Rails Nightly
PublicNightly CI build for the Rails repo
Daily build with Ruby head
Passed in 1h 18m
rails-nightly-initial-pipelinePATH=/bin:/usr/bin && set -e && if [ -d ".buildkite" ]; then && echo "+++ :bk-status-failed: .buildkite/ already exists; please remove it and try again" && exit 1 && fi && if [ -n "$CONFIG_REPO" ]; then && GIT_REPO="$CONFIG_REPO" && else && GIT_REPO="https://github.com/rails/buildkite-config" && fi && GIT_BRANCH="${CONFIG_BRANCH-main}" && GIT_BRANCH="${GIT_BRANCH#*:}" && echo "Cloning buildkite-config:" && echo "git clone -b \"$GIT_BRANCH\" \"$GIT_REPO\" .buildkite" && git clone -b "$GIT_BRANCH" "$GIT_REPO" .buildkite && rm -rf .buildkite/.git && sh -c "$PIPELINE_COMMAND" && ([ -f .buildkite/.dockerignore ] && cp .buildkite/.dockerignore .dockerignore) || true
Waited 5s
Ran in 35s
activerecord mysql2 (master) [mysql_5_7]rake db:mysql:rebuild mysql2:test
Waited 4s
Ran in 4m 45s
activerecord mysql2 (master) [prepared_statements]rake db:mysql:rebuild mysql2:test
Waited 9s
Ran in 5m 18s
activerecord postgresql (master)rake db:postgresql:rebuild postgresql:test
Waited 9s
Ran in 6m 6s
activerecord trilogy (master) [mariadb]rake db:mysql:rebuild trilogy:test
Waited 2s
Ran in 5m 14s
activerecord trilogy (master) [mysql_5_7]rake db:mysql:rebuild trilogy:test
Waited 2s
Ran in 3m 52s
activerecord postgresql (yjit)rake db:postgresql:rebuild postgresql:test
Waited 2s
Ran in 3m 33s
activerecord postgresql (master-debug)rake db:postgresql:rebuild postgresql:test
Waited 1m 14s
Ran in 6m 31s
activerecord trilogy (master-debug)rake db:mysql:rebuild trilogy:test
Timed Out
Waited 1m 19s
Ran in 30m 24s
activerecord trilogy (master-debug)rake db:mysql:rebuild trilogy:test
Timed Out
Waited 10s
Ran in 30m 42s
activerecord mysql2:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild mysql2:isolated_testWaited 3m 18s
Ran in 1m 19s
activerecord mysql2:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild mysql2:isolated_testWaited 3m 18s
Ran in 1m 40s
activerecord mysql2:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild mysql2:isolated_testWaited 3m 20s
Ran in 1m 34s
activerecord mysql2:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild mysql2:isolated_testWaited 3m 21s
Ran in 1m 40s
activerecord mysql2:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild mysql2:isolated_testWaited 3m 27s
Ran in 1m 25s
activerecord postgresql:isolated (master)rake db:postgresql:rebuild postgresql:isolated_testWaited 3m 28s
Ran in 1m 28s
activerecord postgresql:isolated (master)rake db:postgresql:rebuild postgresql:isolated_testWaited 3m 30s
Ran in 49s
activerecord postgresql:isolated (master)rake db:postgresql:rebuild postgresql:isolated_testWaited 3m 39s
Ran in 57s
activerecord postgresql:isolated (master)rake db:postgresql:rebuild postgresql:isolated_testWaited 3m 40s
Ran in 1m 41s
activerecord postgresql:isolated (master)rake db:postgresql:rebuild postgresql:isolated_testWaited 3m 41s
Ran in 1m 7s
activerecord trilogy:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild trilogy:isolated_testWaited 3m 56s
Ran in 1m 0s
activerecord trilogy:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild trilogy:isolated_testWaited 4m 3s
Ran in 1m 21s
activerecord trilogy:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild trilogy:isolated_testWaited 4m 3s
Ran in 1m 7s
activerecord trilogy:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild trilogy:isolated_testWaited 4m 3s
Ran in 1m 11s
activerecord trilogy:isolated (master)rake db:mysql:rebuild trilogy:isolated_testWaited 4m 4s
Ran in 1m 11s
Total Job Run Time: 11h 37m