Learn from industry standards in our collection of best practice guidance. The articles cover various topics, from Kubernetes and Terraform to compliance and monorepos.

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Set of elements including people, handshake, checklists, and code, all leading into an element with a rocket ship and a 'success' check mark.

Keeping the agile in ‘agile engineering’

Being agile means flexibility. Let’s discuss engineering techniques for your team, using the Agile Manifesto as a guide.

Daniel Oakley

Daniel Oakley

Secure your CI/CD pipelines with clear boundaries

Learn how to protect your pipelines and infrastructure. Create and enforce security boundaries to prevent unsafe actions by your pipelines and agents.

Daniel Oakley

Daniel Oakley

Continuous Integration for Monorepos

We'll compare monorepo with multi-repo CI, look at real-world examples, examine the benefits and challenges, and provide strategies to future proof your monorepo's CI.

Daniel Ring

Daniel Ring

Monorepo CI Best Practices

Some of the most highly-scaled & sophisticated dev teams, with every conceivable combination of tooling & methodology have monorepos. Learn how to scale your monorepo CI.

Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan

Best practices for running CI/CD on Kubernetes

Key things to consider in the quest to bring all the performance, flexibility, and cost benefits of Kubernetes to your CI/CD.

Peter BuckleyMel Kaulfuss

Peter Buckley and Mel Kaulfuss

Continuous compliance and governance in CI/CD

Consider how security, compliance & governance might seamlessly work in CI/CD, and strike the right balance between efficiency and security.

Mel Kaulfuss

Mel Kaulfuss

Best Practices for Terraform CI/CD

Learn how to ensure your Terraform projects are collaborative, scalable, secure, and resilient by managing them in shared CI/CD pipelines.

Daniel RingMel Kaulfuss

Daniel Ring and Mel Kaulfuss

CI/CD best practices

Creating a CI/CD pipeline is only the first step. Optimizing it is the real journey, but there are best practices anyone can follow to improve their CI/CD maturity.

Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan

Applying SRE Principles to CI/CD

Slow, unreliable CI/CD? Learn how to use SLOs, SLIs, and Error Budgets to maintain focus, prioritize effort, and rebuild developer trust in CI/CD.

Mel Kaulfuss

Mel Kaulfuss