Tests tab in job UI

You can now see your Test Analytics failures directly within the build job.

Tests tab

The new Tests tab lists all test executions that have failed in the current job, giving you a quick overview of failures and their summaries.


New execution drawer

Navigating to an execution now opens a drawer within the Test's page, enabling you quick access to execution details without leaving the context of the test. This improves workflow by making it easier to explore test details and debug faster.

Execution drawer


Test digest on build page

Pipelines with at least one Test Suite associated have a new Test Digest tab on build pages. This tab displays detailed information about tests that failed during the build runtime.

Legitimate failures are prioritized and listed at the top of the digest, highlighting tests likely affected by the recent code changes on the branch being built.

Tests that flaked during the build are clearly labeled for easy identification.

Test digest on the build page


Disable public pipeline creation

Organization admins can now disable public pipeline creation for all organization members.

Screenshot of public pipeline settings

Public pipeline creation is enabled by default.

Disable public pipeline creation

Navigate to your organization settings by selecting 'Settings' in the top nav. In the side nav, under 'Pipelines', select 'Settings'. In the 'Public Pipelines' section, select 'Disable Public Pipeline Creation', and confirm in the dialog box.

Once public pipeline creation is disabled, options to make pipelines public are hidden from the Buildkite UI. If a user attempts to create a public pipeline via our API, an error will be returned.

Disabling public pipeline creation will not affect existing public pipelines - these will remain public, unless you explicitly change their visibility to private. Once this is done, their visibility cannot be made public again unless public pipeline creation is re-enabled.


Improved filtering for builds

We've improved filtering on the builds list to help you find builds quicker and easier.

We've made filters more discoverable by showing them in place at the top of the builds list, rather than hiding them away under a menu.

Screenshot of builds list showing filters for branches, commit SHA or message, user, and state

Filter by branch

The improved branch filter allows you to explore builds on any of your projects branches, and even search across multiple branches.

Start typing the name of your branch narrow down the list, and select the branch you want to see builds for.

Use a wildcard, like feature-*, to find builds across all matching branches.

The current branch is displayed in the breadcrumb navigation, so you can quickly jump back to all builds, or the pipeline overview.

Search by commit SHA or message

Using the new search filter, you can paste in a commit SHA to find associated builds. Short SHAs work too!

If you don’t have the SHA handy, just type part of the commit message, and we’ll show you matching builds.

View your builds

Easily switch between seeing all builds and just your own using the My Builds toggle.

Filter by state

Narrow down your search to include only builds that are running, passed, failed, or in any other state.


IPv6 Support for the Buildkite API

We will be enabling IPv6 support for Buildkite's APIs on 2024-09-18. This includes api.buildkite.com, graphql.buildkite.com, and analytics-api.buildkite.com. If you have any clients consuming the Buildkite API while operating on a dual-stack network, it is important to check that any API Token IP allowlists, and any Organization API IP allowlists permit your IPv6 network ranges in preparation for the change.


Better visibility for jobs waiting on concurrency groups

On the build page, jobs waiting on a concurrency group now show a list of the jobs ahead of them in the group.

Example of a job waiting on a concurrency group

This list gives you visibility into how soon the current job might run and which jobs are backing up a concurrency group.

For more information on concurrency groups, see the documentation.


Unique flaky test metric

You can now view unique flaky test metrics on the suite summary page. This metric reflects the number of unique tests that have been flaky over a given period.

Unique flaky tests metric


Filter flaky tests by branch from the UI or API

You can now filter flaky tests by branch using the Test Analytics UI or API.

Test Analytics allows users to filter flaky tests by branch on the Flaky test page and API

The filter will limit the list of flaky tests to those for which a flake has been detected one or more times on the selected branch.

To learn more, check out the API documentation.


Filter tests by owner

You can now filter your tests on the Test and Flaky test pages by owner.

  • owner:team-slug
  • owner:team-slug-1,team-slug-2
  • owner:none

Filter search by owner


Build canvas: A new way to visualize and understand your builds

You can now view your builds on an interactive canvas. The build canvas makes it easier to visualize your pipelines, understand running order and dependencies, and troubleshoot issues. It's available from the Canvas tab on build pages.

An example build canvas

You can follow the progress of a running build by selecting Follow mode or pressing j:

The canvas moves to spotlight steps in progress

Troubleshoot and investigate failed jobs by selecting Go to failure or pressing f:

The canvas spotlights failed steps, one at a time

Hover over a step to see further details and navigate to the logs:

Hovering over a step shows the command and a button to go to the job

For all the information about the build canvas and a demo of the key features, see Visualize your CI/CD pipeline on a canvas.

If you have feedback or suggestions, please contact support.


Test suite search

You can now search for test suites by name or slug directly from the Suites page. This feature makes finding the suite you're looking for simpler, especially when you track many suites. Happy searching!

Search on suites page


CLI v3 beta release

A new version of the Buildkite CLI (bk) is now available in beta. 🎉

BK CLI output

With bk, you can view, create, cancel, and unblock your builds from the command line. You can also stop agents in bulk.

For more details and installation instructions, see the documentation. If you have feedback or run into issues, please create a GitHub issue.


Weekly mailer summarizing flaky tests

Teams can now schedule a weekly email summarizing their most flaky tests for the last 7 days. This summary will only include flaky tests assigned to the selected team. Either manually assign flaky tests, or check out the test owners feature to automate this process.

Flaky test summary mailer

Users can create and manage these notifications from the suite settings page.

Flaky test notification form


Flaky test resolution in Test Analytics

You can now resolve a flaky test within the flaky management dropdown.

Flaky test index showing the resolve button and badges

To learn more about flaky resolution, check out the documentation.


View full job logs in the UI

You can now view the full logs for a job in the Buildkite Pipelines UI.

This change standardizes the options to view the full job logs:

  • Open: Opens a human-readable version of the logs in a new tab.
  • Download: Downloads the raw logs to your device.

To open the full logs for a job in the UI:

  1. Expand a job row on a build.

  2. Select Open.

    Truncated logs with open button

  3. View the full logs:

    Full job logs view

This feature will be turned on for all organizations in July 2024. If you would like early access to it, please contact support.


Build input parameters

When builds start with a block or input step, you can now provide the values from the New Build modal and the API.

Previously, you had to start the build and provide inputs when the corresponding step ran. With this change, the input options are shown in the New Build modal and can be included in the API.

This change only shows when a block or input step is the first step in a pipeline, and the build is started from the Buildkite Pipelines UI or API. If the build starts from a Git webhook or you don't provide the values in the API, block and input steps behave as before—pausing the build until they receive the required values.

For example, the following pipeline starts with an input step:

Example pipeline.yaml with an input step taking a value type of release version

So, the New Build modal looks like:

The New Build modal shows the choices of major, minor, and patch for the release version type.

This feature will be turned on for all organizations in July 2024. If you would like early access to it, please contact support.


Retry failed jobs while builds are running

You can now retry failed builds directly from the build view.

If any jobs fail while a build is running, you will now see a Retry failed jobs button in the build header. This allows you to retry all failed jobs at once rather than selecting Retry on individual jobs.

The Retry failed jobs button displays on a running build after a job fails.

After a build finishes, the Retry failed jobs button now displays directly in the build header rather than under the Rebuild menu.

The Retry failed jobs button displays on a build that's finished.


Test search in Test Analytics

You can now search for tests by name, scope, and location from the Tests page. Test Analytics allows users to search their tests by name, scope and location


Search flaky tests from the UI or API

You can now search for flaky tests by test name, scope, and location using the Test Analytics UI or API. Test Analytics allows users to search their flaky tests on the Flaky test page and API

To learn more, check out the API documentation.


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Buildkite Pipelines


  1. Pipelines
  2. Pipeline templates
  3. Public pipelines
  4. Test Engine
  5. Package Registries
  6. Mobile Delivery Cloud
  7. Pricing

Hosting options

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  2. Mac hosted agents
  3. Linux hosted agents


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  2. Workflows for AI/ML


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