Publichttps://github.com/JuliaCI/julia-buildkite & https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia
WeakRef tests: avoid capturing weak ref in Pass object
Canceled automatically after 1h 46m
Launch upload jobs# Explicitly pass along the cryptic token to child pipelines && export BUILDKITE_PLUGIN_CRYPTIC_BASE64_SIGNED_JOB_ID_SECRET && export ALLOW_FAIL="false" && ##### Launch `upload_*` jobs to store tarballs into S3 once tests are done && ### Linux: && # Regular Linux upload jobs: && GROUP="Upload" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_linux.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_linux.yml && # PowerPC Linux upload jobs, which we only run for Julia prior to 1.12: && GROUP="Upload" \ && julia .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/launch_powerpc.jl \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_linux.powerpc.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_linux.yml && ### macOS: && GROUP="Upload" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_macos.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_macos.yml && ### FreeBSD: && GROUP="Upload" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_freebsd.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_freebsd.yml && ### Windows: && GROUP="Upload" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_windows.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_windows.yml && for OS in linux macos freebsd windows; do \ && GROUP="Upload" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_${OS}.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/upload_buildkite_results.yml && done && # Launch doctest deploy job && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/deploy_docs.yml && # Don't share this with buildkite's env display && unset BUILDKITE_PLUGIN_CRYPTIC_BASE64_SIGNED_JOB_ID_SECRET
Waited 10s
Ran in 33s
upload test results i686-w64-mingw32echo "--- Downloading test results from test step" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "test_i686-w64-mingw32" "results.tar.gz" . && tar -xzf results.tar.gz || true && echo "--- Uploading test results and assigning them to the test run" && export JOB_ID="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get BUILDKITE_TEST_JOB_ID_test_i686-w64-mingw32 || echo "unknown")" && echo "Test job ID: $JOB_ID" && shopt -s nullglob # Ensure empty glob does not return a literal string && for file in results*.json; do && echo "Uploading $file..." && # We can't use the test-collector plugin because it doesn't provide a way to set a custom `job_id` && curl \ && -X POST \ && --silent \ && --show-error \ && --max-time "30" \ && -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN\"" \ && -F "data=@\"$file\"" \ && -F "format=json" \ && -F "run_env[CI]=buildkite" \ && -F "run_env[key]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[url]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL\"" \ && -F "run_env[branch]=\"$BUILDKITE_BRANCH\"" \ && -F "run_env[commit_sha]=\"$BUILDKITE_COMMIT\"" \ && -F "run_env[number]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER\"" \ && -F "run_env[job_id]=\"$JOB_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[message]=\“$BUILDKITE_MESSAGE\"" \ && -F "tags[job_group]=\"$BUILDKITE_GROUP_LABEL\"" \ && -F "tags[job_label]=\"$BUILDKITE_LABEL\"" \ && https://analytics-api.buildkite.com/v1/uploads && echo "" && done
upload test results x86_64-w64-mingw32echo "--- Downloading test results from test step" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "test_x86_64-w64-mingw32" "results.tar.gz" . && tar -xzf results.tar.gz || true && echo "--- Uploading test results and assigning them to the test run" && export JOB_ID="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get BUILDKITE_TEST_JOB_ID_test_x86_64-w64-mingw32 || echo "unknown")" && echo "Test job ID: $JOB_ID" && shopt -s nullglob # Ensure empty glob does not return a literal string && for file in results*.json; do && echo "Uploading $file..." && # We can't use the test-collector plugin because it doesn't provide a way to set a custom `job_id` && curl \ && -X POST \ && --silent \ && --show-error \ && --max-time "30" \ && -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN\"" \ && -F "data=@\"$file\"" \ && -F "format=json" \ && -F "run_env[CI]=buildkite" \ && -F "run_env[key]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[url]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL\"" \ && -F "run_env[branch]=\"$BUILDKITE_BRANCH\"" \ && -F "run_env[commit_sha]=\"$BUILDKITE_COMMIT\"" \ && -F "run_env[number]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER\"" \ && -F "run_env[job_id]=\"$JOB_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[message]=\“$BUILDKITE_MESSAGE\"" \ && -F "tags[job_group]=\"$BUILDKITE_GROUP_LABEL\"" \ && -F "tags[job_label]=\"$BUILDKITE_LABEL\"" \ && https://analytics-api.buildkite.com/v1/uploads && echo "" && done
upload test results x86_64-unknown-freebsdecho "--- Downloading test results from test step" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "test_x86_64-unknown-freebsd" "results.tar.gz" . && tar -xzf results.tar.gz || true && echo "--- Uploading test results and assigning them to the test run" && export JOB_ID="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get BUILDKITE_TEST_JOB_ID_test_x86_64-unknown-freebsd || echo "unknown")" && echo "Test job ID: $JOB_ID" && shopt -s nullglob # Ensure empty glob does not return a literal string && for file in results*.json; do && echo "Uploading $file..." && # We can't use the test-collector plugin because it doesn't provide a way to set a custom `job_id` && curl \ && -X POST \ && --silent \ && --show-error \ && --max-time "30" \ && -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN\"" \ && -F "data=@\"$file\"" \ && -F "format=json" \ && -F "run_env[CI]=buildkite" \ && -F "run_env[key]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[url]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL\"" \ && -F "run_env[branch]=\"$BUILDKITE_BRANCH\"" \ && -F "run_env[commit_sha]=\"$BUILDKITE_COMMIT\"" \ && -F "run_env[number]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER\"" \ && -F "run_env[job_id]=\"$JOB_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[message]=\“$BUILDKITE_MESSAGE\"" \ && -F "tags[job_group]=\"$BUILDKITE_GROUP_LABEL\"" \ && -F "tags[job_label]=\"$BUILDKITE_LABEL\"" \ && https://analytics-api.buildkite.com/v1/uploads && echo "" && done
upload test results aarch64-apple-darwinecho "--- Downloading test results from test step" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "test_aarch64-apple-darwin" "results.tar.gz" . && tar -xzf results.tar.gz || true && echo "--- Uploading test results and assigning them to the test run" && export JOB_ID="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get BUILDKITE_TEST_JOB_ID_test_aarch64-apple-darwin || echo "unknown")" && echo "Test job ID: $JOB_ID" && shopt -s nullglob # Ensure empty glob does not return a literal string && for file in results*.json; do && echo "Uploading $file..." && # We can't use the test-collector plugin because it doesn't provide a way to set a custom `job_id` && curl \ && -X POST \ && --silent \ && --show-error \ && --max-time "30" \ && -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN\"" \ && -F "data=@\"$file\"" \ && -F "format=json" \ && -F "run_env[CI]=buildkite" \ && -F "run_env[key]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[url]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL\"" \ && -F "run_env[branch]=\"$BUILDKITE_BRANCH\"" \ && -F "run_env[commit_sha]=\"$BUILDKITE_COMMIT\"" \ && -F "run_env[number]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER\"" \ && -F "run_env[job_id]=\"$JOB_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[message]=\“$BUILDKITE_MESSAGE\"" \ && -F "tags[job_group]=\"$BUILDKITE_GROUP_LABEL\"" \ && -F "tags[job_label]=\"$BUILDKITE_LABEL\"" \ && https://analytics-api.buildkite.com/v1/uploads && echo "" && done
Waited 6s
Ran in 21s
upload test results x86_64-apple-darwinecho "--- Downloading test results from test step" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "test_x86_64-apple-darwin" "results.tar.gz" . && tar -xzf results.tar.gz || true && echo "--- Uploading test results and assigning them to the test run" && export JOB_ID="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get BUILDKITE_TEST_JOB_ID_test_x86_64-apple-darwin || echo "unknown")" && echo "Test job ID: $JOB_ID" && shopt -s nullglob # Ensure empty glob does not return a literal string && for file in results*.json; do && echo "Uploading $file..." && # We can't use the test-collector plugin because it doesn't provide a way to set a custom `job_id` && curl \ && -X POST \ && --silent \ && --show-error \ && --max-time "30" \ && -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN\"" \ && -F "data=@\"$file\"" \ && -F "format=json" \ && -F "run_env[CI]=buildkite" \ && -F "run_env[key]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[url]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL\"" \ && -F "run_env[branch]=\"$BUILDKITE_BRANCH\"" \ && -F "run_env[commit_sha]=\"$BUILDKITE_COMMIT\"" \ && -F "run_env[number]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER\"" \ && -F "run_env[job_id]=\"$JOB_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[message]=\“$BUILDKITE_MESSAGE\"" \ && -F "tags[job_group]=\"$BUILDKITE_GROUP_LABEL\"" \ && -F "tags[job_label]=\"$BUILDKITE_LABEL\"" \ && https://analytics-api.buildkite.com/v1/uploads && echo "" && done
upload test results x86_64-linux-gnuecho "--- Downloading test results from test step" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "test_x86_64-linux-gnu" "results.tar.gz" . && tar -xzf results.tar.gz || true && echo "--- Uploading test results and assigning them to the test run" && export JOB_ID="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get BUILDKITE_TEST_JOB_ID_test_x86_64-linux-gnu || echo "unknown")" && echo "Test job ID: $JOB_ID" && shopt -s nullglob # Ensure empty glob does not return a literal string && for file in results*.json; do && echo "Uploading $file..." && # We can't use the test-collector plugin because it doesn't provide a way to set a custom `job_id` && curl \ && -X POST \ && --silent \ && --show-error \ && --max-time "30" \ && -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN\"" \ && -F "data=@\"$file\"" \ && -F "format=json" \ && -F "run_env[CI]=buildkite" \ && -F "run_env[key]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[url]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL\"" \ && -F "run_env[branch]=\"$BUILDKITE_BRANCH\"" \ && -F "run_env[commit_sha]=\"$BUILDKITE_COMMIT\"" \ && -F "run_env[number]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER\"" \ && -F "run_env[job_id]=\"$JOB_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[message]=\“$BUILDKITE_MESSAGE\"" \ && -F "tags[job_group]=\"$BUILDKITE_GROUP_LABEL\"" \ && -F "tags[job_label]=\"$BUILDKITE_LABEL\"" \ && https://analytics-api.buildkite.com/v1/uploads && echo "" && done
upload test results i686-linux-gnuecho "--- Downloading test results from test step" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "test_i686-linux-gnu" "results.tar.gz" . && tar -xzf results.tar.gz || true && echo "--- Uploading test results and assigning them to the test run" && export JOB_ID="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get BUILDKITE_TEST_JOB_ID_test_i686-linux-gnu || echo "unknown")" && echo "Test job ID: $JOB_ID" && shopt -s nullglob # Ensure empty glob does not return a literal string && for file in results*.json; do && echo "Uploading $file..." && # We can't use the test-collector plugin because it doesn't provide a way to set a custom `job_id` && curl \ && -X POST \ && --silent \ && --show-error \ && --max-time "30" \ && -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN\"" \ && -F "data=@\"$file\"" \ && -F "format=json" \ && -F "run_env[CI]=buildkite" \ && -F "run_env[key]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[url]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL\"" \ && -F "run_env[branch]=\"$BUILDKITE_BRANCH\"" \ && -F "run_env[commit_sha]=\"$BUILDKITE_COMMIT\"" \ && -F "run_env[number]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER\"" \ && -F "run_env[job_id]=\"$JOB_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[message]=\“$BUILDKITE_MESSAGE\"" \ && -F "tags[job_group]=\"$BUILDKITE_GROUP_LABEL\"" \ && -F "tags[job_label]=\"$BUILDKITE_LABEL\"" \ && https://analytics-api.buildkite.com/v1/uploads && echo "" && done
upload test results aarch64-linux-gnuecho "--- Downloading test results from test step" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "test_aarch64-linux-gnu" "results.tar.gz" . && tar -xzf results.tar.gz || true && echo "--- Uploading test results and assigning them to the test run" && export JOB_ID="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get BUILDKITE_TEST_JOB_ID_test_aarch64-linux-gnu || echo "unknown")" && echo "Test job ID: $JOB_ID" && shopt -s nullglob # Ensure empty glob does not return a literal string && for file in results*.json; do && echo "Uploading $file..." && # We can't use the test-collector plugin because it doesn't provide a way to set a custom `job_id` && curl \ && -X POST \ && --silent \ && --show-error \ && --max-time "30" \ && -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN\"" \ && -F "data=@\"$file\"" \ && -F "format=json" \ && -F "run_env[CI]=buildkite" \ && -F "run_env[key]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[url]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL\"" \ && -F "run_env[branch]=\"$BUILDKITE_BRANCH\"" \ && -F "run_env[commit_sha]=\"$BUILDKITE_COMMIT\"" \ && -F "run_env[number]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER\"" \ && -F "run_env[job_id]=\"$JOB_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[message]=\“$BUILDKITE_MESSAGE\"" \ && -F "tags[job_group]=\"$BUILDKITE_GROUP_LABEL\"" \ && -F "tags[job_label]=\"$BUILDKITE_LABEL\"" \ && https://analytics-api.buildkite.com/v1/uploads && echo "" && done
Launch allowed-to-fail upload jobs# Explicitly pass along the cryptic token to child pipelines && export BUILDKITE_PLUGIN_CRYPTIC_BASE64_SIGNED_JOB_ID_SECRET && export ALLOW_FAIL="true" && # Launch Linux allowed-to-fail upload jobs && GROUP="Allow Fail (Upload)" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_linux.soft_fail.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/upload_linux.yml && # Don't share this with buildkite's env display && unset BUILDKITE_PLUGIN_CRYPTIC_BASE64_SIGNED_JOB_ID_SECRET
Waited 10s
Ran in 43s
Launch build jobs### Launch Linux build jobs. && # Regular: && GROUP="Build" \ && ALLOW_FAIL="false" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_linux.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_linux.yml && # PowerPC (only for Julia prior to 1.12): && GROUP="Build" \ && ALLOW_FAIL="false" \ && julia .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/launch_powerpc.jl \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_linux.powerpc.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_linux.yml && ### Launch macOS build jobs: && GROUP="Build" \ && ALLOW_FAIL="false" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_macos.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_macos.yml && ### Launch FreeBSD build jobs: && GROUP="Build" \ && ALLOW_FAIL="false" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_freebsd.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_freebsd.yml && ### Launch Windows build jobs: && GROUP="Build" \ && ALLOW_FAIL="false" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_windows.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_windows.yml
Waited 33m 8s
Ran in 28s

Waited 31m 56s
Ran in 24m 56s

Waited 43m 33s
Ran in 29m 25s

Waited 24s
Ran in 28m 1s

Waited 2m 52s
Ran in 35m 15s
Launch check jobsbuildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/analyzegc.yml && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/doctest.yml && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/pdf_docs/build_pdf_docs.yml && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/embedding.yml && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/trimming.yml && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/llvmpasses.yml && # buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/whitespace.yml # Currently runs in GitHub Actions instead of Buildkite && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/sanitizers/asan.yml && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/sanitizers/tsan.yml
Waited 10s
Ran in 36s
tsanecho "--- Build julia-debug runtime with TSAN" && VERBOSE=1 contrib/tsan/build.sh ./tmp/test-tsan -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} julia-src-debug
Waited 55m 5s
Ran in 1m 56s
asanecho "--- Build julia with ASAN" && VERBOSE=1 contrib/asan/build.sh ./tmp/test-asan -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?}
Waited 56m 43s
Ran in 48m 58s
llvmpassesecho "--- make release" && # Enable Julia assertions: FORCE_ASSERTIONS=1 && # Enable LLVM assertions: LLVM_ASSERTIONS=1 && export MAKE_ASSERT_FLAGS="FORCE_ASSERTIONS=1 LLVM_ASSERTIONS=1" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} release JULIA_PRECOMPILE=0 ${MAKE_ASSERT_FLAGS:?} && echo "--- make src/install-analysis-deps" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C src install-analysis-deps ${MAKE_ASSERT_FLAGS:?} && echo "+++ make test/llvmpasses" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C test/llvmpasses ${MAKE_ASSERT_FLAGS:?}
Waited 10s
Ran in 26m 56s
trimming# Download pre-built julia, extract into `usr/` && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "build_x86_64-linux-gnu" 'julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz' . && mkdir -p usr && tar -C usr --strip-components=1 -zxf julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && rm -f julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C test/trimming check JULIA="$(pwd)/usr/bin/julia" BIN="$(pwd)/usr/bin"
Waited 9s
Ran in 3m 55s
embedding# Download pre-built julia, extract into `usr/` && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "build_x86_64-linux-gnu" 'julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz' . && mkdir -p usr && tar -C usr --strip-components=1 -zxf julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && rm -f julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && embedding_output="/tmp/embedding-test" && echo "+++ Run embedding tests, deploy to ${embedding_output:?}" && mkdir -p "${embedding_output:?}" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C test/embedding check JULIA="$(pwd)/usr/bin/julia" BIN="${embedding_output:?}"
Waited 5s
Ran in 1m 28s
pdf_docs_buildecho "--- Download pre-built julia, extract into usr/" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "build_x86_64-linux-gnu" 'julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz' . && mkdir -p ./usr && tar -C ./usr --strip-components=1 -zxf julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && ln -s ./usr/bin/julia ./julia && echo "--- Print Julia version info" && export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=1 && ./julia -e 'using InteractiveUtils; InteractiveUtils.versioninfo()' && echo "--- Set some environment variables and create some directories" && export DOCUMENTER_LATEX_DEBUG="$(pwd)/latex-debug-logs" && mkdir -p ${DOCUMENTER_LATEX_DEBUG:?} && echo "DOCUMENTER_LATEX_DEBUG is ${DOCUMENTER_LATEX_DEBUG:?}" && echo "--- Build the PDF" && ./julia .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/pdf_docs/make.jl && echo "--- Upload the PDF files as Buildkite artifacts" && find . -type f -name "*.pdf" && cd doc/_build/pdf/en && buildkite-agent artifact upload TheJuliaLanguage.pdf
Waited 13s
Ran in 26m 39s
doctest# Download pre-built julia, extract into `usr/` && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "build_x86_64-linux-gnu" 'julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz' . && mkdir -p ./usr && tar -C ./usr --strip-components=1 -zxf julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && ln -s ./usr/bin/julia ./julia && echo "--- Print Julia version info" && export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=1 && ./julia -e 'using InteractiveUtils; InteractiveUtils.versioninfo()' && TARBALL_NAME="$(echo julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz)" && export DOCUMENTER_ARCHIVE="${TARBALL_NAME%-linux-x86_64.tar.gz}-htmldocs.tar.gz" && echo "--- Run Julia doctests/build HTML docs" && cd doc && make deploy doctest=true && echo "--- Compress and upload HTML docs" && buildkite-agent artifact upload "${DOCUMENTER_ARCHIVE}"
Waited 1m 45s
Ran in 7m 40s
analyzegcecho "--- Install in-tree LLVM dependencies" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C src install-analysis-deps && echo "+++ run clangsa/analyzegc" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C test/clangsa --keep-going && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C src analyze --keep-going
Waited 57m 24s
Ran in 4m 13s
Launch test jobsexport ALLOW_FAIL="false" && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/gcext.yml && buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipelines/main/misc/test_revise.yml && ### Launch Linux test jobs. && # Regular: && GROUP="Test" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_linux.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_linux.yml && # i686-linux-gnu: && GROUP="Test" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_linux.i686.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_linux.i686.yml && ### Launch macOS test jobs: && GROUP="Test" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_macos.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_macos.yml && ### Launch FreeBSD test jobs: && GROUP="Test" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_freebsd.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_freebsd.yml && ### Launch Windows test jobs: && GROUP="Test" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_windows.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_windows.yml && echo "+++ Finished launching test jobs"
Waited 7s
Ran in 59s

Waited 56s
Ran in 11m 46s

Waited 50s
Ran in 15m 24s

Waited 13m 22s
Ran in 10m 47s

Waited 27m 51s
Ran in 6m 55s

Waited 29m 18s
Ran in 5m 43s

Waited 37m 25s
Ran in 5m 2s
test revise# Download pre-built julia, extract into `usr/` && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "build_x86_64-linux-gnu" 'julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz' . && mkdir -p ./usr && tar -C ./usr --strip-components=1 -zxf julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && ln -s ./usr/bin/julia ./julia && echo "--- Install and test Revise" && unset JULIA_DEPOT_PATH && JULIA_PKG_PRECOMPILE_AUTO=0 ./julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(name="Revise", rev="master"); ENV["JULIA_PKG_PRECOMPILE_AUTO"]=1; Pkg.test("Revise")'
Waited 2m 19s
Ran in 6m 45s
gcext# Download pre-built julia, extract into `usr/` && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "build_x86_64-linux-gnu" 'julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz' . && mkdir -p usr && tar -C usr --strip-components=1 -zxf julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && rm -f julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && gcext_output="/tmp/gcext-test" && echo "+++ Run gcext tests, deploy to ${gcext_output:?}" && mkdir -p "${gcext_output:?}" && make --output-sync -j${JULIA_CPU_THREADS:?} -C test/gcext check JULIA="$(pwd)/usr/bin/julia" BIN="${gcext_output:?}"
Waited 4m 16s
Ran in 3m 2s
Launch allowed-to-fail build jobsexport ALLOW_FAIL="true" && # Launch Linux allowed-to-fail build jobs: && GROUP="Allow Fail" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_linux.soft_fail.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_linux.yml && # Launch macOS allowed-to-fail build jobs: && GROUP="Allow Fail" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_macos.soft_fail.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/build_macos.yml
Waited 3s
Ran in 25s

Waited 58m 53s
Ran in 22m 19s
Launch allowed-to-fail test jobsexport ALLOW_FAIL="true" && ### Launch Linux allowed-to-fail test jobs. && # Regular: && GROUP="Allow Fail" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_linux.soft_fail.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_linux.yml && # PowerPC (only for Julia prior to 1.12): && GROUP="Test" \ && julia .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/launch_powerpc.jl \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_linux.powerpc.soft_fail.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_linux.yml && ### Launch macOS allowed-to-fail test jobs: && GROUP="Allow Fail" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_macos.soft_fail.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_macos.yml && ### Launch FreeBSD allowed-to-fail jobs: && GROUP="Allow Fail" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_freebsd.soft_fail.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_freebsd.yml && ### Launch Windows allowed-to-fail test jobs: && GROUP="Allow Fail" \ && bash .buildkite/utilities/arches_pipeline_upload.sh \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_windows.soft_fail.arches \ && .buildkite/pipelines/main/platforms/test_windows.yml
Waited 1h 2m
Ran in 16s
Total Job Run Time: 11h 39m