Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS macOS gazelle & bazel mod tidy on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS go fmt on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS go vet on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS go test --race on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS end-to-end test - pure go zstd on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS end-to-end test - cgo zstd on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS TLS tests on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS basic auth tests on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS LDAP tests on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS migration tests on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Press enter or space to select a node.You can then use the arrow keys to move the node around. Press delete to remove it and escape to cancel.
Press enter or space to select an edge. You can then press delete to remove it or escape to cancel.