How Culture Amp uses DevOps techniques for reproducible machine learning

Learn how Culture Amp adapts conventional CI/CD to the complexities of machine learning.

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How Culture Amp uses DevOps techniques for reproducible machine learning
Recorded on

  • Talk29 min

In this webinar (originally presented at Buildkite's Unblock conference), Andy covers what machine learning is and the complexities that require special treatment in CI/CD pipelines. In particular, Andy talks about:

  • Using natural language processing (NLP) models to analyze employee survey responses.
  • Differences to conventional pipelines due to the scale of data and number of parameters.
  • Tracking the code version and parameters that produce a model.
  • Integrating with third-party tools like AWS Batch, Athena, and SageMaker with Buildkite's API.
  • Including human inspection before making deployment decisions.

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