Waited 4m 56s
Ran in 14s
Test E2E (nightly operator)source .buildkite/setup-env.sh && kind create cluster --wait 900s --config ./tests/framework/config/kind-config-buildkite.yml && kubectl config set clusters.kind-kind.server https://docker:6443 && pushd ray-operator && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make docker-image && kind load docker-image kuberay/operator:nightly && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make deploy && kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=Available=true deployment kuberay-operator && echo "--- START:Running e2e rayservice (nightly operator) tests" && set -o pipefail && KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_SHORT=1m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM=5m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_LONG=10m go test -timeout 30m -v ./test/e2e 2>&1 | awk -f ../.buildkite/format.awk || (kubectl logs --tail -1 -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kuberay && exit 1) && echo "--- END:e2e rayservice (nightly operator) tests finished"
Waited 50s
Ran in 25m 36s
Test E2E rayservice (nightly operator)source .buildkite/setup-env.sh && kind create cluster --wait 900s --config ./tests/framework/config/kind-config-buildkite.yml && kubectl config set clusters.kind-kind.server https://docker:6443 && pushd ray-operator && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make docker-image && kind load docker-image kuberay/operator:nightly && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make deploy && kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=Available=true deployment kuberay-operator && echo "--- START:Running e2e rayservice (nightly operator) tests" && set -o pipefail && KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_SHORT=1m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM=5m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_LONG=10m go test -timeout 30m -v ./test/e2erayservice 2>&1 | awk -f ../.buildkite/format.awk || (kubectl logs --tail -1 -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kuberay && exit 1) && echo "--- END:e2e rayservice (nightly operator) tests finished"
Waited 1m 3s
Ran in 21m 16s
Test Autoscaler E2E (nightly operator)source .buildkite/setup-env.sh && kind create cluster --wait 900s --config ./tests/framework/config/kind-config-buildkite.yml && kubectl config set clusters.kind-kind.server https://docker:6443 && pushd ray-operator && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make docker-image && kind load docker-image kuberay/operator:nightly && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make deploy && kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=Available=true deployment kuberay-operator && echo "--- START:Running Autoscaler e2e (nightly operator) tests" && set -o pipefail && KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_SHORT=1m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM=5m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_LONG=10m go test -timeout 30m -v ./test/e2eautoscaler 2>&1 | awk -f ../.buildkite/format.awk || (kubectl logs --tail -1 -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kuberay && exit 1) && echo "--- END:Autoscaler e2e (nightly operator) tests finished"
Waited 1m 1s
Ran in 22m 40s
Test E2E Operator Version Upgrade (v1.3.0)source .buildkite/setup-env.sh && kind create cluster --wait 900s --config ./tests/framework/config/kind-config-buildkite.yml && kubectl config set clusters.kind-kind.server https://docker:6443 && echo Deploying KubeRay operator && pushd ray-operator && helm install kuberay-operator kuberay/kuberay-operator --version 1.2.2 && kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=Available=true deployment kuberay-operator && echo "--- START:Running e2e Operator upgrade (v1.2.2 to v1.3.0 operator) tests" && KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_SHORT=1m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM=5m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_LONG=10m KUBERAY_TEST_UPGRADE_IMAGE=v1.3.0 go test -timeout 30m -v ./test/e2eupgrade | awk -f ../.buildkite/format.awk || (kubectl logs --tail -1 -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kuberay && exit 1) && echo "--- END:e2e Operator upgrade (v1.2.2 to v1.3.0 operator) tests finished"
Waited 1m 1s
Ran in 4m 36s
Test E2E (kubectl-plugin)source .buildkite/setup-env.sh && kind create cluster --wait 900s --config ./tests/framework/config/kind-config-buildkite.yml && kubectl config set clusters.kind-kind.server https://docker:6443 && echo Deploying Kuberay operator && pushd ray-operator && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make docker-image && kind load docker-image kuberay/operator:nightly && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make deploy && kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=Available=true deployment kuberay-operator && popd && pushd kubectl-plugin && go mod download && go build -o kubectl-ray -a ./cmd/kubectl-ray.go && cp ./kubectl-ray /usr/local/bin && echo "--- START:Running Test E2E (kubectl-plugin) tests" && set -o pipefail && KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_SHORT=1m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM=5m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_LONG=10m go test -timeout 60m -v ./test/e2e 2>&1 | awk -f ../.buildkite/format.awk && echo "--- END:Test E2E (kubectl-plugin) tests finished"
Waited 1m 3s
Ran in 11m 19s
Test Sample YAMLs (nightly operator)source .buildkite/setup-env.sh && kind create cluster --wait 900s --config ./tests/framework/config/kind-config-buildkite.yml && kubectl config set clusters.kind-kind.server https://docker:6443 && pushd ray-operator && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make docker-image && kind load docker-image kuberay/operator:nightly && IMG=kuberay/operator:nightly make deploy && kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=Available=true deployment kuberay-operator && echo "--- START:Running Sample YAMLs (nightly operator) tests" && set -o pipefail && KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_SHORT=1m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM=5m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_LONG=10m go test -timeout 30m -v ./test/sampleyaml 2>&1 | awk -f ../.buildkite/format.awk && echo "--- END:Sample YAMLs (nightly operator) tests finished" && kubectl logs --tail -1 -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kuberay
Waited 1m 7s
Ran in 18m 36s
Test Sample YAMLs (latest release)source .buildkite/setup-env.sh && kind create cluster --wait 900s --config ./tests/framework/config/kind-config-buildkite.yml && kubectl config set clusters.kind-kind.server https://docker:6443 && pushd ray-operator && IMG=quay.io/kuberay/operator:v1.3.0 make deploy && kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=Available=true deployment kuberay-operator && echo "--- START:Running Sample YAMLs (latest release) tests" && set -o pipefail && KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_SHORT=1m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM=5m KUBERAY_TEST_TIMEOUT_LONG=10m go test -timeout 30m -v ./test/sampleyaml 2>&1 | awk -f ../.buildkite/format.awk && echo "--- END:Sample YAMLs (latest release) tests finished" && kubectl logs --tail -1 -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kuberay
Waited 1m 9s
Ran in 16m 53s
Total Job Run Time: 2h 1m