ape@1.0.0-beta.17 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Run end-to-end Tests
aspect_rules_js@2.1.3 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Run test module
aspect_rules_lint@1.0.9 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Run test module
bazel_features@1.24.0 - Windows - Run test module
boost.assert@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
boost.assert@1.83.0.bcr.1 - macOS - Verify build targets
boost.assert@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.bind@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.concept_check@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.concept_check@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Windows - Verify build targets
boost.core@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
boost.detail@1.83.0.bcr.3 - macOS arm64 - Verify build targets
boost.detail@1.83.0.bcr.3 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Run test module
boost.detail@1.83.0.bcr.3 - Windows - Run test module
boost.integer@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
boost.integer@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.io@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
boost.io@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.iterator@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Debian 11 Bullseye (OpenJDK 17, gcc 10.2.1) - Verify build targets
boost.iterator@1.83.0.bcr.1 - macOS arm64 - Verify build targets
boost.iterator@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.move@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
boost.move@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Debian 11 Bullseye (OpenJDK 17, gcc 10.2.1) - Verify build targets
boost.move@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.move@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.move@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Windows - Verify build targets
boost.mp11@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.preprocessor@1.83.0.bcr.1 - macOS arm64 - Verify build targets
boost.range@1.83.0.bcr.1 - macOS - Verify build targets
boost.range@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.smart_ptr@1.83.0.bcr.1 - macOS - Verify build targets
boost.smart_ptr@1.83.0.bcr.1 - macOS arm64 - Verify build targets
boost.throw_exception@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
boost.tuple@1.83.0.bcr.1 - macOS arm64 - Verify build targets
boost.tuple@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Windows - Verify build targets
boost.type_traits@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.typeof@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Verify build targets
boost.utility@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Debian 11 Bullseye (OpenJDK 17, gcc 10.2.1) - Verify build targets
boost.winapi@1.83.0.bcr.1 - macOS - Verify build targets
boost.winapi@1.83.0.bcr.1 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Verify build targets
buildifier_prebuilt@8.0.1 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Run test module
cgrindel_bazel_starlib@0.23.0 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Run test module
cmake_configure_file@0.1.1 - macOS - Verify build targets
download_utils@1.0.0-beta.5 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Run end-to-end Tests
google_benchmark@1.9.1 - macOS arm64 - Verify build targets
google_benchmark@1.9.1 - Windows - Verify build targets
googletest@1.15.2 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
jsoncpp@1.9.6 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
libpfm@4.11.0 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
lz4@1.9.4 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
nanobind_bazel@2.4.0 - macOS arm64 - Verify build targets on Unix
pybind11_bazel@2.13.6 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
pybind11_bazel@2.13.6 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
rabbitmq_seshat@0.6.1 - macOS -
rules_android@0.6.0 - Windows - Verify build targets with bzlmod
rules_coreutils@1.0.0-beta.8 - CentOS 7 (OpenJDK 11, gcc 10.2.1) - Run end-to-end Tests
rules_diff@1.0.0-beta.6 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Run end-to-end Tests
rules_diff@1.0.0-beta.6 - Windows - Run end-to-end Tests
rules_foreign_cc@0.13.0 - Windows - Verify build targets
rules_go@0.52.0 - Windows - Verify build targets
rules_go@0.52.0 - macOS - Run test module
rules_java@8.7.2 - macOS - Verify build targets
rules_jvm_external@6.6 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
rules_jvm_external@6.6 - macOS - Verify build targets
rules_kotlin@2.1.0 - macOS - Verify build targets
rules_m4@0.2.4 - CentOS 7 - Verify build targets
rules_multirun@0.10.0 - macOS - Verify build targets
rules_multirun@0.10.0 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Verify build targets
rules_pkg@1.0.1 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Verify build targets
rules_proto@7.1.0 - macOS - Verify build targets
rules_python_gazelle_plugin@1.1.0 - Windows - Run test module
toolchain_utils@1.0.0-beta.18 - CentOS 7 (OpenJDK 11, gcc 10.2.1) - Run end-to-end Tests
toolchain_utils@1.0.0-beta.18 - Fedora 39 (OpenJDK 17, gcc 13.1.1) - Run end-to-end Tests
toolchain_utils@1.0.0-beta.18 - macOS - Run end-to-end Tests
toolchain_utils@1.0.0-beta.18 - macOS arm64 - Run end-to-end Tests
toolchains_protoc@0.3.6 - macOS - Run test module
toolchains_protoc@0.3.6 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Run test module
zlib@1.3.1.bcr.4 - macOS - Verify build targets
zstd@1.5.6 - Debian 10 Buster (OpenJDK 11, gcc 8.3.0) - Run tests
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