chore: add deprecation notice

Failed in 2h 9m
:buildkite: Pipeline upload
:julia: Lux (Julia 1 + AMD GPU)julia --code-coverage=user --color=yes --project -e ' && using Pkg && repo = ENV["DOWNSTREAM_TEST_REPO"] && println("--- :julia: Instantiating project") && withenv("JULIA_PKG_PRECOMPILE_AUTO" => 0) do && Pkg.instantiate() && try && Pkg.develop(repo) && println("+++ :julia: Running tests") && Pkg.test("$(repo)"; coverage=true) && catch err && err isa Pkg.Resolve.ResolverError || rethrow() && @info "Not compatible with this release. No problem." exception=err && exit(0) && end && end && println("+++ :julia: Finished Downstream Test")'
Waited 32m 49s
Ran in 29m 50s
:julia: Boltz (Julia 1 + AMD GPU)julia --code-coverage=user --color=yes --project -e ' && using Pkg && repo = ENV["DOWNSTREAM_TEST_REPO"] && println("--- :julia: Instantiating project") && withenv("JULIA_PKG_PRECOMPILE_AUTO" => 0) do && Pkg.instantiate() && try && Pkg.develop(repo) && println("+++ :julia: Running tests") && Pkg.test("$(repo)"; coverage=true) && catch err && err isa Pkg.Resolve.ResolverError || rethrow() && @info "Not compatible with this release. No problem." exception=err && exit(0) && end && end && println("+++ :julia: Finished Downstream Test")'
Waited 1h 9m
Ran in 8m 8s
:julia: LuxLib (Julia 1 + AMD GPU)julia --code-coverage=user --color=yes --project -e ' && using Pkg && repo = ENV["DOWNSTREAM_TEST_REPO"] && println("--- :julia: Instantiating project") && withenv("JULIA_PKG_PRECOMPILE_AUTO" => 0) do && Pkg.instantiate() && try && Pkg.develop(repo) && println("+++ :julia: Running tests") && Pkg.test("$(repo)"; coverage=true) && catch err && err isa Pkg.Resolve.ResolverError || rethrow() && @info "Not compatible with this release. No problem." exception=err && exit(0) && end && end && println("+++ :julia: Finished Downstream Test")'
Waited 1h 17m
Ran in 51m 57s
Total Job Run Time: 1h 31m