Bazel :bazel:


Slowest 20 targets

  1. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_determinism_test on :darwin: macOS arm64 (shard 4): FAILED in 3 out of 3 runs in 1921.4s (775.8s + 572.4s + 573.1s) (log)
  2. //src/test/py/bazel:runfiles_test on :windows: Windows: FAILED in 3 out of 3 runs in 1555.7s (525.8s + 512.7s + 517.2s) (log)
  3. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_bootstrap_distfile_test on :windows: Windows: PASSED in 1227.3s (log)
  4. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_proto_library_test (shard 2/2) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: PASSED in 1027.5s (log)
  5. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_bootstrap_distfile_test on :darwin: macOS (shard 4): PASSED in 1018.6s (log)
  6. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_proto_library_test (shard 2/2) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: PASSED in 980.3s (log)
  7. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_proto_library_test (shard 2/2) on :centos: CentOS 7: PASSED in 957.1s (log)
  8. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_proto_library_test (shard 1/2) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: PASSED in 944.6s (log)
  9. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_proto_library_test (shard 2/2) on :darwin: macOS arm64 (shard 5): PASSED in 911.0s (log)
  10. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_proto_library_test (shard 1/2) on :centos: CentOS 7: PASSED in 904.6s (log)
  11. //src/test/py/bazel:test_wrapper_test on :windows: Windows: TIMEOUT in 3 out of 3 runs in 900.4s (300.1s + 300.2s + 300.1s) (log)
  12. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_proto_library_test (shard 1/2) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: PASSED in 871.7s (log)
  13. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_bootstrap_distfile_tar_test on :centos: CentOS 7: PASSED in 838.2s (log)
  14. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_proto_library_test (shard 1/2) on :darwin: macOS arm64 (shard 5): PASSED in 815.9s (log)
  15. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_bootstrap_distfile_test on :centos: CentOS 7: PASSED in 814.1s (log)
  16. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_bootstrap_distfile_tar_test on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: PASSED in 802.8s (log)
  17. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_determinism_test on :centos: CentOS 7: PASSED in 802.3s (log)
  18. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_determinism_test on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: PASSED in 777.2s (log)
  19. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_java_test_jdk21_toolchain_head (shard 2/2) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: PASSED in 767.8s (log)
  20. //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_java_test_jdk21_toolchain_head (shard 1/2) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: PASSED in 753.9s (log)

:windows: Windows Failures

  • //src/test/py/bazel:runfiles_test FAILED in 3 out of 3 runs in 1555.7s (525.8s + 512.7s + 517.2s): log
  • //src/test/py/bazel:test_wrapper_test TIMEOUT in 3 out of 3 runs in 900.4s (300.1s + 300.2s + 300.1s): log
  • //src/test/py/bazel:bazel_windows_test FLAKY in 1 out of 2 runs in 516.1s (300.1s + 216.0s): log

:darwin: macOS arm64 Failures

  • //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_determinism_test FAILED in 3 out of 3 runs in 1921.4s (775.8s + 572.4s + 573.1s): log
  • //src/test/shell/integration:client_test FLAKY in 1 out of 2 runs in 466.4s (348.5s + 117.8s): log

:centos: CentOS 7 Failures

  • //src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_strategy_test FLAKY in 1 out of 2 runs in 102.1s (60.6s + 41.6s): log
  • //src/main/starlark/tests/builtins_bzl:cc_builtin_tests FLAKY in 1 out of 2 runs in 376.1s (238.3s + 137.8s): log
  • //src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/metrics:MetricsCollectorTest FLAKY in 1 out of 2 runs in 42.4s (22.7s + 19.8s): log
:mac: macOS arm64 (shard 4)curl -sS -o && python3 runner --task=macos_arm64 --file_config=.bazelci/postsubmit.yml
Waited 8s
Ran in 52m 28s
:windows: Windowscurl -sS -o && python.exe runner --task=windows --file_config=.bazelci/postsubmit.yml
Waited 8s
Ran in 1h 15m
Try Update Last Green Commitcurl -sS -o && python3.6 try_update_last_green_commit
Waited 5s
Ran in 36s
Total Job Run Time: 11h 2m