Better Bitbucket Pull Request Testing

Bitbucket have just launched their build status API which allows tools like Buildkite to indicate if a pull request is safe to merge, and we’ve just updated our Bitbucket integration to take full advantage of these new pull request statuses 🎉

Whenever you create or update a pull request in Bitbucket, you’ll now see a live updating status of both your Buildkite build, and each individual step in your build pipeline, directly on the Bitbucket pull request page.

Bitbucket Per-Step CI Status

When looking at the build status on Bitbucket you can see exactly what’s passed or failed, and click through to the build output of that exact step in the build.

Getting Started

For both new and existing projects, all you need to do is to connect your Bitbucket account and pull request statuses will automatically start appearing, giving you direct links back to your Buildkite builds 💡 You’ll also find an updated Bitbucket section of your project settings to manage the status updates:

Bitbucket CI Settings