Pipeline templates for continuous integration
Have a best-practice pipeline running in minutes with these template starters.
Scan image using AWS ECR
Build, push, a scan a Docker image for security vulnerabilities using AWS ECR.
Software composition analysis using Lacework
Perform a Software Composition Analysis in your pipeline using Lacework.
CI for Node.js
Build, lint, and test a Node.js web application using npm, ESLint, Jest, and Cypress.
CI/CD for Docker using Terraform
Build, change, and destroy Docker infrastructure using Terraform.
Scan for vulnerabilities using Wiz
Scan your infrastructure-as-code CloudFormation stacks or Docker images for security vulnerabilities using Wiz.
CI for Go
Build, lint, and test a Go application using standard library tooling.
CI/CD for Fly.io
Build and deploy a Docker image to Fly.io.
Compile Go binary
Build and cross-compile a Go binary for Linux, Windows, and Darwin architectures.
CI for Java with Gradle
Build and test a Java application with Gradle.
Publish Node.js package to Buildkite
Publish a Node.js package to your Buildkite repository.
CI for PHP
Build, lint and test a PHP application using Composer, PHP's built-in linter, and PHPUnit.
Scan Node.js using Snyk
Audit your Node.js project for security vulnerabilities using Snyk.
Build and push a Docker image to AWS ECR and trigger an AWS ECS deployment.
CI for Swift
Build, lint, and test a Swift project using SwiftLint and XCTest.
CI for Ruby on Rails on Hosted Agents
Build, lint, audit, run static analysis, and test a Ruby on Rails application using Bundler, RuboCop, Bundler-audit, Brakeman, and RSpec.
CI for iOS with Fastlane
Build, lint, and test a Fastlane iOS application.
CI/CD for AWS using Pulumi
Preview and deploy AWS infrastructure changes using Pulumi.
CI for Ruby
Build, lint, and test a Ruby application using Bundler, RuboCop, and RSpec.
CI for Rust
Build, lint, and test a Rust application using Cargo and Clippy.
CI for Kotlin with Gradle
Build and test a Kotlin application with Gradle.
CI/CD for AWS using AWS CDK
Sythesize and deploy CloudFormation using AWS CDK.
Execute a custom bash script
CI for Python
Build, lint, and test a Python application using pip, Ruff, and pytest.
CI for .NET
Build and test a .NET application using standard library tooling.
CI for monorepo
Conditionally trigger pipelines for a monorepo based on changes to file paths.
CI/CD for AWS using Terraform
Build, change, and destroy AWS infrastructure using Terraform.
Starter CI pipeline for a Bazel project.