Use bazelisk --migrate to test incompatible flags with downstream projects@last_green_commit

Android Studio Plugin (Android Studio Internal Beta on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Android Studio Plugin (Android Studio OSS Latest Stable on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Android Studio Plugin (Android Studio OSS Under Development on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Bazel (:ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)
Bazel (:mac: macOS arm64) (shard %n)
Bazel Bench (:mac: macOS)
Bazel Examples (android (Android NDK) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Bazel Examples (configurations (configs_windows_lts) on :windows: Windows)
Bazel Examples (tutorials (Java Tutorial) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Bazel Examples (tutorials (Query Quickstart) on :mac: macOS)
Bazel Examples (bzlmod (Depend on Bazel module) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Bazel Examples (bzlmod (Specify dev dependency) on :mac: macOS)
Bazel Remote Cache (:ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Bazel skylib (Latest Bazel on :windows: Windows)
:pipeline: Print information about skipped tasks
Bazelisk (:mac: macOS)
Buildfarm (Rpm Builds on :centos: CentOS 7 (OpenJDK 11, gcc 10.2.1))
Buildfarm (Integration Test (Full Config) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
Buildtools (:ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
Setup CLion Plugin Google
CLion Plugin Google (CLion Internal Stable on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Gerrit (:mac: macOS)
Gerrit (RBE :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)
IntelliJ Plugin Google (IntelliJ CE OSS Under Development on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
IntelliJ UE Plugin (IntelliJ UE OSS Under Development on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Setup IntelliJ Plugin Aspect Google
Protobuf (:ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
Stardoc (Build and test - legacy WORKSPACE setup on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
Setup re2
re2 (:ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
rules_android (Rules Bzlmod on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
rules_android (Windows Basicapp on :windows: Windows)
rules_android_ndk (Basic Example on :windows: Windows)
rules_closure (:ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
rules_dotnet (Build and test on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
rules_dotnet (Build and test on :windows: Windows arm64)
rules_dotnet (e2e/net6.0 on :mac: macOS arm64)
rules_dotnet (e2e/net8.0 on :mac: macOS)
rules_foreign_cc (:windows: Windows)
rules_foreign_cc (Flags on :windows: Windows)
rules_foreign_cc (Detect root on RBE :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
rules_go (:mac: macOS arm64)
rules_go (:windows: Windows)
rules_go (Examples test on Ubuntu on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
rules_go (BCR test module on :mac: macOS)
rules_jvm_external (:ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)
Setup rules_jvm_external - examples
rules_jvm_external - examples (Android Robolectric test example on :windows: Windows)
rules_jvm_external - examples (Android Kotlin example on :mac: macOS)
rules_jvm_external - examples (Spring boot example on :windows: Windows)
rules_jvm_external - examples (Protobuf Java example on :mac: macOS)
rules_jvm_external - examples (bzlmod example on :mac: macOS)
rules_kotlin (Example - Trivial Bzlmod (Ubuntu 18.04) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
rules_kotlin (Stardoc api documentation on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
rules_nodejs (windows-smoke on :windows: Windows)
rules_platform (:ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
rules_python (examples/bzlmod: Windows on :windows: Windows)
rules_python (examples/multi_python_versions: Ubuntu, workspace on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
rules_python (examples/pip_parse: MacOS on :mac: macOS)
rules_python (examples/pip_parse: Windows on :windows: Windows)
rules_python (examples/pip_repository_annotations: Debian, workspace on :debian: Debian 11 Bullseye (OpenJDK 17, gcc 10.2.1))
rules_python (compile_pip_requirements: MacOS on :mac: macOS)
rules_python (ignore_root_user_error: Windows, workspace on :windows: Windows)
:pipeline: Print information about skipped tasks
rules_swift (Current LTS with Head Deps on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
rules_testing (Docs generation on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
rules_testing (:mac: macOS)
rules_webtesting (:ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0))
rules_webtesting (:windows: Windows)
Aggregate incompatible flags test result