PublicThe source files for the Buildkite documentation
Add a section on using AWS KMS keys with signed pipelines
Failed in 2m 38s
๐ท๏ธ muffetwhile ! wget --spider -Sq http://app:3000/docs/agent/v3/hooks; && do echo ๐๐ค๏ธ๐ฆฅ Rails is still starting; && sleep 0.5; && done && echo ๐๐ค๏ธ๐ Rails has started running && /muffet http://app:3000/docs \ && --include="/docs/" \ && --exclude="https://github.com/buildkite/docs/" \ && --exclude="buildkite.com/docs" \ && --max-connections=10 \ && --color=always
Waited 7s
Ran in 2m 18s
Total Job Run Time: 6m 50s