Expose a utility method in `RunfilesSupport` for deriving the `.runfiles` directory name from the associated executable. This makes it easier to obtain the correct runfiles directory name in tricky cases when the executable name differs from its owning target.

Failed in 1h 11m
Print Test Summary for Shards

:darwin: macOS Failures

  • //src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/server:ServerTests TIMEOUT in 3 out of 3 run(s) over 900.5s (300.2s + 300.2s + 300.1s): log
:mac: macOS (shard 0)curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bazelbuild/continuous-integration/master/buildkite/bazelci.py?1719846483 -o bazelci.py && python3 bazelci.py runner --task=macos_v2 --http_config=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fweikert/bazel/macos_v2/.bazelci/postsubmit.yml
Waited 5s
Ran in 38m 12s
Total Job Run Time: 13h 54m