
Aspect Workflows pipeline for aspect-build/rules_jest

fix: remove instrumented files filter (#292)

Passed in 11m 40s
Found 1 delivery target
:bazel: Delivery

The following 1 targets were successfully built and delivered:
All tests were cache hits
:bazel: Test

65 tests (100.0%) were fully cached saving 2m 18s.
:aspect-build: Setup Aspect Workflowsrosetta steps | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
Waited 6s
Ran in 9s
πŸ—οΈ Formatecho "--- :aspect-build: Workflows environment" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/configure_workflows_env && echo "--- :stethoscope: Agent health check" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/agent_health_check && echo "~~~ :broom: Prepare archive directories" && rm -rf /workflows/artifacts /workflows/testlogs && echo "--- :building_construction: Format" && rosetta run format --workspace . && echo "+++  "
Waited 3m 0s
Ran in 1m 11s
πŸ—οΈ Buildifierecho "--- :aspect-build: Workflows environment" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/configure_workflows_env && echo "--- :stethoscope: Agent health check" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/agent_health_check && echo "~~~ :broom: Prepare archive directories" && rm -rf /workflows/artifacts /workflows/testlogs && echo "--- :building_construction: Buildifier" && rosetta run buildifier --workspace . && echo "+++  "
Waited 2m 9s
Ran in 53s
🦌 Gazelleecho "--- :aspect-build: Workflows environment" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/configure_workflows_env && echo "--- :stethoscope: Agent health check" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/agent_health_check && echo "~~~ :broom: Prepare archive directories" && rm -rf /workflows/artifacts /workflows/testlogs && echo "--- :deer: Gazelle" && rosetta run gazelle --workspace . && echo "+++  "
Waited 2m 9s
Ran in 1m 44s
βš™οΈ Configureecho "--- :aspect-build: Workflows environment" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/configure_workflows_env && echo "--- :stethoscope: Agent health check" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/agent_health_check && echo "~~~ :broom: Prepare archive directories" && rm -rf /workflows/artifacts /workflows/testlogs && echo "--- :gear: Configure" && rosetta run configure --workspace . && echo "+++  "
Waited 3m 1s
Ran in 29s
:bazel: Testecho "--- :aspect-build: Workflows environment" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/configure_workflows_env && echo "--- :stethoscope: Agent health check" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/agent_health_check && echo "~~~ :broom: Prepare archive directories" && rm -rf /workflows/artifacts /workflows/testlogs && echo "--- :bazel: Test" && rosetta run test --workspace . && echo "--- :bazel: Delivery manifest" && rosetta run delivery_manifest --workspace . --data TARGETS_SOURCE=test && echo "+++  "
Waited 9m 21s
Ran in 1m 24s
:bazel: Deliveryecho "--- :aspect-build: Workflows environment" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/configure_workflows_env && echo "--- :stethoscope: Agent health check" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/agent_health_check && echo "~~~ :broom: Prepare archive directories" && rm -rf /workflows/artifacts /workflows/testlogs && echo "--- :bazel: Delivery" && rosetta run delivery --workspace . && echo "+++  "
Waited 10s
Ran in 19s
:aspect-build: Finalizationecho "--- :aspect-build: Workflows environment" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/configure_workflows_env && echo "--- :stethoscope: Agent health check" && /etc/aspect/workflows/bin/agent_health_check && echo "~~~ :broom: Prepare archive directories" && rm -rf /workflows/artifacts /workflows/testlogs && echo "--- :peacock: Finalization" && rosetta run finalization --workspace . && echo "+++  "
Waited 8s
Ran in 7s
Total Job Run Time: 6m 15s