How Rippling reduced cost and improved developer experience by moving CI to Spot Instances

Learn how Rippling optimizes CI/CD with Buildkite and AWS spot instances, including cost evaluation, managing spot challenges, ensuring fast builds, and maintaining developer experience.

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How Rippling reduced cost and improved developer experience by moving CI to Spot Instances
Recorded on

  • Webinar40 min

Running your CI pipelines on Spot Instances offers significant savings for CI/CD. But there are speed and developer experience tradeoffs if they're not managed appropriately.

In this webinar, we’ll cover Rippling's approach to optimizing CI/CD with Buildkite and AWS Spot Instances. We’ll talk about:

  • How to evaluate cost savings from switching to Spot Instances.
  • Why spot instances can be a challenge for CI.
  • Strategies for spot-friendly pipelines and handling outages efficiently.
  • Key tactics for ensuring fast, reliable builds and excellent developer experience.
  • Build pipeline metrics to watch.

Join us to learn how to apply these strategies to your CI/CD processes. Registration provides access to both the live session and a post-event recording.