DevOps Lunches w/ Buildkite & AWS

DevOps Lunches w/ Buildkite & AWS
Mon 27th–Wed 29th Nov, 12:30–14:30
SushiSamba, The Venetian, Las Vegas
3327 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

When we think about modern software delivery it’s hard to look beyond DORA as a measurement framework for businesses to measure the effectiveness of their DevOps practices and their impact on software delivery performance. As we dive a little deeper into the practices, techniques, strategies, & tactics that come out of the reports it is clear that they serve to achieve two overarching goals:

  1. Creating an environment that is sufficiently resilient to meet the operational metrics that a business requires
  2. Increasing the velocity of the delivery of new capabilities to meet the growth and revenue metrics that a business requires

Join us for a thought provoking lunch, hosted by AWS’ Dave Coombes & Buildkite CEO Keith Pitt, as we discuss what aspects of a business’s environment (technical, operational, cultural, etc) enable these goals and what are the aspects that inhibit them. Over the course of lunch we’ll discuss the challenges, road blocks, and ways of working that organizations have had to navigate through to intentionally optimize for both of these outcomes.

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