CI/CD templates for JavaScript
Have a best-practice pipeline running in minutes with these template starters.
Publish Node.js package to Buildkite
Publish a Node.js package to your Buildkite repository.
CI for Node.js
Build, lint, and test a Node.js web application using npm, ESLint, Jest, and Cypress.
Continuous integration
CI/CD for AWS using AWS CDK
Sythesize and deploy CloudFormation using AWS CDK.
Infrastructure as code
CI/CD for Vercel
Build, test, and deploy a Next.js application to a Vercel production environment.
Continuous deployment
CI/CD for AWS using Pulumi
Preview and deploy AWS infrastructure changes using Pulumi.
Infrastructure as code
Scan Node.js using Snyk
Audit your Node.js project for security vulnerabilities using Snyk.