Monorepos at scale: Building CI for 1,000 daily commits at Uber

Learn the strategies Uber uses to keep their builds fast and the challenges they’ve faced along the way.

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Monorepos at scale: Building CI for 1,000 daily commits at Uber
Recorded on

  • Webinar40 min

Uber’s monorepo contains over 50 million lines of code, and serves over 3,000 engineers. 

In this webinar, we’ll talk about the strategies Uber uses to keep their builds fast and the challenges they’ve faced along the way. You’ll learn about:

  • Using Bazel to understand build targets and optimize CI processes.
  • Dynamically generating CI build steps to handle complex changes efficiently.
  • How Uber improved CI performance through containerized environments.
  • Custom tools that Uber has built to ensure performant CI.

Join us to learn how to apply these strategies to your CI/CD processes. Registration provides access to both the live session and a post-event recording.