Everything you need for best-in-class software delivery
$ 30 USD, per active user / month
Get started with the software delivery platform used by the world’s top engineering teams
No credit card required
10 concurrent self-hosted agents per org / month
Then, US$2.50 per concurrent self-hosted agent / month
Test Engine
250 managed tests per org / month
Then, US$0.10 per managed test / month
Package Registries
20GB of storage and bandwidth (combined) per org / month
Then, US$1.25 per GB / month, discounted with increasing volume
Mobile Delivery Cloud
Billed at same rate as hosted agents
Build the perfect plan for your business
Flexible billing & payment options available
Volume discounts available
Test Engine
Volume discounts available
Package Registries
Volume discounts available
Mobile Delivery Cloud
Volume discounts available
Everything in Pro plan, plus:
Plan comparison
Concurrent agents
10 concurrent self-hosted agents Then, US$2.50 per concurrent self-hosted agent / month
Volume discounts available
Concurrent agents
Then, US$2.50 per concurrent self-hosted agent / month
Volume discounts available
The maximum number of Buildkite self-hosted agents connected simultaneously.
Waterfall view
✓ ✓
Waterfall view
See a timeline of your build in a Gantt chart, broken down by job with metrics like duration and dispatch time.
Pause queues
✓ ✓
Pause queues
Get more control over when queues dispatch jobs to agents—for example, pausing dispatch for an incident or infrastructure upgrade.
Job retries report
✓ ✓
Job retries report
Analyze job retries to understand flakiness and instability across your pipelines.
GitHub Enterprise support
✓ ✓
GitHub Enterprise support
Connect to an on-premise GitHub Enterprise instance.
Bitbucket Server support
✓ ✓
Bitbucket Server support
Connect to an on-premise Bitbucket Server instance.
Historical build exports
— ✓
Historical build exports
Automatically export historical builds that are older than a year into your own S3 or GCS bucket in JSON format.
Pipeline templates
— ✓
Pipeline templates
Define standard pipeline step configurations to use across your organization.
Test Engine
Managed tests
250 managed tests Then, US$0.10 per managed test / month
Volume discounts available
Managed tests
Then, US$0.10 per managed test / month
Volume discounts available
Number of unique tests being tracked and analysed in Test Engine.
Real-time flaky test identification
Test suite insights
Test ownership
Auto assignment
Team reporting
Test state management
Data warehouse export (Coming soon)
Package Registries
Storage & bandwidth
20GB of storage and bandwidth (combined) Then, US$1.25 per GB / month, discounted with increasing volume
Volume discounts available
Storage & bandwidth
Then, US$1.25 per GB / month, discounted with increasing volume
Volume discounts available
Amount of storage and bandwidth being managed by Package Registries.
Private registries
Remote dependency mirroring
Arbitrary files
Large packages
Branded endpoints
Virtual registries
Software provenance
License checks
Threat scanning
Mobile Delivery Cloud
Solution templates (Coming soon)
Pre-installed mobile developer tools
Fastlane integration
Cross-invocation caching
Custom image support
Git mirror caching
Dependency caching
Team management
Team permissions
✓ ✓
Team permissions
Manage permissions across multiple teams.
Member permissions
— ✓
Member permissions
Manage default member permissions, such as disabling pipeline creation.
System banners
— ✓
System banners
Communicate important messages and alerts to your entire organization, as you need.
Security & audit
Signed pipelines
✓ ✓
Signed pipelines
Prevent unauthorized pipeline modifications by signing step definitions and verifying signatures before running jobs.
Single sign on
✓ ✓
Single sign on
Connect an SSO provider to simplify and protect access to your organization’s data.
SCIM, custom SAML & ADFS
— ✓
SCIM, custom SAML & ADFS
SCIM support for automatic user management, and advanced SSO providers.
Private log storage
— ✓
Private log storage
Store your job logs in a private S3 bucket.
Audit logging
— ✓
Audit logging
Track all activity within your organization.
API access audit
— ✓
API access audit
Inspect your users’ API tokens, and see how those tokens are being used.
User activity audit
— ✓
User activity audit
See all recent activities of the users within your organization.
API token expiry policies
— ✓
API token expiry policies
Prevent potential security risks created by unused API tokens.
Session IP address pinning
— ✓
Session IP address pinning
Prompt your users to re-authorize when their origin changes.
Support & billing
Priority email support
✓ ✓
Priority email support
Priority status for all email support requests.
Invoice payment
— ✓
Invoice payment
Pay annually or via invoice.
Consolidated billing
— ✓
Consolidated billing
Consolidated billing & invoicing across multiple accounts.
Concurrent agents
10 concurrent self-hosted agents Then, US$2.50 per concurrent self-hosted agent / month
Concurrent agents
Then, US$2.50 per concurrent self-hosted agent / month
The maximum number of Buildkite self-hosted agents connected simultaneously.
Waterfall view
Waterfall view
See a timeline of your build in a Gantt chart, broken down by job with metrics like duration and dispatch time.
Pause queues
Pause queues
Get more control over when queues dispatch jobs to agents—for example, pausing dispatch for an incident or infrastructure upgrade.
Job retries report
Job retries report
Analyze job retries to understand flakiness and instability across your pipelines.
GitHub Enterprise support
GitHub Enterprise support
Connect to an on-premise GitHub Enterprise instance.
Bitbucket Server support
Bitbucket Server support
Connect to an on-premise Bitbucket Server instance.
Test Engine
Managed tests
250 managed tests Then, US$0.10 per managed test / month
Managed tests
Then, US$0.10 per managed test / month
Number of unique tests being tracked and analysed in Test Engine.
Real-time flaky test identification
Test suite insights
Test ownership
Auto assignment
Team reporting
Package Registries
Storage & bandwidth
20GB of storage and bandwidth (combined) Then, US$1.25 per GB / month, discounted with increasing volume
Storage & bandwidth
Then, US$1.25 per GB / month, discounted with increasing volume
Amount of storage and bandwidth being managed by Package Registries.
Private registries
Remote dependency mirroring
Arbitrary files
Large packages
Mobile Delivery Cloud
Solution templates (Coming soon)
Pre-installed mobile developer tools
Fastlane integration
Cross-invocation caching
Team management
Team permissions
Team permissions
Manage permissions across multiple teams.
Security & audit
Signed pipelines
Signed pipelines
Prevent unauthorized pipeline modifications by signing step definitions and verifying signatures before running jobs.
Single sign on
Single sign on
Connect an SSO provider to simplify and protect access to your organization’s data.
Support & billing
Priority email support
Priority email support
Priority status for all email support requests.
Concurrent agents
Volume discounts available
Concurrent agents
Volume discounts available
The maximum number of Buildkite self-hosted agents connected simultaneously.
Waterfall view
Waterfall view
See a timeline of your build in a Gantt chart, broken down by job with metrics like duration and dispatch time.
Pause queues
Pause queues
Get more control over when queues dispatch jobs to agents—for example, pausing dispatch for an incident or infrastructure upgrade.
Job retries report
Job retries report
Analyze job retries to understand flakiness and instability across your pipelines.
GitHub Enterprise support
GitHub Enterprise support
Connect to an on-premise GitHub Enterprise instance.
Bitbucket Server support
Bitbucket Server support
Connect to an on-premise Bitbucket Server instance.
Historical build exports
Historical build exports
Automatically export historical builds that are older than a year into your own S3 or GCS bucket in JSON format.
Pipeline templates
Pipeline templates
Define standard pipeline step configurations to use across your organization.
Test Engine
Managed tests
Volume discounts available
Managed tests
Volume discounts available
Number of unique tests being tracked and analysed in Test Engine.
Real-time flaky test identification
Test suite insights
Test ownership
Auto assignment
Team reporting
Test state management
Data warehouse export (Coming soon)
Package Registries
Storage & bandwidth
Volume discounts available
Storage & bandwidth
Volume discounts available
Amount of storage and bandwidth being managed by Package Registries.
Private registries
Remote dependency mirroring
Arbitrary files
Large packages
Branded endpoints
Virtual registries
Software provenance
License checks
Threat scanning
Mobile Delivery Cloud
Solution templates (Coming soon)
Pre-installed mobile developer tools
Fastlane integration
Cross-invocation caching
Custom image support
Git mirror caching
Dependency caching
Team management
Team permissions
Team permissions
Manage permissions across multiple teams.
Member permissions
Member permissions
Manage default member permissions, such as disabling pipeline creation.
System banners
System banners
Communicate important messages and alerts to your entire organization, as you need.
Security & audit
Signed pipelines
Signed pipelines
Prevent unauthorized pipeline modifications by signing step definitions and verifying signatures before running jobs.
Single sign on
Single sign on
Connect an SSO provider to simplify and protect access to your organization’s data.
SCIM, custom SAML & ADFS
SCIM, custom SAML & ADFS
SCIM support for automatic user management, and advanced SSO providers.
Private log storage
Private log storage
Store your job logs in a private S3 bucket.
Audit logging
Audit logging
Track all activity within your organization.
API access audit
API access audit
Inspect your users’ API tokens, and see how those tokens are being used.
User activity audit
User activity audit
See all recent activities of the users within your organization.
API token expiry policies
API token expiry policies
Prevent potential security risks created by unused API tokens.
Session IP address pinning
Session IP address pinning
Prompt your users to re-authorize when their origin changes.
Support & billing
Priority email support
Priority email support
Priority status for all email support requests.
Invoice payment
Invoice payment
Pay annually or via invoice.
Consolidated billing
Consolidated billing
Consolidated billing & invoicing across multiple accounts.
Compute options
Open Source
Non-profits & charities
Buildkite Hosted Agents
Choose the Buildkite platform plan that works best for you, and then pay-as-you-go for a fully managed CI/CD environment.
Each new signup gets a free two-week trial to test hosted agents before paying.
Mac Hosted Agents
Linux Hosted Agents
Frequently asked questions
Got a question that’s not on our list? Want a demo? Just want to chat? Get in touch.
A build agent runs on your infrastructure or on Buildkite-hosted compute, and runs one build job at a time. You can run as many agents as you want, in the same or separate queues, and Buildkite will coordinate the work between them. Agents can be securely and reliably deployed across different networks and environments.
Active users are unique users that access the Buildkite system in any given month. Accessing the system includes logging into, interacting with the Buildkite API, or triggering a build.
We use a 95th percentile (P95) billing method for self-hosted agent usage. This approach ensures fair billing by focusing on your typical usage while disregarding occasional spikes.
To accomplish this, we measure your self-hosted agent usage daily, and at month's end, ignore the top 5%. This provides a more stable and predictable billing experience, and reflects your consistent usage patterns rather than rare peak events.
Buildkite hosted agents are not subject to concurrent agent usage fees.
Buildkite Test Engine uniquely identifies each test by its combination of test suite, scope, and name. These “managed tests” are used to power Test Engine’s analytics, as well as to provide a stable basis for billing purposes.
We use a 90th percentile (P90) billing method for managed tests. This approach encourages continuous improvement of your testing practices while maintaining predictable costs.
To accomplish this, Buildkite measures usage by calculating the number of managed tests that have executed (run) at least once each day, and at month's end, disregard the top 10%. By disregarding the highest usage days, you can freely add new tests, experiment with different testing strategies, or temporarily increase test coverage without worrying about billing spikes.
For Package Registries, cost per GB for storage and bandwidth decreases with increasing usage volume.
50GB of storage and bandwidth (combined) per month is always included with Buildkite platform access. Then, additional usage is billed at:
- Tier 1: 1,000GB @ US$1.25 per GB
- Tier 2: 2,500GB @ US$1.00 per GB
- Tier 3: 5,000GB @ US$0.75 per GB
- Tier 4: 20,000GB @ US$0.50 per GB
- Tier 5: 50,000GB @ US$0.25 per GB
Additional volume-based discounts are available to Enterprise customers. Contact us to learn more.
Buildkite Pipelines includes free storage for small, short-lived artifacts—up to 5GB per artifact, retained for six months. Buildkite Package Registries is a paid solution for longer-lived artifacts with more advanced features to support greater scaling, security, and distribution needs.
When you sign up, you start on a 30-day trial of the Pro plan. After 30 days, you’ll need to provide a credit card or contact us to continue to access the Buildkite platform.
There are no limits when using self-hosted agents and the Buildkite SaaS platform. Buildkite handles upwards of 100,000 concurrent agents from some customers.
Concurrency limits will apply by default for all organizations using Buildkite hosted compute. Contact us for custom limits.
If you’d like to discuss transitioning to the new pricing plans, or have any questions at all, please email or talk to your Enterprise Customer Success Manager.
Start turning complexity into an advantage
Create an account to get started with a 30-day free trial. No credit card required.