chore(deps): update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.10.1

Failed in 3m 57s
android (Android Firebase Cloud Messaging) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
android (Android Firebase Cloud Messaging) on :mac: macOS
android (Android NDK) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
android (Android NDK) on :mac: macOS arm64
android (Android Jetpack Compose) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
android (Android Jetpack Compose) on :mac: macOS
android (Android Jetpack Compose) on :windows: Windows
android (Android Robolectric Testing) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
android (Android Robolectric Testing) on :mac: macOS
bzlmod (Depend on Bazel module) on :mac: macOS
bzlmod (Depend on Bazel module) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
bzlmod (Depend on Bazel module) on :windows: Windows
bzlmod (Override Bazel module) on :mac: macOS
bzlmod (Override Bazel module) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
bzlmod (Override Bazel module) on :windows: Windows
bzlmod (Introduce dependencies with module extension) on :mac: macOS
bzlmod (Introduce dependencies with module extension) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
bzlmod (Introduce dependencies with module extension) on :windows: Windows
bzlmod (Local config and register toolchains) on :mac: macOS
bzlmod (Local config and register toolchains) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
bzlmod (Local config and register toolchains) on :windows: Windows
bzlmod (Integrate third party package manager) on :mac: macOS
bzlmod (Integrate third party package manager) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
bzlmod (Integrate third party package manager) on :windows: Windows
bzlmod (Specify dev dependency) on :mac: macOS
bzlmod (Specify dev dependency) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
bzlmod (Specify dev dependency) on :windows: Windows
configurations (configs_linux_lts) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
configurations (configs_linux_latest) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
configurations (configs_macos_lts) on :mac: macOS
configurations (configs_macos_latest) on :mac: macOS
configurations (configs_windows_lts) on :windows: Windows
configurations (configs_windows_latest) on :windows: Windows
frontend (basics_linux_lts) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
frontend (basics_linux_latest) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
frontend (basics_macos_lts) on :mac: macOS
frontend (basics_macos_latest) on :mac: macOS
misc (Maven Java App) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
misc (Maven Java App) on :mac: macOS
misc (Maven Java App) on :windows: Windows
misc (Example with third party dependencies) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
misc (Example with third party dependencies) on :mac: macOS
misc (Example with third party dependencies) on :windows: Windows
rules (basics_linux_lts) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
rules (basics_linux_latest) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
rules (basics_macos_lts) on :mac: macOS arm64
rules (basics_macos_latest) on :mac: macOS arm64
rules (basics_windows_lts) on :windows: Windows
rules (basics_windows_latest) on :windows: Windows
tutorial-cpp (C++ Stage 1) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
tutorial-cpp (C++ Stage 1) on :mac: macOS
tutorial-cpp (C++ Stage 1) on :windows: Windows
tutorial-cpp (C++ Stage 2) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
tutorial-cpp (C++ Stage 2) on :mac: macOS
tutorial-cpp (C++ Stage 2) on :windows: Windows
tutorial-cpp (C++ Stage 3) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
tutorial-cpp (C++ Stage 3) on :mac: macOS
tutorial-cpp (C++ Stage 3) on :windows: Windows
tutorial-java (Java Tutorial) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)
tutorial-java (Java Tutorial) on :mac: macOS
tutorial-java (Java Tutorial) on :windows: Windows
tutorial-java (Query Quickstart) on :mac: macOS
tutorial-rust (Rust Hello World) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
tutorial-rust (Rust Cross Compilation) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
tutorial-rust (Rust Cross Compilation) on :mac: macOS arm64
tutorial-rust (Rust Compiler Optimization) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
tutorial-rust (Rust FFI) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
tutorial-rust (Rust Cargo Deps) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
tutorial-rust (Rust Direct Deps) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
tutorial-rust (Rust Vendored Deps) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
tutorial-rust (Rust grpc) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
tutorial-rust (Rust grpc) on :mac: macOS arm64
tutorial-rust (Rust OCI) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
android (Android Jetpack Compose) on :ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (OpenJDK 11, gcc 7.5.0)curl -sS -o && python3.6 runner --task=android_android-jetpack-compose-linux --file_config=.bazelci/presubmit.yml
Waited 9s
Ran in 1m 2s
android (Android Jetpack Compose) on :mac: macOScurl -sS -o && python3 runner --task=android_android-jetpack-compose-macos --file_config=.bazelci/presubmit.yml
Waited 3s
Ran in 1m 20s
android (Android Jetpack Compose) on :mac: macOScurl -sS -o && python3 runner --task=android_android-jetpack-compose-macos --file_config=.bazelci/presubmit.yml
Waited 7s
Ran in 1m 12s
android (Android Jetpack Compose) on :windows: Windowscurl -sS -o && python.exe runner --task=android_android-jetpack-compose-windows --file_config=.bazelci/presubmit.yml
Waited 6s
Ran in 1m 7s
Total Job Run Time: 1h 1m