CI/CD templates for Docker
Have a best-practice pipeline running in minutes with these template starters.
CI for Ruby on Rails on Hosted Agents
Build, lint, audit, run static analysis, and test a Ruby on Rails application using Bundler, RuboCop, Bundler-audit, Brakeman, and RSpec.
CI for .NET
Build and test a .NET application using standard library tooling.
CI for Go
Build, lint, and test a Go application using standard library tooling.
CI for Swift
Build, lint, and test a Swift project using SwiftLint and XCTest.
CI for Rust
Build, lint, and test a Rust application using Cargo and Clippy.
CI for Ruby
Build, lint, and test a Ruby application using Bundler, RuboCop, and RSpec.
CI for Node.js
Build, lint, and test a Node.js web application using npm, ESLint, Jest, and Cypress.
CI for Python
Build, lint, and test a Python application using pip, Ruff, and pytest.
CI/CD for
Build and deploy a Docker image to
CI/CD for Docker using Terraform
Build, change, and destroy Docker infrastructure using Terraform.
CI for Kotlin with Gradle
Build and test a Kotlin application with Gradle.
CI/CD for AWS using Pulumi
Preview and deploy AWS infrastructure changes using Pulumi.
Scan Node.js using Snyk
Audit your Node.js project for security vulnerabilities using Snyk.
CI for Java with Gradle
Build and test a Java application with Gradle.