NewBuildkite hosted agents. Check out the Q1 Release for the latest features, including managed CI/CD offerings for Mac and Linux.


Retry failed jobs while builds are running

You can now retry failed builds directly from the build view.

If any jobs fail while a build is running, you will now see a Retry failed jobs button in the build header. This allows you to retry all failed jobs at once rather than selecting Retry on individual jobs.

The Retry failed jobs button displays on a running build after a job fails.

After a build finishes, the Retry failed jobs button now displays directly in the build header rather than under the Rebuild menu.

The Retry failed jobs button displays on a build that's finished.



Test search in Test Analytics

You can now search for tests by name, scope, and location from the Tests page. Test Analytics allows users to search their tests by name, scope and location



Search flaky tests from the UI or API

You can now search for flaky tests by test name, scope, and location using the Test Analytics UI or API. Test Analytics allows users to search their flaky tests on the Flaky test page and API

To learn more, check out the API documentation.



Introducing: Flaky test assignment in Test Analytics

Users on our Pro and Enterprise plans can assign flaky tests to teams in their organization. Use flaky test assignment to signal to other teams that a flaky test is being worked on.

Test Analytics shows the flaky tests assigned to a user

To learn more, check out the documentation.



Linking to jobs from waterfall view

The waterfall view has been updated to help you debug builds faster.

You can now go directly from a job in the waterfall view:

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 6.12.08 pm.png

To its log output:

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 6.13.50 pm.png



Introducing: Teams REST API

Buildkite Teams can be accessed programmatically through the REST API, improving parity with our existing GraphQL API.

Explore further details and learn how to integrate with our API documentation.



Cypress support for Test Analytics

You can now use Test Analytics to manage your Cypress test suites. With the JavaScript test collector configured, Cypress test results are automatically sent to Test Analytics to give you insights into your test suite.

Check out the docs to learn more about configuring Test Analytics with Cypress.



Clusters Generally Available

Clusters is a Buildkite feature used to manage and organize agents and queues, which:

  • allows teams to self-manage their Buildkite agent pools,
  • allows admins to create isolated sets of agents and pipelines within within a single Buildkite organization,
  • helps make agents and queues more discoverable across your organization,
  • gives you more control over your agents and queues like pausing them, and
  • provides easily accessible queue metrics.

All existing agents can now be accessed through Unclustered grouping on the agents page.

Learn more about clusters



Linking to agents from jobs

You can now go directly from jobs to agent details. When viewing a build, you'll see each job with its agent's name and a link to the agent details:


If you're using clusters, you'll see a link to the queue for the job while waiting for an agent to be assigned:


Once the job is assigned to an agent, you'll see the agent details alongside the queue:




Lower Agent Timeouts

We have reduced agent timeouts from 5 minutes to just 3 minutes, and improved the lost agent cleanup service from 5 minutes to 1 minute! This enhancement offers significant benefits to our customers, particularly those utilizing spot instances for their agents.

With shorter timeouts, jobs now fail faster when spot instances can't compete on price, slashing the time it takes for pipelines to detect and recover from failures from 10 minutes to just 4 minutes. This means faster feedback loops, streamlined pipelines, and ultimately, accelerated development cycles.

Learn more about it



Clusters Generally Available

Clusters will be enabled for all organizations on 26 February, 2024.

Clusters is a Buildkite feature used to manage and organize agents and queues, which:

  • allows teams to self-manage their Buildkite agent pools,
  • allows admins to create isolated sets of agents and pipelines within within a single Buildkite organization,
  • helps make agents and queues more discoverable across your organization, and
  • provides easily accessible queue metrics.

After the release all existing agents can be accessed through Unclustered grouping on the agents page.

Learn more about clusters



Agent Job Tokens

Access tokens for agents will now be limited to the lifetime of the job. There is now a unique BUILDKITE_AGENT_ACCESS_TOKEN for each job that is run, which will stop working once the job finishes. This reduces the period of impact to the lifetime of the job if a BUILDKITE_AGENT_ACCESS_TOKEN is leaked from the agent’s environment.

Ensure you are running Buildkite Agent version v3.39.0 or later to take advantage of these tokens and v3.62.0 for all the latest improvements.

For more details, see the documentation.



REST API Rate Limit Changes

Today, we updated our REST API rate limits. ​This update will improve performance, enhance security, and ensure fair usage.

For more information on rate limits please consult our documentation.



Docs updates to Pipelines landing page, GraphQL cookbook, and visual style

pipelines-landing-new.png We tackled some quick wins the last week, including:

  • Creating a new landing page for Pipelines. This helps distinguish the product from the feature and provides clearer entry points for new users.
  • Adding a dedicated page to describe Pipelines' hybrid architecture.
  • Highlighting H3s when scrolling on a page.
  • Splitting the GraphQL cookbook into multiple pages to make it easier to navigate.
  • Updating the search component.
  • Applying general style updates across the site, from typography and tables to page layout and spacing.

And many more small changes. See the documentation to check them all out. ✨



Enforce edit permissions check when accessing pipeline provider webhook URLs

Pipeline edit permissions are now required to view pipeline.provider.webhook_url. If the user does not have the correct permissions, a blank string will be shown in place of the webhook URL.

This change will also affect webhook payloads containing pipeline data. To ensure the greatest level of security, pipeline.provider.webhook_url will no longer be visible in these payloads.

Read more about the REST API



Single Organization Access Tokens

Starting today, newly created API Access Tokens will only access one organization. This update aims to enhance organizations' security by simplifying access token management. Administrators should be aware that tokens cannot be modified to include their organization after they have been originally created.

This change only affects newly created tokens. All existing tokens will remain unaffected by this change; however, existing tokens will not be able to add any additional organizations to their scope.



Upcoming change to the Buildkite API

To enhance the overall reliability and scalability, we are implementing changes to how Buildkite handles API GET requests that include a body in the payload starting September 18th.

As a result of these changes, any GET request to that includes a body will receive a 403 status (Forbidden) as a response.

This may impact legacy clients, particularly older versions of Buildkite's Terraform provider (< 0.15). To ensure compatibility, we recommend upgrading to the latest version of our Terraform provider.

During the week commencing August 28th, Buildkite will intermittently enable this change for short periods as a low-impact method of uncovering issues.

We value our customers and their experience with Buildkite, so we will directly communicate with any customers continuing to submit API GET requests with a body.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to improve our platform.

Update: We originally advised this change would occur on August 14th, we have delayed this change to September 18th.



GraphQL Rate Limits

Buildkite has introduced new rate limits for the GraphQL API.

This update will improve performance, enhance security, and ensure fair usage across the Buildkite platform.

Please read the documentation to learn more about the GraphQL rate limits, specifically how to check your current usage:



GraphQL Build Retention Objects Deprecation

On 13 July 2023, there will be some deprecations in the GraphQL API. The following objects from the pipeline will be deprecated: buildRetentionEnabled, buildRetentionNumber, and buildRetentionPeriod.

To get more information about the pipeline schema and its changes, please refer to the documentation.



Agent Tokens Removed from Buildkite UI after Creation

Effective from 24 July 2023, agent tokens in the Buildkite UI will undergo a significant modification. They will now behave similarly to API tokens, meaning that after creation, they will no longer be visible in the UI.

To ensure you have access to the complete token, it is crucial to save it immediately upon creation. This change aims to enhance the security of agent tokens within the Buildkite platform.

Please make a note of this update and adjust your workflows accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our support team ( for assistance.
