:pipeline:[[ -f ".buildkite/pipeline.yml" ]] && buildkite-agent pipeline upload --replace || true
Waited 2s
Ran in 2s
:amazon-ec2: prepare environmentuname -a && go version && mkdir -p /tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata
Waited 3s
Ran in 7s
:golang: go mod downloadgo mod download
Waited 2s
Ran in 9s
:linux: setup tapssudo ip tuntap add fc-test-tap4175 mode tap user $(sudo id -u buildkite-agent) && sudo ip tuntap add fc-root-tap4175 mode tap user $(sudo id -u buildkite-agent) && sudo ip tuntap add fc-mst-tap4175 mode tap user $(sudo id -u buildkite-agent)
Waited 1s
Ran in 1s
Build will continue even if previous stage fails
馃摝 installcp -r testdata/* /tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata && ln -s /var/lib/fc-ci/vmlinux.bin /tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata/vmlinux && ln -s /var/lib/fc-ci/rootfs.ext4 /tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata/root-drive.img && make deps
Waited 2s
Ran in 28s
Build will continue even if previous stage fails
lintmake lint
Waited 2s
Ran in 1s
Waited 1s
Ran in 12s
馃摉 examplescp /tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata/root-drive-ssh-key /tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata/root-drive-with-ssh.img /tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata/vmlinux examples/cmd/snapshotting && cd examples/cmd/snapshotting && make all && export FC_TEST_DATA_PATH=/tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata && sudo -E make run clean
Waited 1s
Ran in 19s
馃敤 testsFC_TEST_TAP=fc-test-tap4175 make test EXTRAGOARGS='-v -count=1 -race' DISABLE_ROOT_TESTS=true
Waited 2s
Ran in 35s
馃敤 root testsexport FC_TEST_TAP=fc-root-tap4175 && export FC_TEST_DATA_PATH=/tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata && make test EXTRAGOARGS="-exec 'sudo -E' -v -count=1 -race" DISABLE_ROOT_TESTS=
Waited 2s
Ran in 1m 1s
go mod tidygo mod tidy && test -z "$(git status --porcelain)" && exit 0 || git --no-pager diff && echo -e '\ngo.mod and/or go.sum differ from committed, please run "go mod tidy" and commit the updated files.\n' && exit 1
Waited 1s
Ran in 3s
Build will continue even if previous stage fails
:linux: build Firecracker from the tip of main branchmake test-images
Waited 1s
Ran in 2m 30s
Build will continue even if previous stage fails
馃敤 test against Firecracker aboveexport FC_TEST_TAP=fc-mst-tap4175 && make test EXTRAGOARGS="-exec 'sudo -E' -v -count=1 -race" DISABLE_ROOT_TESTS=
Waited 2s
Ran in 40s
Build will continue even if previous stage fails
:linux: cleanupsudo ip tuntap del fc-test-tap4175 mode tap && sudo ip tuntap del fc-root-tap4175 mode tap && sudo ip tuntap del fc-mst-tap4175 mode tap && sudo rm -fr /tmp/buildkite_build_4175_testdata
Waited 2s
Ran in 1s
Total Job Run Time: 6m 8s