Publichttps://github.com/JuliaCI/julia-buildkite & https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia
Revert "avoid capturing weak ref in Pass object"
Failed in 3h 3m
upload test results x86_64-w64-mingw32echo "--- Downloading test results from test step" && buildkite-agent artifact download --step "test_x86_64-w64-mingw32" "results*.json" . || true && echo "--- Uploading test results and assigning them to the test run" && export JOB_ID="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get BUILDKITE_TEST_JOB_ID_test_x86_64-w64-mingw32 || echo "unknown")" && shopt -s nullglob # Ensure empty glob does not return a literal string && for file in results*.json; do && echo "Uploading $file..." && # We can't use the test-collector plugin because it doesn't provide a way to set a custom `job_id` && curl \ && -X POST \ && --silent \ && --show-error \ && --max-time "30" \ && -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN\"" \ && -F "data=@\"$file\"" \ && -F "format=json" \ && -F "run_env[CI]=buildkite" \ && -F "run_env[key]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[url]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL\"" \ && -F "run_env[branch]=\"$BUILDKITE_BRANCH\"" \ && -F "run_env[commit_sha]=\"$BUILDKITE_COMMIT\"" \ && -F "run_env[number]=\"$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER\"" \ && -F "run_env[job_id]=\"$JOB_ID\"" \ && -F "run_env[message]=\"$(printf “%q” “$BUILDKITE_MESSAGE”)\"" \ && https://analytics-api.buildkite.com/v1/uploads && echo "\n" && done
Waited 4s
Ran in 17s

Waited 2m 20s
Ran in 2h 16m
Total Job Run Time: 1d 2h