:pipeline:[[ -f ".buildkite/pipeline.yml" ]] && buildkite-agent pipeline upload --replace || true
Waited 6s
Ran in 25s
:docker: Buildmake test-images && docker run --rm -v /local/home/buildkite-agent/builds/ip-10-0-0-169-15/firecracker-microvm/firecracker-containerd:/mnt debian:bullseye-slim rm -rf /mnt/tools/image-builder/rootfs && sudo install -d -o root -g buildkite-agent -m 775 "/local/artifacts/4363" && cp tools/image-builder/rootfs.img "/local/artifacts/4363/"
Waited 3s
Ran in 9m 42s
:lint-roller: loop device cleanupsudo losetup -l
Waited 3s
Ran in 16s
:protractor: verify protomake proto && test -z "$(git status --porcelain)" && exit 0 || git status && echo -e '\nGenerated protobuf code differs from committed, please run "make proto" and commit the updated files.\n' && exit 1
Waited 2s
Ran in 37s
⚙️ unit testscp "/local/artifacts/4363/rootfs.img" tools/image-builder/rootfs.img && make test-in-docker
Waited 1s
Ran in 1m 43s
🏃 runtime isolated testsmake -C runtime integ-test FICD_DM_POOL=build_4363_runtime
Waited 1s
Ran in 21m 30s
🏋️ stress testsmake -C runtime integ-test-TestMultipleVMs_Isolated FICD_DM_POOL=stress4363
Waited 2s
Ran in 3m 9s
🚨 example testsmake -C examples integ-test TEST_POOL=build_4363_example
Waited 1s
Ran in 57s
🚨 cri conformance testsmake -C runtime critest FICD_DM_POOL=build_4363_critest
Waited 1s
Ran in 4m 25s
Total Job Run Time: 42m 43s