Make sure we don't promise alignments that are larger than the heap alignment to LLVM (#56938)
Failed in 6h 27m
llvmpassesecho "--- make release" && # Enable Julia assertions: FORCE_ASSERTIONS=1 && # Enable LLVM assertions: LLVM_ASSERTIONS=1 && export MAKE_ASSERT_FLAGS="FORCE_ASSERTIONS=1 LLVM_ASSERTIONS=1" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} release JULIA_PRECOMPILE=0 ${MAKE_ASSERT_FLAGS:?} && echo "--- make src/install-analysis-deps" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C src install-analysis-deps ${MAKE_ASSERT_FLAGS:?} && echo "+++ make test/llvmpasses" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C test/llvmpasses ${MAKE_ASSERT_FLAGS:?}
Waited 7s
Ran in 10m 14s

Waited 25m 0s
Ran in 5h 47m
Total Job Run Time: 22h 49m