PublicThe source files for the Buildkite documentation
Fix heading in line with style guide and to please linter, as well as add word 'endpoint' for consistency across REST API docs.
Passed in 3m 27s
🕷️ muffetwhile ! wget --spider -Sq http://app:3000/docs/agent/v3/hooks; && do echo 💎🛤️🦥 Rails is still starting; && sleep 0.5; && done && echo 💎🛤️🚆 Rails has started running && /muffet http://app:3000/docs \ && --include="/docs/" \ && --exclude="https://github.com/buildkite/docs/" \ && --exclude="buildkite.com/docs" \ && --max-connections=10 \ && --color=always
Waited 5s
Ran in 2m 5s
Validate YAMLnpm run -y validate-agent-attributes-yaml && npm run -y validate-environment-variables-yaml
Waited 6s
Ran in 27s
Total Job Run Time: 8m 45s