • scan
                                                                                • security

                                                                                ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                                · v1.0.0

                                                                                buildkite-pluginsGitlab Status

                                                                                Reports the build status back to gitlab.

                                                                                • gitlab

                                                                                ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                                · v1.2.0

                                                                                buildkite-pluginsBuildkite Plugin

                                                                                Exceptional functionality.

                                                                                • plugin
                                                                                • repository
                                                                                • template

                                                                                ★ 2 · Updated
                                                                                · v1.0.0

                                                                                jquickPre Hook

                                                                                Run commands as a pre-hook.

                                                                                  ★ 1 · Updated


                                                                                  Downloads URLs to a local directory.

                                                                                    ★ 1 · Updated

                                                                                    keithduncanSSM SSH Agent

                                                                                    Fetch SSH private keys from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store and load them into a one-shot SSH Agent.

                                                                                    • aws-ssm
                                                                                    • ssh-agent

                                                                                    ★ 1 · Updated


                                                                                    Expand properties with values.

                                                                                      ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                      · v1.0.7

                                                                                      xiaketPipeline linter

                                                                                      validate buildkite pipelines.

                                                                                        ★ 1 · Updated

                                                                                        uber-workflowBail early

                                                                                        If any jobs or triggered builds fail, cancel the parent build immediately.

                                                                                          ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                          · v1.1.0

                                                                                          forumoneArtifact Push

                                                                                          Pushes build artifacts to a remote Git repository.

                                                                                            ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                            · v0.3.1

                                                                                            johnsywebJSON Lint

                                                                                            A Buildkite plugin to check JSON files and syntax errors.

                                                                                            • json
                                                                                            • jsonlint

                                                                                            ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                            · v1.0.0


                                                                                            Installs terraform provider plugins from github releases.

                                                                                            • provider
                                                                                            • terraform

                                                                                            ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                            · v1.0.2

                                                                                            envatoRollbar Deploy

                                                                                            Reports deployments to Rollbar.

                                                                                            • rollbar

                                                                                            ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                            · v1.0.0

                                                                                            caseymichaelClubhouse Buildkite Status Badge Plugin

                                                                                            Creates a Clubhouse task with a branch specific buildkite status badge.

                                                                                              ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                              · v0.0.6

                                                                                              envatoNo Command

                                                                                              Overwrites the command hook so that it can be skipped.

                                                                                                ★ 1 · Updated

                                                                                                outstandDocker Cache

                                                                                                🐳 🏦 Cache/Restore the contents of docker volumes.

                                                                                                • docker
                                                                                                • docker-compose

                                                                                                ★ 1 · Updated

                                                                                                kobitonKobiton App Upload

                                                                                                Upload an application (apk or ipa) to Kobiton App Repo.

                                                                                                • integration

                                                                                                ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                · v1.0.0

                                                                                                kobitonKobiton Execute Test

                                                                                                A Buildkite Plugin to (synchronously) execute an automated test script on Kobiton service.

                                                                                                • integration

                                                                                                ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                · v1.0.0

                                                                                                roktTag Release

                                                                                                Tag commits with release tag when deploying.

                                                                                                  ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                  · v1.1.1


                                                                                                  Use asdf .tool-versions to manage your pipeline's tools.

                                                                                                  • asdf

                                                                                                  ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                  · v1.2.2

                                                                                                  thomaswang-atCheckout GitHub merge sha

                                                                                                  Checkout GitHub merge sha before running command, only active in GitHub Pull Request builds.

                                                                                                    ★ 1 · Updated

                                                                                                    seek-ossDynamoDB Image Publisher

                                                                                                    Creates multi-arch DynamoDB images with the specified schema and deploys them to ECR.

                                                                                                    • docker
                                                                                                    • dynamodb
                                                                                                    • ecr

                                                                                                    ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                    · v1.3.0

                                                                                                    juliaciJulia Test

                                                                                                    Instantiates and tests a Julia project.

                                                                                                    • julia

                                                                                                    ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                    · v1.10

                                                                                                    namespacelabsNamespace Cloud Cache

                                                                                                    Persist cache between job executions on Namespace Cloud.

                                                                                                      ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                      · v0.1

                                                                                                      equinixmetal-buildkiteDocker Metadata

                                                                                                      Adds docker metadata to the environment in an easy and customizable manner.

                                                                                                        ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                        · v1.0.0

                                                                                                        sj26Setup Crane

                                                                                                        Install crane for use in Buildkite builds.

                                                                                                        • containers
                                                                                                        • docker

                                                                                                        ★ 1 · Updated

                                                                                                        cultureampStep Templates

                                                                                                        Allows steps to be injected into the pipeline based on a common template.

                                                                                                          ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                          · v1.2.0

                                                                                                          planetscaleVault OIDC Auth

                                                                                                          Authenticate to Vault with OIDC tokens.

                                                                                                          • vault

                                                                                                          ★ 1 · Updated

                                                                                                          planetscaleVault AWS Credentials

                                                                                                          Generate temporary AWS IAM credentials from Hashicorp Vault AWS secrets backend.

                                                                                                          • aws
                                                                                                          • aws-iam
                                                                                                          • vault

                                                                                                          ★ 1 · Updated


                                                                                                          Apollo schema checks with rover.

                                                                                                          • apollo
                                                                                                          • federation
                                                                                                          • graphql
                                                                                                          • schema-checks

                                                                                                          ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                          · v0.0.1

                                                                                                          withgraphiteGraphite CI

                                                                                                          Optimize CI on stacked branches.

                                                                                                            ★ 1 · Updated

                                                                                                            jamestelferGithub App Auth

                                                                                                            Adds a Git credential helper that authorizes a pipeline to access its Github using HTTPS and a time-limited token. The helper agent (separate) is accessed via HTTP, using the Buildkite Agent OIDC token as its authorization. .

                                                                                                              ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                              · v1.0.2


                                                                                                              Cosign plugin for Buildkite.

                                                                                                                ★ 1 · Updated

                                                                                                                buildkite-pluginsTest BuildKite Plugins

                                                                                                                Automatically run plugin tests (using bats).

                                                                                                                • test-plugin

                                                                                                                ★ 1 · Updated
                                                                                                                · v1.1.1

                                                                                                                opx-infraSmoke Test

                                                                                                                Runs the smoke test on Debian packages.


                                                                                                                  opx-infraAptly Publish

                                                                                                                  Publishes Debian packages with Aptly.


                                                                                                                    cevoaustraliaAzure ACR Login

                                                                                                                    Login to Azure Container Registry (ACR) using `az acr login`.

                                                                                                                    • authentication
                                                                                                                    • azure
                                                                                                                    • azure-acr


                                                                                                                    cevoaustraliaAzure Login

                                                                                                                    Login to Azure CLI using `az login`.

                                                                                                                    • authentication
                                                                                                                    • azure



                                                                                                                    Use rsync to download files before steps, and upload files afterwards.

                                                                                                                      · v0.1

                                                                                                                      improbable-engEnsure Kind Cluster

                                                                                                                      Ensure a Buildkite step has a clean Kind cluster to run in.

                                                                                                                      • engineering-velocity
                                                                                                                      • k8s
                                                                                                                      • kind-cluster

                                                                                                                      · v0.1.0


                                                                                                                      Extracts the filesystem from a Docker image.

                                                                                                                      • docker

                                                                                                                      · v0.2.0


                                                                                                                      Easily create Calibre site snapshots from deploy pipelines.

                                                                                                                      • calibre

                                                                                                                      · v1.0.0


                                                                                                                      Runs your build steps in podman containers.

                                                                                                                      • hackweek
                                                                                                                      • podman


                                                                                                                      tendnzHoneycomb Marker

                                                                                                                      A Buildkite plugin to add a marker to your Honeycomb dataset.

                                                                                                                        · v1.0.5


                                                                                                                        Run Cider to submit your apps to the Apple App Store.

                                                                                                                        • apple
                                                                                                                        • appstoreconnect
                                                                                                                        • cider

                                                                                                                        · v0.1.0


                                                                                                                        Checks spelling of specified files within a repo.


                                                                                                                          johnsywebMarkdown Lint

                                                                                                                          A Buildkite plugin to check Markdown files and flag style issues.

                                                                                                                          • markdown
                                                                                                                          • markdownlint

                                                                                                                          · v1.0.0


                                                                                                                          Test Buildkite plugin.


                                                                                                                            jcouyangGithub Hub CLI

                                                                                                                            Step up Hub on Buildkite.

                                                                                                                            • github
                                                                                                                            • hub

                                                                                                                            · 1.0

                                                                                                                            outpostsoOutpost Notify

                                                                                                                            Register deployment to your Outpost.


                                                                                                                              oavdeevkind cluster

                                                                                                                              Create and teardown kind cluster per step.

                                                                                                                                · v0.7


                                                                                                                                Install and manage multiple versions of nodejs by leveraging the N tool.



                                                                                                                                  Run sysinternals handle.exe to terminate processes that have files open.

                                                                                                                                  • engineering-velocity

                                                                                                                                  · v5.0

                                                                                                                                  dlcmhFile Counter

                                                                                                                                  Annotates the build with a file count.

                                                                                                                                    · v1.0.0

                                                                                                                                    madan712Maven terraform plugin

                                                                                                                                    Maven package builder and loading using terraform.

                                                                                                                                      · v1.3

                                                                                                                                      predictivehirebuildSmooth Checkout

                                                                                                                                      All the things you need during a Buildkite checkout.

                                                                                                                                        · v1.0.0

                                                                                                                                        envatoAWS Cloudfront Invalidation

                                                                                                                                        A Buildkite plugin that invalidates AWS Cloudfront caches.

                                                                                                                                        • aws-cloudfront


                                                                                                                                        johnsywebYAML Lint

                                                                                                                                        A Buildkite plugin to check YAML files and syntax errors.

                                                                                                                                        • yaml
                                                                                                                                        • yamllint

                                                                                                                                        · v1.0.0

                                                                                                                                        juliaciMerge Commit

                                                                                                                                        If the build is a pull request, check out the merge commit.


                                                                                                                                          hivebriteGit flags

                                                                                                                                          Sets git-clone and git-fetch flags.

                                                                                                                                            · v0.0.1

                                                                                                                                            nickofthymePull Request protector

                                                                                                                                            Blocks 3rd-party pull requests based on user and files changed.

                                                                                                                                            • auth-guard
                                                                                                                                            • pull-request

                                                                                                                                            · v0.1.0-alpha

                                                                                                                                            joeffreychaucerGit Cherry Pick

                                                                                                                                            A Buildkite plugin to commit and push the results of a command to a git repository.



                                                                                                                                              Vault plugin to expose secrets as environment variables in BK pipelines.

                                                                                                                                              • vault

                                                                                                                                              · v0.2.1

                                                                                                                                              harshadbhatiaAWS Environment Plugin

                                                                                                                                              Sets Defaults for AWS, allows git check from Secrets Manager.

                                                                                                                                                · v0.1.4

                                                                                                                                                jcouyangDhall Secret

                                                                                                                                                Step up Dhall Secret on Buildkite.

                                                                                                                                                • dhall

                                                                                                                                                · v0.5.50


                                                                                                                                                Rollback the last successfull release.

                                                                                                                                                  · v0.0.1


                                                                                                                                                  Checks out a PlasticSCM repository instead of a git repository.


                                                                                                                                                    juliaciJulia Coverage

                                                                                                                                                    Process and submit coverage information from Julia.

                                                                                                                                                    • julia

                                                                                                                                                    · v1.3

                                                                                                                                                    cultureampDocker Manifest

                                                                                                                                                    Creates a Docker manifest image, given a target image name and a set of source image names.

                                                                                                                                                      · v2.0.0-delta

                                                                                                                                                      lendi-auNPM Global

                                                                                                                                                      Installs required global NPM package.

                                                                                                                                                      • nodejs
                                                                                                                                                      • npm

                                                                                                                                                      · 1.1.0

                                                                                                                                                      franklin-rossAWS Unassume Role

                                                                                                                                                      Unset IAM role environment variables after running command.


                                                                                                                                                        yuchencao01User Story Validator

                                                                                                                                                        A user story validation plugin that assesses and validate user story compliance in codebases.

                                                                                                                                                          · v0.0.2


                                                                                                                                                          Starts LambdaTest Tunnel for a given build.


                                                                                                                                                            equinixmetal-buildkiteKinD Cluster

                                                                                                                                                            Allows for creation and management of KinD clusters in a buildkite pipeline.

                                                                                                                                                              · v0.2.0

                                                                                                                                                              sj26Setup Terraform

                                                                                                                                                              Install Terraform for use in Buildkite builds.

                                                                                                                                                              • terraform


                                                                                                                                                              sj26SSH Keyscan

                                                                                                                                                              Use ssh-keyscan to prime a known_hosts file.

                                                                                                                                                              • known-hosts
                                                                                                                                                              • ssh
                                                                                                                                                              • ssh-keyscan



                                                                                                                                                              Adds vault secrets to the ENV.



                                                                                                                                                                Find vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in your builds early in the development process.



                                                                                                                                                                  Buildkite plugin to automatically fetch helm tarballs.

                                                                                                                                                                    · v0.0.2

                                                                                                                                                                    buildkite-pluginsGit SSH Checkout Buildkite Plugin

                                                                                                                                                                    A plugin to replace the default checkout functionality with arbitrary SSH based checkout.


                                                                                                                                                                      buildkite-pluginsTeams Notification

                                                                                                                                                                      A Buildkite plugin for sending incoming webhook notifications setup on specific MS Teams channels.

                                                                                                                                                                      • microsoft-teams
                                                                                                                                                                      • notifications

                                                                                                                                                                      · 1.0.0

                                                                                                                                                                      buildkite-pluginsIPA to S3 Buildkite Plugin

                                                                                                                                                                      A plugin that generates a QR code and posts it as a build annotation.

                                                                                                                                                                      • ios
                                                                                                                                                                      • ipa
                                                                                                                                                                      • s3

                                                                                                                                                                      · v1.0.0

                                                                                                                                                                      peakonAWS ECR Tag plugin

                                                                                                                                                                      Tag docker images in AWS ECR.

                                                                                                                                                                      • aws
                                                                                                                                                                      • aws-ecr
                                                                                                                                                                      • docker
                                                                                                                                                                      • docker-tag
                                                                                                                                                                      • ecr
                                                                                                                                                                      • tag

                                                                                                                                                                      · v0.0.5

                                                                                                                                                                       Show More Plugins
                                                                                                                                                                      A person looking at parts while reading a blueprint

                                                                                                                                                                      Write Your Own Plugins

                                                                                                                                                                      Write, test and
                                                                                                                                                                      release your own
                                                                                                                                                                      Buildkite Plugins.

                                                                                                                                                                      Write Your Own Plugin →