Take the first spawn result instead of the last

Failed in 1h 22m
Print Test Summary for Shards

:darwin: macOS Failures

  • //src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/server:ServerTests TIMEOUT in 3 out of 3 run(s) over 900.5s (300.2s + 300.2s + 300.1s): log
:mac: macOS arm64 (shard 2)curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bazelbuild/continuous-integration/master/buildkite/bazelci.py?1719419482 -o bazelci.py && python3 bazelci.py runner --task=macos_arm64_v2 --http_config=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fweikert/bazel/macos_v2/.bazelci/postsubmit.yml
Waited 8s
Ran in 48m 4s
Total Job Run Time: 14h 57m