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  5. Updated syntax for using plugins in your pipeline YAML

Updated syntax for using plugins in your pipeline YAML

Back in October, Buildkite Agent v3.5.0 included a bug fix to ensure that plugins are always executed in the correct order. In the process of fixing that bug, we've updated our recommended syntax for using plugins to use an array instead of a map, to make it clearer that the plugins are executed in order.

For example, if your pipeline uses the following syntax, we recommend updating it:

2  - label: '<img class="emoji not-prose size-[1em] inline align-[-0.1em]" title="shipit" alt=":shipit:" src="https://buildkiteassets.com/emojis/img-buildkite-64/shipit.png" draggable="false" />'
3    plugins:
4      docker-login#v2.0.1:
5        username: ci
6      docker-compose#v2.6.0:
7        push: app

The new recommended syntax, which works on all versions of the Buildkite Agent, changes the plugin property to be an array:

2  - label: '<img class="emoji not-prose size-[1em] inline align-[-0.1em]" title="shipit" alt=":shipit:" src="https://buildkiteassets.com/emojis/img-buildkite-64/shipit.png" draggable="false" />'
3    plugins:
4      - docker-login#v2.0.1:
5          username: ci
6      - docker-compose#v2.6.0:
7          push: app


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