Use Pygments' PTX and GCN for highlighting. Fix Windows highlighting. Tests.

Canceled automatically after 34m 36s

Using a locally-built support library; A bump of oneAPI_Support_jll is required before releasing this packages.

:buildkite: Pipeline uploadbuildkite-agent pipeline upload
Waited 7s
Ran in 3s
CUDA.jljulia -e 'println("--- :julia: Instantiating project") && using Pkg && Pkg.develop(; path=pwd()) && Pkg.develop(; name="CUDA")' || exit 3 && julia -e 'println("+++ :julia: Running tests") && using Pkg && Pkg.test("CUDA"; coverage=true)'
Waited 2s
Ran in 34m 54s
oneAPI.jljulia -e 'using Pkg; && println("--- :julia: Instantiating project") && Pkg.develop(; path=pwd()) && Pkg.develop(; name="oneAPI") && println("+++ :julia: Building support library") && include(joinpath(Pkg.devdir(), "oneAPI", "deps", "build_ci.jl"))' || exit 3 && julia -e 'println("+++ :julia: Running tests") && using Pkg && Pkg.test("oneAPI"; coverage=true)'
Waited 1s
Ran in 11m 7s
Metal.jljulia -e 'println("--- :julia: Instantiating project") && using Pkg && Pkg.develop(; path=pwd()) && Pkg.develop(; name="Metal")' || exit 3 && julia -e 'println("+++ :julia: Running tests") && using Pkg && Pkg.test("Metal"; coverage=true)'
Waited 2s
Ran in 7m 58s
AMDGPU.jljulia -e 'println("--- :julia: Instantiating project") && using Pkg && Pkg.develop(; path=pwd()) && Pkg.develop(; name="AMDGPU")' || exit 3 && julia -e 'println("+++ :julia: Running tests") && using Pkg && Pkg.test("AMDGPU"; coverage=true)'
Waited 34m 35s
AMDGPU.jl 1.11 opaque pointersjulia -e 'println("--- :julia: Instantiating project") && using Pkg && Pkg.develop(; path=pwd()) && Pkg.develop(; name="AMDGPU")' || exit 3 && julia -e 'println("+++ :julia: Running tests") && using Pkg && Pkg.test("AMDGPU"; coverage=true)'
Waited 34m 35s
Enzyme.jljulia -e 'println("--- :julia: Instantiating project") && using Pkg && Pkg.develop(; path=pwd()) && Pkg.develop(; name="Enzyme")' || exit 3 && julia -e 'println("+++ :julia: Running tests") && using Pkg && Pkg.test("Enzyme"; coverage=true, julia_args=`--depwarn=no`)'
Waited 6s
Ran in 34m 6s
Total Job Run Time: 1h 28m